Recent comments in /f/Documentaries

PurpleSunCraze t1_jd4y5lx wrote

>My favorite episode of BTAS is "The Grey Ghost"

I'll just assume that's your favorite because you haven't seen "Almost Got 'Im". It's the only thing that makes sense.


PurpleSunCraze t1_jd4x459 wrote

Some of the dialogue in TAS will live rent free in my head forever.


I saw what happened to your wife. I'm sorry.

Mr. Freeze:

I am beyond emotions. They've been frozen dead in me.


That suit you wear - a result of the coolant?

Mr. Freeze:

Very good; a detective to the last. I can no longer survive outside a sub-zero environment. Tonight, I mean to pay back the man who ruined my life... our lives.


Even if you have to kill everyone in the building to do it?

Mr. Freeze:

Think of it, Batman: to never again walk on a summer's day, with the hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh, yes. I'd kill for that.


2ichie t1_jd4tzok wrote

Ahh this is what I sub for. Anyone got any other docs or behind the scenes videos of DC or really anything.

DC is KILLING it with three animated stuff. Marvel can’t compete with it. HBO max opened a new world for me and I’m loving every show as a 30 year old


Vidar34 t1_jd4lkzj wrote

Batman TAS was the one Saturday morning cartoon that didn't feel like it was talking down to me. All the other cartoons felt like they were trying to just entertain me. Batman felt like it was teaching me about human nature in some way.


Pirate_of_Dark_Water t1_jd4gyld wrote

I don't blame anyone for wanting more Mark Hamills Joker, but I do think people need to appreciate the bar he rasied for future actors to live up to in an animated setting.

Like John Dimaggio, and Kevin Michael Richardson after him, Mark Hamill made the character his own, he would practice in the car his different laughs and mannerisms, he said it must've been funny seeing a man maniacally laughing in the mirror at himself at red lights.


TheresNoCakeOnlyFire t1_jd3ysmz wrote

I've been on a Batman kick the last month or two and it kicked off with watching BTAS on HBO with my kiddo.

Since then, I've watched nearly every single Batman related movie/show within 4 weeks. My favorite episode of BTAS is "Beware* of The Grey Ghost", it was posted on another sub couple weeks ago.

The nostalgia of Adam West and the connection between Bruce Wayne and the actor made me cry, because I've been watching Batman since I was a kid too. It all started with the live action version with Adam West and 35 years later I'm still simping for the bat. 🦇🦇🦇

Edit: I found the post I was thinking about, lots of good mentions of great episodes in the comments

Also, if you wanna watch the episode, it's season 1, ep. 32 on HBO max. I also highly recommend the Dark Knight Returns 1 and 2 animated movies.