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WuTang360Bees t1_j903e1f wrote

…or you could just go to the U.S. Capital and look for any Republican in there. No conspiracies needed they literally all diddle kids


Dapaaads t1_j91dp53 wrote

This isn’t a d vs r issue. Clinton’s we’re big visitors to the island, but you’re also the type to only listen to cnn


Pygmyponymontana t1_j98grj3 wrote

The wealthy abuse just as many people as the poor. It’s not about political beliefs, nor Baptist vs Catholic, it’s across the board. Both sides are lying to us, stealing from us, brainwashing us. So when I hear that only conservatives or only liberals commit all the crimes, I know that person is closed minded to any alternate opinions.


WuTang360Bees t1_j98m4nh wrote

That’s a false equivalence that says you’re either very out of touch or being completely disingenuous


Sir_David_Brewster t1_j9065rj wrote

You’re right, Jennette McCurdy was at the capitol I saw her in the videos too.

All 87 of Weinstein’s accusers were there under her rule. Vincent Cirrincione’s 10 bipoc accusers were there, every coworker of Louis C.K. was in attendance.

Don’t even get me started with all of the racist Bill Cosby accuser’s… those fascists claim they don’t even remember being at the capitol. And R. Kelly? Talk about a great man, I think he was framed by Voldemort himself.


WuTang360Bees t1_j906bym wrote

The fuck are you rambling about? All i heard is you love treason and vote for pedophiles to “own the libs”

Classy combo