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101fng t1_jbde1g3 wrote

Their style of governance. Of all the states I’ve lived in, I was most restricted in what I could and could not do in CA. I now have comparable scenery without having to double-check statutes before every little thing I do.


[deleted] t1_jbdgbq5 wrote



101fng t1_jbdhtqw wrote

Car impounded in a completely different state because CA suspended my registration when they didn’t get updated proof of insurance (less than a month after current proof expired)… after I moved. The fact I had uninterrupted insurance made no difference. CA still suspended my registration.

I can give more examples, but I won’t. I know natives love the state and will defend it to a fault. And I understand; you love your beautiful state. But that was CA’s final fuck-you for me.