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ghostmrchicken OP t1_j3yy05g wrote

This was originally released by Netflix. It has to be seen to be believed. So many people, especially the locals were adversely financially impacted by this organizer’s inability to admit failure.


ditzy091313 t1_j3z3vam wrote

This was a good documentary... covered everything


Michael424242 t1_j3zcpmu wrote

I work on music festivals for a living. I’ve never watched it, just can’t. I’ve been at shows that (had they not been in the continental US) would have been this bad. It’s not fun.


amadeupidentity t1_j3zglmy wrote

I bet he winds up in gop leadership some day, great potential in that kid!


ArtSchnurple t1_j3zj211 wrote

This festival has everything. FEMA tents... lettuce... JA RULE...


thetrickypickle t1_j3zlp0b wrote

Me and my wife watched this one on netflix and then the one Hulu came out with right after. I’d recommend watching both, you get some different footage and interviews.


rocketmanx t1_j3zped7 wrote

Overly ambitious? Or just a grifter?


NoFeetSmell t1_j3zpfmk wrote

That guy should be considered a goddamn legend imho. He was willing to choke down a hot load so that people wouldn't suffer from dehydration or worse. That dude was beyond willing to help throw a party/avert a total disaster, and he's alright in my book, no doubt. I really hope he landed on his feet after the shitshow that Fyre turned out to be.


oh-hidanny t1_j3zpnzp wrote

Apparently, this is a big misconception.

The first groups to come paid around $200. Which is actually really cheap for a music festival and a place to stay (if it would have worked out).


demidenks t1_j3zpr65 wrote

I love this movie. I could watch it over and over.


theAlmondcake t1_j3zqn0i wrote

Entrepreneur is a funny way of spelling scammer


ChrisMelb t1_j3ztpif wrote

EDM & MCs / Hip Hop ... I can see one rock act on the lineup :

Quoting the ever reliable wikipedia :

The final advertised lineup was for 33 artists, including Pusha T, Tyga, Desiigner, Blink-182, Major Lazer, Disclosure, Migos, Rae Sremmurd, Kaytranada, Lil Yachty, Matoma, Klingande, Skepta, Claptone, Le Youth, Tensnake, Blond:ish, and Lee Burridge. lineup

In the days leading up to the festival, all of the aforementioned acts pulled out, with Major Lazer never confirming their attendance despite being advertised


NaiveMastermind t1_j3zv2xu wrote

Years later, it's still fun to think of all those trust fund kids getting fucked out of a perfectly good weekend.


nerowasframed t1_j3zwxrr wrote

This picture was produced by Fuck Jerry Media, which is never disclosed in the film. It downplays the role that Fuck Jerry had in the failed Fyre Festival, and paints the company's actions in a positive light.


Jpark2485 t1_j3zya07 wrote

But… according to most documentary evidence, tents, luxury or not, were not all set up and created a free for all in securing your domicile. That’s the whole point of how fucked up things became. Lord of the flies type shit.


Spyes23 t1_j3zzg6u wrote

I think it's bullshit that Ja Rule got off without even a slap on the wrist.


spaceraingame t1_j401qbv wrote

The guy was recently released from prison and even started a new venture called “Pirate.” So yeah that should end well.


NoFeetSmell t1_j402jj3 wrote

Lol, that's amazing. I can just imagine him getting that question and starting his reply with, or at least thinking, "well you obviously haven't seen the Frye festival documentary, and that's a good thing". Seriously though, he wasn't the hero they deserved, but the hero they needed.


Luke90210 t1_j404gic wrote

Honest Question: How does one determine if a new music festival/concert is legit?


ditzy091313 t1_j4061yz wrote

Hmm forgot that part... saw it when it first came out on Netflix...

Must see it again lol


_aaine_ t1_j407yf9 wrote

I've watched this doco a couple of times now and it's still just jaw dropping.
The level of self belief this guy has is....admirable?
He's like the poster child for a generation raised on participation trophies and told they can do anything if they just try hard enough, regardless of talent or natural ability.


dlkslink t1_j408thc wrote

Netflix one had access to more behind the scenes footage but clearly had certain biases, toward fuck Jerry and Vice media. The Hulu one didn’t let fuck Jerry off the hook and interviewed a multitude of journalists instead of just one Journalist that works Vice news. The intro to the Hulu documentary is the absolute best. Watching both gives a full picture.


Hakairoku t1_j40aof4 wrote

This is the the type of shit Defunctland was railing about.

Just because IH does it in a comedic manner doesn't mean it was inaccurate. Both his video and his BTS video for Fyre Fest is literally better than OP's.


sAindustrian t1_j40cb46 wrote

A general rule for life: If it seems too good to be true, then it probably isn't going to survive contact with reality.

But in most cases look into who's organizing the event and how "ambitious" the event is. Check their history and track record to check if they have a history on delivering good events.


vlkr t1_j40emue wrote

Rock festival?


einat162 t1_j40ie0g wrote

I wasn't familiar with this website ! (I've already seen Fyre, but this site has so much to offer).



kw0711 t1_j40ih3i wrote

The Netflix one was produced by Fuck Jerry Media - who also helped promote fyre festival and enabled them. These details are left out of the Netflix one but not the Hulu one


khumbutu t1_j40jkwd wrote

Someone should make a documentary about all the documentaries this spawned.


h2man t1_j40k89p wrote

If there’s one thing I’d like the ability to unsee is this documentary… I’d love to be able to see it for the first time again. It was… hilarious.


edgiepower t1_j40qvu8 wrote


I mean seriously, wtf


xhyzBOSS t1_j40sm7h wrote

For how often people wanna milk the fyre festival topic ? I think the YoutubeVideo by InternetHistorian pretty much covered the whole topic


tagoean t1_j40z3q4 wrote

Saying entrepreneur is a bit much. Incapable scammers aren’t entrepreneur. Hell even capable scammers aren’t entrepreneurs.


reptillion t1_j40z6pf wrote

Oren was also involved in the scandal itself. Who was the designer. While he claims he was the whistle blower he posted photos and videos of him on yatchs with the founders while the debacle was going on. He later removed these posts and any record


koenigsaurus t1_j415ccs wrote

It was pretty wild that they released pretty much simultaneously, and both have a unique perspective that adds to the story. I watched them back to back while sick at home with the flu and it was a little comforting to watch all these people having a worse time than I was at the time.


Aeronaut4 t1_j417opj wrote

Ive seen this like 3 times. Something about the story is really intoxicating.


cnslt t1_j41cdzu wrote

I’ve seen this scene at least a dozen times, and something just occurred to me for the first time while watching just now.

Jean Ralphio: “Ben, is that your real name? Oh you can do better than that, let me help you out…”

The actor for Jean Ralphio is Ben Schwartz lol


Hakairoku t1_j41dqer wrote

>He makes up a ton of stuff for comedic affect.

The most he does is embellish details, but he never makes stuff up and when he does, he follows it up by clarifying it's a joke. He covers the sources and references in his other channel.


Michael424242 t1_j41e498 wrote

I was a I wouldn’t call myself an “organizer”, I was a freelance contract hire for the festival, I only worked days were patrons where on site. I was the overnight host in the highest price point VIP camping zone.


ThatOneGuyHOTS t1_j41emwh wrote


  • make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true.

Your comment - “Just because IH does it in a comedic manner doesn’t mean it was inaccurate.”


bad_card t1_j41fiih wrote

Do these businesses not get money up front? I install irrigation systems and require 50 percent down in case they won't pay the rest, at least I'm not using MY money for the material. Some have no one to blame but themselves.


_Bike_seat_sniffer t1_j41latg wrote

this was the funniest shit, I remember those bologna sandwiches in styrofoam boxes


fajen1 t1_j41y2d7 wrote

I love this documentary, I watch it anytime I'm feeling sad to be poor. Watching the rich kids fight over wet mattresses is *chef's kiss*.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j41ycac wrote

Battle of May Island

>The Battle of May Island is the name given to the series of accidents that occurred during Operation E.C.1 in 1918. Named after the Isle of May, a nearby island in the Firth of Forth, the "battle" consisted of a disastrous series of accidents amongst Royal Navy vessels on their way from Rosyth, Scotland, to fleet exercises in the North Sea. On the misty night of 31 January–1 February 1918, five collisions occurred between eight ships. Two K-class submarines were lost and three other submarines and a light cruiser were damaged.

^([ )^(F.A.Q)^( | )^(Opt Out)^( | )^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)^( | )^(GitHub)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


TravellingBeard t1_j42erob wrote

"Take one for the team" will forever have a specific connotation to me, no matter how it is used in the future.


tehpwarp t1_j42oqnd wrote

This conman and fraudster, Billy McFarland was convicted of fraud and sentenced to 6 years. He served 4 years and was released in March 2022. He is currently keeping a low profile, but there are execs and inventors lining up to meet him to seek his marketing talents.

Something is definitely wrong in this world if people languish in prison for half their lifetimes for just possessing a few grams of weed, but people like these defraud others of millions of dollars but only get 4 years in prison. And then find other fraudsters trying to kiss their ass when they are released.

And the other conman, Ja Rule got away.


CanadianMuaxo t1_j43lj4q wrote

Ja Rule pulled the same shit at a 90s nostalgia concert in Vaughn I went to about 2 years ago. He’s a pos scammer. Ashanti, Ludacris, Kardinal Offishall and Karl Wolf managed to put on a damn good show though.


Android-Zero t1_j43ryab wrote

Yeah, that came out wrong. My apologies. He seriously lawyered up though and claimed he was scammed, while being well documented of indulging with the dickbag promoter and reaping benefits of a vacation.


Richard_Sauce t1_j43w2gd wrote

One of my favorite parts of this documentary...or maybe it was the Hulu one, is that guy telling the story and he went from disbelief to "Ok, guess I'll take one for the team" before lucking out and not having to suck a dick for Fyrefest.

It's a crazy story, and really speaks to how hard many of the organizers were trying to save this disaster.


Richard_Sauce t1_j43xchb wrote

Eh, they spent 200 for the ticket, then hundreds more for travel, and who knows how much they put into the cashless currency system.

I don't know that they were rich, but they weren't poor.


insane__knight t1_j43xn03 wrote

I thought the purpose of Billy being there was to set the record straight and provide some kind of clarity on what happened from the higher ups. But Billy being Billy didn't do any of that, giving obviously false answers or refusing to answer certain questions. If his goal was to clear his name, he failed miserably and this played out in the producers favour.


Caveman108 t1_j442u37 wrote

I’ve done glamping at a music fest before and those tents get pretty fancy. Most are very spacious geodesic domes, have very comfortable beds, chargers, side tables, and usually are in a separate area with premium food and drink vendors.


oh-hidanny t1_j445hhj wrote

That doesn't make them rich.

People budget, it doesn't make them wealthy to afford a trip for $500. Dirt poor? Probably not. But rich? No. Not based off of $500. Lol.

Edit: and that's a lot of assumptions you made. Lol.


jjvolfan2 t1_j44ao2e wrote

I always enjoy watching douchebags with more money than brains get screwed. Influencers bahahahahaaaaaaa


Girth_rulez t1_j46k39p wrote

Grifter. They never paid the artists, so there was basically no chance there would be music at their "festival". This documentary spends precious little time talking about it.

The organizers breathlessly talking about how they were balls to the wall trying to get the site finished glossed over the fact that they must have known that the artists were not coming. The only reason they kept up this pretense was so they could grift those kids into loading up their prepaid accounts.


five_eight t1_j4arb3o wrote

Documentary has too many pauses/delays. Maybe my laptop is jacked. I couldn't get past five minutes which took a half hour.


McNasty420 t1_j4auno5 wrote

These self important "influencers" that thought they were getting an all expense paid vacation, complete with personal private jet is the funniest part.