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sarnold95 t1_j145ljy wrote

This is so well done. Great job! How much experience do you have building? I built a shed by myself for my goats and it was pretty rough looking compared to this, but I obviously was just throwing it up for my goats to get out of the weather. Iā€™m assuming you either have an engineering background or construction background.

For the interim you can grab a solar light for the inside. Like $30 on Amazon.


JohnVerSteeg OP t1_j14bog6 wrote

Thank you! I have a mechanical engineering background, but no construction experience. Anything that looks like it was a good idea either came from watching youtube videos, or was a suggestion from my father (who is a retired teacher but was/is an unpaid volunteer handyman on nights and weekends).

The solar light is a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!


sarnold95 t1_j14c4sd wrote

I could tell as soon as I saw the spreadsheet breakdown and solid works rendering that you had to have a ME background haha. Great work!


EMCoupling t1_j156qug wrote

The small machinist rule was also a good indicator šŸ˜‰