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Equivalent_Number546 t1_j87lyrg wrote

Others have already, but for my thoughts (since you asked)

First off: I have diagnosed and take meds for narcolepsy, PTSD, and ADHD (same meds conveniently as narcolepsy).

People treat neurodivergence as if it’s a disease. Or even a disorder. Even the term neurodivergent is, in itself, bad and stupid and dumb. Why?

Because it implies there’s this magical normal area. There isn’t. And if there is, who defines it? Why is it normal?

To spare myself typing and you reading: capitalism.

Jobs “require” (they don’t have to but choose to increase suffering massively with tiny profit increase) everyone be within that normal range. Sleep the same, pay attention the same, learn the same, speak the same, etc.

Narcoleptic (me) and need to take random uncontrollable naps sometimes during work hours? Too bad. Can’t do the job. Enjoy unemployment you lazy bum. Go die now.

Severe autism and can’t interact with others in the exact way corporate structure wants? No promotion for you. You’re annoying! Go die now.

It’s all a bullshit made up hierarchy. Yes these conditions exist (I have 3 myself!)!and yes they present different difficulties and obstacles. But to call all of them diseases? To lump autism in with cancer? That’s gross. And it’s never really talked about the fact it happens nor why it happens… which is just greed. The uncaring system has no room for your individual “problems.” You can go die and the system will find a new you that will fit the mold.

Obviously none of this suffering is necessary. We’re all sold this lie of normalcy and within the lie the central lie that capitalism is good, forever growth is good, commodity consumption is good, etc.

Imagine a world… like the world before capitalism… where we didn’t do all this insanity. Just requires an acknowledgment that the systems are dogshit and harming society and people. It requires an acceptance of removing power from individual fascist pieces of shit that stole or inherited businesses and such. No one should hold such power undemocratically. Imagine…


rustyphish t1_j87qffp wrote

> Severe autism and can’t interact with others in the exact way corporate structure wants? No promotion for you. You’re annoying! Go die now.

I agree with you in general, but this is a wild misframing of what "severe" autism is. On the most severe end of the spectrum, you have completely nonverbal wards of the state who don't have basic motor function. It can be crippling.