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Hakairoku t1_j40aof4 wrote

This is the the type of shit Defunctland was railing about.

Just because IH does it in a comedic manner doesn't mean it was inaccurate. Both his video and his BTS video for Fyre Fest is literally better than OP's.


jubmille2000 t1_j40xw77 wrote

Agree with you but didn't know Defunctland did that. What video was it?


Hakairoku t1_j40y302 wrote

The Disney Channel theme one.


jubmille2000 t1_j40ydp3 wrote

oh they did another disney topic? the FastPass one was great.


ThatOneGuyHOTS t1_j41cfhu wrote

Eh I’ve seen his videos and they are pretty meh quality. He makes up a ton of stuff for comedic affect.

>his videos are literally better

I’d love to see how that’s measured lol


Hakairoku t1_j41dqer wrote

>He makes up a ton of stuff for comedic affect.

The most he does is embellish details, but he never makes stuff up and when he does, he follows it up by clarifying it's a joke. He covers the sources and references in his other channel.


ThatOneGuyHOTS t1_j41emwh wrote


  • make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true.

Your comment - “Just because IH does it in a comedic manner doesn’t mean it was inaccurate.”


Hakairoku t1_j41mqck wrote

Now you're just being an asshole. Literally compare how these two are scripted, if anything, IH had more details attached than the person who's just recounting the story off Wikipedia.

Internet Historian



bigman-penguin t1_j416idw wrote

IH puts more effort into is vids than most big budget documentaries. Man in Cave and Cost of Concordia are the best.