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Aqueousfun OP t1_j2dzpv3 wrote

After a flush the tank fills as per normal, shuts off and then won’t activate again unless flushed. It’s as if somehow the water is being circulated from inside the bowl through the rim jets continuously. It’s most assuredly not water from the tank moving down by gravity as it’s dyed blue and the water in the bowl and trickling down the side of the bowl is Crystal clear.


usedTP t1_j2e0maq wrote

It could be condensation from a temperature differential. As long as the fill valve doesn't actuate, it's not costing you any money. Unless it bothers you that the inside of your toilet bowl is wet. Then you should see someone about your OCD.


Aqueousfun OP t1_j2e14tq wrote

Haha definitely OCD. I never hear the full valve kick on, so I guess I will just have to live it it.


usedTP t1_j2e1p18 wrote

Congratulations on realizing that you have the same problem that I do. Drywall repairs drive me crazy.


amboogalard t1_j2eneco wrote

I am drywalling the entire downstairs right now and fixing cracks in the plaster all over the upstairs (2200sqft house). Please send an exorcist, at this rate I’ll be done in 2024.


usedTP t1_j2eoaai wrote

I hired a guy by the hour to do my drywall finishing and then I hung out and "helped" him. I learned that I had used my mud while it was too thick, I could add a little dish soap to the mud and it goes on smoother, and the neatest thing I saw was on the last round of mudding and it's just spots, add a little chalk line dust to make it a little more noticeable for final sanding.