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johnjohn4011 t1_j8pqq6l wrote

Tighten the screws until you hear them start to squeak a little bit. Otherwise, remove the door clean all the gasket, glass, and hinge surfaces thoroughly with isopropyl, then re install door. (Career glass/shower guy)


JonJackjon t1_j8pr42p wrote

Is the clamp loosening or is there a resilient pad between the clamp and the glass shrinking?

In any case I would call the mfg and see if I could get a replacement.


fugsco t1_j8pw53j wrote

I have had this exact issue as well and found this little tool to be crazy useful.



iambluest t1_j8q184l wrote

Why is there a bathtub faucet in the shower, so low to the floor?


CaptainDadBod t1_j8q5tw0 wrote

Are you positive that the hinges are screwed into a stud? Asking because I had the same issue, but it was because the top pivot hinge was attached to drywall using a heavy-duty toggle bolt, and the weight of the 1/2”-thick glass door was slowly pulling the drywall out of square. I fixed it by having a shower glass company come remove the door, then I cut the wall open and installed a stud right where the hinge went. Then had the shower glass guys come back to reinstall it. This was 6 years ago, door’s been nice & straight since then.


SeeWhyyy1 t1_j8q8b2x wrote

Glazier here, Adjust the door to your desired height/position and then “block the hinge” ask your local glass company for more info they should know this. This is the best video I could find about this on YouTube that describes what I mean:


Pravus_Belua t1_j8qb226 wrote

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