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TheRealBrewballs t1_jd6701m wrote

It's not just how dark but also the deco styling. It didn't know what clicked but as an adult the sweeping batmobile thay was a cartoon, was less "cartoony" than the Burton movies. The architecture of the buildings, Batman being dark but not humorless, and the relationship with Alfred were so much real feeling.


Whimsical_Hobo t1_jd5z0vt wrote

If you haven't read it, he collaborated on a comic just before his death detailing his journey as an actor and developing the character of Batman. Definitely a must read.


metatron5369 t1_jd5y57t wrote

Batman is first and foremost a detective, without the camp of the 1960s or the angst and edge of the modern era and even the later cartoons.

You could go at lengths about the art direction of the show, but for me, the soul is always in the writing. Batman is just trying to fix Gotham the only way he knows how.

Almost all of the villains were fleshed out and well acted, turning even jokes like Mr. Freeze into some of the greatest comic book characters.


throwaway939wru9ew t1_jd5nrue wrote

I have so many complex emotions about him - he was an excellent provider, yet flawed in his handling of emotions and connecting with his children. He had the capacity to be very kind, yet rarely chose to show it.

Even at 40 years old now, I find I don’t quite understand what made him this weird mishmash of qualities.

I’m happy you have fond memories, I try to be that kind of father for my son now. I take the good memories I have of my dad and try to amplify those… all while avoiding the things I hated.


throwaway939wru9ew t1_jd5n2mc wrote

Sounds a lot like one of the few really good memories I have of my dad as well. It’s one of the few movies I remember him taking me to.

It was one of those days that just felt like we actually shared some interest, and he was being a friend instead of the usual short tempered jerk he is.


LifeOfTheParty2 t1_jd5l03j wrote

I used to watch this show all the time as a kid. One thing I sometimes think about that really annoyed me about this show was there was one episode where Bruce Wayne and batman had to both be seen at the same time, so Robin wore a suit and prosthetics with a fake bruce wayne mask. It would have been so much easier for Robin to fake being batman as he's literally already wearing a mask than for him to fake being Bruce Wayne. I'll try to find the episode and link it if I can find it.


ThomasMaxwell2501 t1_jd5ilir wrote

I totally thought they were gonna use this line in the latest Batman film with Pattinson, since he kept saying, “I am vengeance”.

I was very disappointed….


Busterlimes t1_jd5f304 wrote

One of the guys behind the original batman animated series also worked on the music for Star Craft II and I'm convinced that's why the soundtrack slaps. You can definitely hear the similarities in the music if you pay attention.


Eledridan t1_jd5eyw1 wrote

“Heart of Ice” is so good. I like how there are fans the reject the New 52 Mr. Freeze origin and only accept the “Heart of Ice” origin.


Gizimpy t1_jd5elbt wrote

I just finished this. I realized halfway through how much this show impacted me as a kid and thus throughout my life. Particularly the display of villains as understandable, tragic figures who have been hurt themselves, I think is part of what drew me to criminal defense work. Sometimes there isn’t a happy ending but you try to do what’s right regardless. Timeless work and a great documentary.