Recent comments in /f/Documentaries

Archivemod t1_jbq5ry9 wrote

Because The two things that happened are completely equivalent in atrocity, making the point of distinction one of semantics rather than moral importance

in idiot, since I'm assuming you can't read:

hurr man not hit TO DEATH with ROCK, man hit TO DEATH with STICK! FAKE NEWS, STICK NOT ROCK!!

seriously though, think before you post


surfer_ryan t1_jbq52x6 wrote

Yeah they kept harking back to "imagine if it had gone off on the road!?!?!" But like guys how do you think that shit got there to begin with it just materialized?? It wouldn't go off on the road unless they idk set it off... even then had they bothered to do literally any kind of measurements of weight at all... they would have known it was too much... almost double the maximum capacity... that is straight negligence.

LAPD needs to just take the L on this one, move on and learn from their mistake.

Absolutely unbelievable they are trying to play this off like they didn't fuck up here. Like I get it to some extent but holy shit sometimes you fuck up and you just gotta own it.


ashittyhaikuappeared t1_jbpv4ce wrote

Because EVERY motherfucker in this country knows that a bomb is something you drop and a missile is something that is self-propelled. I don’t give a good goddamn if one is within the vent diagram of the other - you’re the one engaged in a stupid pedantic argument.

So, kindly go piss up a rope.


OutOfStamina t1_jbpoj4x wrote

It's like coming in to argue that a german shepard isn't a dog anymore once he attains german shepard status.

I'm not the one being obtuse.

Either the word "bomb" means a superset group that includes a subgroup set called "missiles", or it's not. I didn't start this pedantic thread with a snarky comment about the idea of a bomb going skyward pretending missiles aren't bombs for no reason.


turnpot t1_jbpiw5y wrote

There is a feedback cycle between news and police; the police provide a statement on things that the news accepts uncritically, both because it's less resources than doing actual journalism on every story and because, in exchange for portraying police sympathetically, journalists get more access to information from them. Granted, most of this info is just more PR stuff.