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Orngog t1_jccncn2 wrote

IIRC he gets three sentences at most, or at least his life before the Kremlin does. Is that the last part of this? It's been years.

Also, I'm no expert but I seem to recall the KGB connection didn't come into play during his very rapid ascent to power? I thought it was more "being close to Yeltsin at the right time".

Edit: forgot to say, Putin is an utter waste of life. I hope he is soon removed from this earth, Slava Ukraïni!


fouoifjefoijvnioviow t1_jcc95yz wrote

I mean it's quite the omission, and the KGB ended just around that time. It's just a too-simple narrative that Putin is not some well-trenched apparatchik, but just another poor nobody stuck in the role.


TheNewestHaven t1_jcc7w3v wrote

As far as I know he was not officially involved in the KGB after 1990, so when he was brought in, he was indeed a random bureaucrat. I also don't see how this omission as you see it creates a pro-putin narrative. The narrative was the oligarch's needed someone they could trust who would 'play ball' and he was the stooge they picked. He could have mentioned Putin worked at FSB (like the russian FBI post Soviet Union).


Dripdry42 t1_jcbo9a7 wrote

1990-2001 FELT so... Reasonable. Things got done. Not perfectly but they were. The obvious rush to destroy democracy starting in 2000 was horrifying. Like, why ruin a reasonably good thing we had going? Oh right! Money.


mrchaddy t1_jcbo4fk wrote

You will enjoy this article on Adam by Jon Ronson. It contains one of the most profound statements i ever read “ I found a man in the archives who spends his time recording the bits in between the programs. He believes television is really one long construction of a giant story out of fragments of recorded reality from all over the world that is constantly added to every day, and has been going on for 70 years.”