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ditzy091313 t1_j3z3vam wrote

This was a good documentary... covered everything


End-OfAn-Era t1_j3zg9fd wrote

Even the guy who was going to suck dick for water?


NoFeetSmell t1_j3zpfmk wrote

That guy should be considered a goddamn legend imho. He was willing to choke down a hot load so that people wouldn't suffer from dehydration or worse. That dude was beyond willing to help throw a party/avert a total disaster, and he's alright in my book, no doubt. I really hope he landed on his feet after the shitshow that Fyre turned out to be.


Nyghtshayde t1_j400ggs wrote

Job interview "So tell me about a time you went above and beyond to provide good customer service.." That dude: "Well this one time I was helping run a music festival, and..."


NoFeetSmell t1_j402jj3 wrote

Lol, that's amazing. I can just imagine him getting that question and starting his reply with, or at least thinking, "well you obviously haven't seen the Frye festival documentary, and that's a good thing". Seriously though, he wasn't the hero they deserved, but the hero they needed.


openwheelr t1_j41hfhz wrote

As I recall he had deep experience organizing events of this type. He knew it was going to implode but chose to stay on and do what he could to avert a worse disaster.


NoFeetSmell t1_j42nqvq wrote

Exactly. Guy's a fucking hero. I know it's kind of a funny story, but that's a pretty goddamn selfless offer, especially to help out a bunch of strangers.


ceruleanmoon7 t1_j41s9jp wrote

Love him. I was going to just post a picture of him but the sub doesn’t allow pics 😤