[deleted] t1_izsm23r wrote
Reply to comment by SolidPoint in Used drywall compound instead of tile adhesive. How screwed am I ? by xdr567
SupaflyIRL t1_izswgkp wrote
“With adhesive”
Because drywall mud is non fucking adhesive.
[deleted] t1_izsxupn wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izsy342 wrote
Lmao did you just google drywall compound and adhesive and link one that promotes “good adhesion”?
Do you fucking think that means it’s an adhesive?
Linked without comment too because you’re not even sure of the point you’re trying to make with the link.
Holy shit lmao, people on Reddit will try ANYTHING to be right about something they’d never heard of before googling it.
Never build anything.
[deleted] t1_izsyhoe wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izsyn1m wrote
I honestly don’t give a fuck what you’re trying to do here.
You’re trying to convince yourself that the objectively wrong thing you said is correct. In front of people telling you that you are full of shit.
Just shut the fuck up and go away.
[deleted] t1_izsyr3t wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izsytc3 wrote
No thanks I’ll keep collecting upvotes for shitting on you.
[deleted] t1_izsyz7d wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izsz5bt wrote
It’s absolutely not fucking like glue lmao.
[deleted] t1_izszcmp wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izszfk8 wrote
Lotta shit tradesmen out there.
[deleted] t1_izszhpx wrote
I think you are confusing adhesion and adhesives. Taping compounds do not have any form of adhesive added. They are just a bit different mixture, but no adhesive.
The different mixture causes better wetting/adhesion to paper tape. But the improved adhesion is not due to adhesive compounds being specially added. Otherwise it would be roughly impossible to sand.
Check the MSDS:
The main difference is in limestone amounts.
kneefglarp1928 t1_izt0ldk wrote
bro 1. that has no adhesive of any kind in it.
2 its called "mud" because in reality ready mix joint compound is literally a fine white mud. it is a mixture of water and particles that can harden by drying but can be softened again by water. aka literally white mud.
xaclewtunu t1_izsy8i0 wrote
Should hold tiles in a wet environment just fine. /s
[deleted] t1_izsyjqn wrote
SupaflyIRL t1_izsz3a7 wrote
If something is an adhesive then it fucking works as an adhesive. Drywall compound is not and does not work as an adhesive.
Stop posting.
[deleted] t1_izsz6eb wrote
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