vatechtigger t1_j4un65g wrote
Look up “pocket screw”, you would do this on the backside.
Depending on how much this thing might move you could also get just a flat bracket that bridges one piece to the other. Not sure how you would use a 90 degree bracket on two pieces connected in same plane
r0ndy t1_j4uolrk wrote
Nails, screws, small flat brackets for smaller pieces of wood
Bui1ding OP t1_j4us79r wrote
Wouldn't it just split the wood?
Bui1ding OP t1_j4us9e5 wrote
I figured nails would split the wood? And I would need some very long screws for screws. I didn't consider a flat bracket oddly enough, that might not be such a bad idea!
tripler142 t1_j4usb7g wrote
Lol, nails and 2x4s are like spaghetti and meatballs
r0ndy t1_j4usjqo wrote
With nails depends on the size of the nail and the type of wood, the size of the piece of wood for whether it splits usually.
If you use screws, pre drill the holes again to reduce chance of splitting.
I am not a woodworker, this is just my experience with this
Bui1ding OP t1_j4usngm wrote
I did come across these when searching but I'm really trying for the cheapest and most simple options at the moment and I would have to buy some sort of pocket screw rig to make it work. It's just the head of the bed but it will had pressure on it (from pillows and sleeping up right sometimes for asthma). Someone else suggested that too which I didn't consider, if I mount it on the backsides that's where the pressure will be going so it might make sense. I drew a diagram for how I planed to use the bracket here.
Bui1ding OP t1_j4usur9 wrote
But it's going into the side of it and it's also then going into a smaller cubed piece of wood.
tripler142 t1_j4usxbm wrote
Ok screws then. And pre drill the holes. Counter sink for nice finish
Bui1ding OP t1_j4uszuk wrote
Yeah, I think going across the wood with the nails I have, plus into the smaller cube pieces would probably not be ideal for them, but I don't know. Yeah I just have to weigh up the costs and effort of doing that + buying the long screws vs buying some brackets and using screws I already have.
r0ndy t1_j4utf5q wrote
Yeah, I don't have much better suggestions. Maybe wood glue with smaller nails? I wish you luck and hope you get more answers
Bui1ding OP t1_j4utjn3 wrote
thanks! I've got lots of options just choosing the best one
ParaDescartar123 t1_j4uv3jl wrote
The simplest way is a butt joint where you butt one end piece to the flat side of another piece of wood.
You should prep each piece by roughing it up with some sanding and adding ample wood glue, then secure with nails or screws.
It’s not the prettiest or most structurally sound, but it’s the simplest.
Bui1ding OP t1_j4uw3g7 wrote
If I can skip the prep and glue then I can do one long screw. I found some 150mm ones I could buy, otherwise I found some cheap small brackets too. So I'm leaning most towards that or a single bracket on the back. They don't have to hold 100kgs. But I don't want them to come off if there's weight leaning back on them.
yudkib t1_j4v0l63 wrote
Ask 10 people, get 10 answers. If you are not fastening the two pieces directly to one another (glue, pocket jig, etc) there is always a chance they could move a little. Your brackets are fine from a structural standpoint, they might wiggle a little bit when they’re leaned on. I would personally attach across the back as well.
HairyCallahan t1_j4vj115 wrote
The simplest and cheapest ways are to just use long screws in pre drilled holes. But without any support,it won't have a long life,I'm afraid.
You might be able to make it like this?
Few_Ad_5677 t1_j4vnuf1 wrote
Use the miter saw to cut dados if your saw can do it
Either-Ant-4653 t1_j4vvafu wrote
If you can get them in your area, these are cheap and easy. It's best if you use the screws which are made for them.
Simpson Strong-Tie 2 in. x 1-1/2 in. x 2-3/4 in. ZMAX Galvanized Angle https://www.homedepot.com/p/Simpson-Strong-Tie-2-in-x-1-1-2-in-x-2-3-4-in-ZMAX-Galvanized-Angle-A23Z/100375310 SKU# 100375310
OccasionallyImmortal t1_j4wezg3 wrote
Those will work. If you want to hide the screw ends, you can countersink the screw and insert a dowel over it. There are also lots of decorative caps available that could be nailed and/or glued on top. I'm going to use these for an upcoming project. You could also veneer the entire face.
Bui1ding OP t1_j4wu42z wrote
We've already made the bed, just got stuck at this part. We'll probably go with that option for now.
Bui1ding OP t1_j4wu5qt wrote
Don't have a miter saw unfortunately. We're somewhat limited with what tools we have.
Few_Ad_5677 t1_j4wuodh wrote
Then you are pretty much limited to screws which are fine. Look up how they make houses and make a little version of that. The bed is the roof
Bui1ding OP t1_j4wuqcw wrote
Link doesn't work for me but I googled it and I think I know what you're talking about, this was the other option to drilling and screwing. Something like this here
Bui1ding OP t1_j4wuvcx wrote
Movement is fine, so long as it doesn't come apart. We're definitely not going for perfect, or even good looking, we just need functional.
ParaDescartar123 t1_j4x4uw1 wrote
One long screw if a recipe for tilt and spin.
Use at least two fasteners to secure a butt joint.
[deleted] t1_j4xfvaf wrote
Either-Ant-4653 t1_j4xhuby wrote
Yes, that'll work. You'll need 2 of those at each joint.
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tripler142 t1_j4umtz6 wrote