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MustFixWhatIsBroken t1_j2vh39i wrote

It's a lot easier to move in dangerous countries if you aren't from a nation famous for pillaging it. Americans and Europeans don't fare well in non-westernised African nations because historically, they've been massive assholes who deserve everything they get.


latenitelover t1_j2vkglh wrote

What complete nonsense. Just don’t be a racist gronk and you can move around just fine.


wamosknecht t1_j2vnaau wrote

Ye sure snowflake, go on.


latenitelover t1_j2vnmkv wrote

I hear your country has a lot of great organisations for people like you. Why not get out and socialise.


wamosknecht t1_j2wfo2t wrote

just be real .. i dont care about skin color or where ppl are from..

i hate ppl equally.

Be black and try to move as a non racist through russia, have fun.

reddit snowflake indeed.


latenitelover t1_j2wker7 wrote

Lol bro who hurt you?

You seriously letting me say don’t be a racist ruin your day. Damn dude your life sucks.


wamosknecht t1_j2wnoos wrote

You conclude out of my internet comments that my life sucks?


you should go and make money with your talent.
