bms42 t1_j5b4lq5 wrote
Without knowing more about the wall it's impossible to say. "Sandy stone" isn't really a good description. Is it mortared stone blocks? Is it wood framed with stone facade? interior or exterior wall?
Toitonic OP t1_j5b6zp3 wrote
Interior load-bearing wall, not wood framed as far is I know. It's not my house and there is a wallpaper on it so I can't really get a good look on it other then through the holes I drilled. The dust coming from it is red in color (kinda like rust). I can scrape off part of the surface easily with a metal tool so it's pretty soft. The house was build on the 1950s in Germany if that helps.
Edit: just googled wood framed facade and I am pretty sure it's not. The holes are about 10-15 cm deep and even at the end of the hole there is still stone. So it's probably mortared bricks
bms42 t1_j5b7x3l wrote
Probably a brick wall then. You'll want some kind of expanding metal anchor to insert into holes you drill. Don't try to use the existing holes, don't drill new holes within 6 inches of the old holes.
Toitonic OP t1_j5b9eqg wrote
I don't really have another place to put it so would you say component mortar would be suitable? I just googled a bit more and it's definitely brick.
bms42 t1_j5bahot wrote
Personally I wouldn't trust it. You've compromised the bricks in those locations already. Brick is very brittle, it's difficult to mount to properly.
Toitonic OP t1_j5bbnr6 wrote
Alright thanks a lot for the advice. I will try the mortar cause I have no other choice unfortunately but I will take care when doing the pull-ups. And when I deal with brick walls again I know what to do from the start.
bms42 t1_j5bharo wrote
I'd be tempted to drill the existing holes out a little larger and epoxy large wood dowels into the voids, then predrill and lag bolt into those. Like 3/4" dowels.
Toitonic OP t1_j5bmolf wrote
Definitely an interesting idea. But wouldn't the epoxy Drip out of the hole cause it's liquid? Or would you seal the hole with tape while hardening the epoxy? I will also drill the holes bigger in the back either way (mortar or epoxy) to make the sealant itself like a dewel.
bms42 t1_j5bnnda wrote
The hole would mostly be full of dowel. Tape the opening during curing.
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