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redditsux4me t1_iy5byuf wrote

Best way is to tap it into a small lithium backup battery, and a circuit to prevent battery drain. Blackvue offers these but it's cheaper to cobble your own. I do prefer these taps where appropriate, though. Makes wiring much easier.


popsicle_of_meat t1_iy5cqbh wrote

But then I have to find a place for the battery. I always read that keeping lithium batteries stored in a car (with drastic temperature swings--up to 160F in some cases) was bad for batteries?


redditsux4me t1_iy5f1e9 wrote

Bad for all batteries, yes. New modern cells are much better at higher temps. The real problems occur at extreme low temps, where they won't charge or they get severely damaged by charging.


Throwaway56138 t1_iy5sxhv wrote

Or just run the wires a little longer like in OP. You're way overcomplicating this.


redditsux4me t1_iy5up5s wrote

How do you figure I'm over complicating this? I offered my input as someone who owned and operated three separate car stereo and accessories installation companies.


Arcal t1_iy8s5f6 wrote

This is why some dashcams now come with super capacitors vs lithium cells. No degradation of performance over time/temp and they charge near instantaneously.


on_the_nightshift t1_iy6agey wrote

Late model Subarus have a circuit that drains the battery from the factory!


titosrevenge t1_iy6vu1u wrote

> Based on the settlement agreement, each of the 13 named plaintiffs will receive $4,000, and the attorneys who represented those owners will receive more than $4 million.



farmdve t1_iy8o40f wrote

I would avoid lithium ion batteries in hot climates and in general.


redditsux4me t1_iy9jz8u wrote

Yeah, that technology that is literally embedded in every computer, every phone, so many boats/RVs, and homes, is just unproven and scary. Best to just avoid all those things.


farmdve t1_iy9rlz0 wrote

Cars in the heat outside will generally reach 60c inside the cabin. A lithium ion battery hidden behind the dash may stay at those temps even after you've turned on the AC due to the restricted airflow.

In negative temperatures there are also anomalies and most cars need a few minutes to heat up.