Recent comments in /f/Documentaries

superdude4agze t1_jboo42q wrote


Big difference in that little typo.

So take a councilman that is gung-ho about defund the police, was instrumental to cutting the LAPD budget by $150M, and then the (as is typical) lies from the LAPD about how they exploded the fireworks in the neighborhood "because they were too volatile" to take elsewhere (while ignoring that the cop that loaded the truck did so with bare hands and not wearing a bomb suit) and you can see there might be a malicious purpose to the organized crime/protection racket that is the LAPD.


ecodemo t1_jbolr6k wrote

You have to go watch Man with a Movie Camera.

Greatest documentary ever, described by its director as

>AN EXPERIMENTATION IN THE CINEMATIC COMMUNICATION Of visual phenomena WITHOUT THE USE OF INTERTITLES (a film without intertitles) WITHOUT THE HELP OF A SCENARIO (a film without a scenario) WITHOUT THE HELP OF THEATRE (a film without actors, without sets, etc.) This new experimentation work by Kino-Eye is directed towards the creation of an authentically international absolute language of cinema on the basis of its complete separation from the language of theatre and literature.

Remastered on yt


zendick1 t1_jboh4t4 wrote

25lbs of TNT or equivilent that is how explosives are measured.

So say for C4 it would be rated for 18.51lbs. For BP it for be ~45.45lbs which they probably assumed since that is what they loaded. The 25 LBS is the rated MAX (though it probably has some designed in overages. But it wasn't BP and they didn't add in the detcord and other triggering explosives.


now_you_see t1_jbog9t4 wrote

This article talks about them a deciding (and then backtracking once chewed out) they weren’t going to continue paying for the hotels for the residences who’d been made homeless by their actions and the way he spoke about them was….well, he certainly wouldn’t have spoken about millionaires that way.

I assume you’re talking about the same person?


now_you_see t1_jbofxap wrote

That article is fairly old, this one just came out a couple of weeks ago after they got chewed out for deciding they were going to boot the remaining tenants out of the hotel because TL;DR ‘they were deliberately dragging their feet’ when it came to getting their homes, that the LAPD blew up, repaired.

They thankfully chose a better course of action after realising what a public relations nightmare it’d be.


misterchief117 t1_jbo87jn wrote

They substantially exceeded the rating for the Total Containment Vessel (TVC) they put everything in. It's likely they added too much initiating explosives and were off by a few zero's in their calculations...if they even did any.

This source suggests TVC's the size they used are rated between 2 to 10kg of TNT equivalent explosives. If the LAPD estimated the fireworks had 45 pounds of TNT equivalent, then they REALLY fucked up.

This essentially just turned it into a bigger bomb with more shrapnel.

The source also states that, "The TCV is designed to contain the bomb while being transported to an area where it can be rendered safe."

In other words, they should have never detonated this within a populated area.

What's really fucking stupid is that boxed/packaged fireworks are incredibly safe. Even bootleg ones are as long as they're treated with respect. Consider they made it all the way to wherever you brought them without spontaneously exploding...

The LAPD should have just hauled the boxes away to a remote site and then either detonated them or use them for a public firework event. I'm surprised they didn't just sell them back to the community and arrest anyone who bought them because they're corrupt fucks.


Bearbear360 t1_jbo722j wrote

I rewrote his statement since everything he said was wrong. Clearly, what happened was someone else blew up not fireworks in an open field, after hurriedly and safely loading them. No robots were used. There was no explosion. No one was injured. No one was traumatized. The lapd immediately took responsibility for their mistake and didn't try to blame anyone. /s