Recent comments in /f/Documentaries
Gravelsack t1_jd3r2fm wrote
Reply to comment by Reizal_Brood in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
>or a Joker that isn't Mark Hamill
Forget Luke Skywalker, The Joker was Mark Hamill's greatest role.
Reizal_Brood t1_jd3pfjg wrote
Reply to Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
When I was a kid, around 9 or 10, my cousin was in town visiting on leave from his military job and I idolized him. I don't remember how the conversation came up, but he asked me what my favorite Batman stuff was, and I said TAS. He asked why, and I couldn't really answer, except that it was, to me, the core heart and soul of Batman. As an adult I've only realized more and more how true that was.
I'm always a little disappointed when I hear a Batman that isn't at least trying to sound like Kevin Conroy or a Joker that isn't Mark Hamill. And I have absolutely no idea who the VA for Superman was during the equivalent series run.
Sovonna t1_jd3og6a wrote
Reply to comment by mydogsnameispoop in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
I loved watching it. My Dad, who recently passed away, would get up with us and we would all watch it together. It's a beautiful memory ❤️
Clobber420 t1_jd3k5pp wrote
Reply to comment by mydogsnameispoop in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
This show was such an entertainment tone setter for me growing up. Helped me recognize real quality and pushed me to seek that out even more. Even the Mask of the Phantasm movie set me up to like more adult and complicated themes when I was like 10 years old.
stfleming1 t1_jd3f8n0 wrote
Reply to comment by Throwaway-account-23 in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
He will always be Batman to me. His voice is what I hear when I read comics. The man may be gone but a part of him will live on forever.
Throwaway-account-23 t1_jd38qwb wrote
Reply to Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
Still can't believe Kevin Conroy actually died.
RononSweets t1_jd37lx5 wrote
Reply to Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
“I am vengeance! I am the night! I am Batman!”
mydogsnameispoop t1_jd327yi wrote
Reply to comment by hectorconcarnedank in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
I didn't fully appreciate this series until I was a bit older because the tone and elements of the show was so dark.
I played with all the toys no problem though.
hectorconcarnedank t1_jd303ce wrote
Reply to comment by mydogsnameispoop in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
I have great memories of this as a kid . Though it shows your age if your remembering it being played . Had to look up premier was in 92’ , although I am sure it was played as reruns for a long time . Can’t beat the artwork and soundtrack
mydogsnameispoop t1_jd2q3a0 wrote
Reply to Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
No discussions in the comments about this great series that I took for granted as a kid?
PS3user74 t1_jck0yr3 wrote
PS3user74 t1_jck0nwc wrote
Reply to comment by mrchaddy in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
Yeah thank for that. 👍
mrchaddy t1_jcg1zco wrote
Reply to comment by 33hamsters in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
I think about it often.
33hamsters t1_jcfw0r5 wrote
Reply to comment by mrchaddy in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
Oh this is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Commie_EntSniper t1_jcfa5jh wrote
Reply to comment by gw2master in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
who's to blame for the death of the queen? - the assassin that pours the poison or the accomplice who opens the door for the assassin?
Is one "worse?" for the part they play?
In the end the queen (Liberty) is dead.
mandingosixsix t1_jcey28j wrote
Reply to comment by HoggyDarn in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
As a massive Curtis's fan for many many years, this is HILARIOUS. It got him down absolutely spot on without being too offensive to Adam Curtis and his work..
"...and thanks to Adam Curtis, Brian Eno never had to work another day in his life" 🤣
Damascinos OP t1_jce7ode wrote
Reply to comment by Beat-the-heat in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
Despite having a rebuttal, I think with your Malcolm X insult this conversation has run it’s course. Thanks though.
Turdmonkey2 t1_jce3o3d wrote
Reply to comment by civver3 in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
Yes! About 2008 I saw this doc for the first time and every Christmas I'm reminded of it when that song plays!
Beat-the-heat t1_jcdc0xb wrote
Reply to comment by Damascinos in The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
>One shouldn’t dismiss the Arab conservatives influence on Islamic resurgence otherwise you wouldn’t be able to explain away the Saudi and Qatari influence
Arabs simply provided money, ideologically they aren't behind the Islamic resurgence; Most Muslims are Asians and have their own distinct ideological movements e.g. despite what most westerners claim the Taliban are neither Wahhabi nor Salafi, they are Deobandi and the influence of Salafism is highly overstated. This misunderstanding is also why the West heavily funded Sufi movements post 9/11 in countries like Pakistan and they are now even more problematic (with most of the recent attacks on minorities being initiated by Sufi groups like Barelvis)
>As for moral outrage, it’s subjective and not universal.
Maybe not to you because you live in the west and think like they do, most of us really hate these people though for what they have done to our countries and the region at large; As Malcom X would say, there are two types of Negroes.
>As for your last paragraph, those aren’t the only two options available
Largely does seem to be the case presently
>A secular led government can still have the indigenous interests in mind while still being a productive and independent member on the world stage; Indonesia or Malaysia comes to mind.
So what exactly is the distinction between an "Islamist" government in your mind and a supposedly secular government like Indonesia which imposes conservative laws (e.g. banning sex outside of marriage, blasphemy provisions etc) ; Indonesia is one of the countries leading the Islamic resurgence but it is never outright called an "Islamist" country by Westerners.
BeeBee_ThatsMe t1_jcd7ehv wrote
Reply to The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
This is great. I know a lot of Israeliphobes who would benefit from learning.
DeadPoster t1_jcd42ab wrote
Reply to The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of Politics of Fear - (2004) BBC, part 1 of 3 compares the rise of neoconservative movement and the radical Islamist movement [00:59:11] by Damascinos
You have to watch Adam Curtis. No one else documents the encroaching Darkness upon human civilization in his documentaries. Like David Cronenberg, Adam Curtis examines the deterioration of the Human Being in real world settings.
Ledstones t1_jd3sqpg wrote
Reply to comment by Sovonna in Batman The Animated Series: The Heart of Batman (2021) - Explore the complex, nuanced world and exceptional characters created behind the scenes by the designers, composers, and directors of this groundbreaking series [01:39:00] by saddetective87
Had the same experience with my son who recently passed away. VCR was always ready to go and I'd meticulously edit the commercials out when they aired on FX. Felt like Xmas whenever it wasn't a rerun. There is no other Batman IMHO.