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ArtSchnurple t1_j3zj211 wrote

This festival has everything. FEMA tents... lettuce... JA RULE...


loquacious706 t1_j40pu9p wrote

This festival has everything. Gourmet styrofoam, urine mattresses, Hannibal Bacon.

What's Hannibal Bacon?

It's like that thing where pigs on an island develop a taste for human flesh.


OriginalPaperSock t1_j40dm1j wrote

It's this thing where a bunch of influencers all jam themselves into a tent, cover themselves in mayo and chant the lyrics to the entire imagine dragons catalogue.


Vertigofrost t1_j40rj6g wrote

That actually doesn't sound half bad compared to the actual Fyre festival


360walkaway t1_j41lo2z wrote

Didn't they also highly encourage one of the managers (who was gay) to try and seduce one of the promotion people (who was a guy but not gay) so they can could something done?


Richard_Sauce t1_j43w2gd wrote

One of my favorite parts of this documentary...or maybe it was the Hulu one, is that guy telling the story and he went from disbelief to "Ok, guess I'll take one for the team" before lucking out and not having to suck a dick for Fyrefest.

It's a crazy story, and really speaks to how hard many of the organizers were trying to save this disaster.


Thedapperpappy t1_j49z4qu wrote

Stefan, can you tell me about this winter's hottest nightclub?