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FSMFan_2pt0 t1_j8yzpvv wrote

Don't count on it. Notice he calls out "Democrat party". (despite there being loads of Republicans on Epstein's list, including Trump). Look at his comment history. He posts in /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy a lot. Anti-Biden comments, etc, just another right-wing conspiracy nut.


timshel42 t1_j8zl76w wrote

if only you had included a breitbart article it would have really sealed the deal


Nooddjob_ t1_j8ziesi wrote

All those sources are garbage, I don’t really believe mainstream media.


GeoffreyArnold t1_j8zpgr5 wrote

Sources? This is a fucking court case. The NY Post has the actual public documents from the case.


ZeerVreemd t1_j90qdp6 wrote

Some people do not understand the difference between a source and a medium. Somehow it are always seem to be the same people who believe all mainstream narratives, LOL.


Nooddjob_ t1_j8zuv8j wrote

NY Post is just mainstream media trash.
