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raptorrat t1_j0u6u6w wrote

My wife has scoliosis, and an interrest in the Middle ages.

It's right up her alley.


who519 t1_j0v3m74 wrote

My son and I loved this doc! Richard III is a fascinating character. No one is really sure whether he was a monster who killed his own nephews or the heroic final King of England's greatest dynasty and victim of a masterful Tudor propaganda campaign. Either way the man went out like a boss, the final king of England to die in battle shouting..."I will die as King of England, I will not budge a foot!"

The doc itself is so cool because they were able to find a modern Richard Analog and create an authentic suit of armor for him to train in. Really cool stuff.


antikythera3301 t1_j0v6iry wrote

Currently on a train from London to Leicester and this documentary is the perfect accompaniment to my trip.


snarefire t1_j0vet4i wrote

Dr.Capwells talk about this project is far better, with a lot less manufactured drama and alot more detail.


2theface t1_j0vexfw wrote

How about this, you don’t have to have peak physical condition of all beefed up modern athletic standards? You just have to have better diet/food training/armour than your contemporaries…?


Crimmeny t1_j0vfedr wrote

The Channel 4 documentary on the dig that found him is great. The trailer for the film turned me off of watching it because Phillipa's portrayal was very much at odds with what I'd already seen.


BMW_wulfi t1_j0vr1cz wrote

Loved this documentary.

The (real) tension in this between the emotional and scientific was fantastic. It is at times a little cringey, but also sometimes funny but that’s real people for you.

What no one can deny is that for all involved, what was accomplished and discovered is absolutely astounding and something we may never witness the likes of again.


scoby-dew t1_j0w0wdp wrote

Since armor and the associated garments were almost all custom-made, I've often wondered how many medieval armorers and tailors were actually creating orthopedic devices through trial and error.


Mccobsta t1_j0wenp8 wrote

Great doc just why the the guy doing commentary have to have that action movie with big epic music behind


nzdennis t1_j0wh73w wrote

Guys with deformities sometimes feel they have to prove themselves to others by being uber aggressive... until they get struck down. Ego is a sad thing and most rulers have huge egos usually ... eg. Trump


Dirty-girl t1_j0wkqu2 wrote

secrets of the dead in general is so well done.
Love the show


GoldfishMotorcycle t1_j0wsk2b wrote

Does it matter if I haven’t seen the first two Resurrecting Richards?


inknot t1_j0xgysd wrote

Phillipa Langley is like a Snape Wife but with Richard


Chris_in_Lijiang OP t1_j0xjlwb wrote

I want to know if he got to keep the armour for his own re-enactment activities.