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jlmckelvey91 t1_jbl2vb0 wrote

you should share this on r/breathofthewild. They'll go nuts.


WallyJade t1_jbl41ca wrote

We've got a number of these trees in southern California as well. They're always weird and great to find in the "wild".


Mile129 t1_jblam3x wrote

Weren't these the trees in the final episodes of "His Dark Material" on HBO?


DrownedPrime t1_jblvf6n wrote

Socotra Has blue tarantulas with white fur, the Socotra Blue Baboon (Monocentropous Balfouri) spelling might be off im going off memory and im lazy to double check while at work.

Fascinating island with many "Odd" looking species of plants and animals.


TheRageDragon t1_jbm773c wrote

They seem to be Australian trees because they look upside down


wdwerker t1_jbm9biq wrote

It’s related to Dracena marginata the popular houseplant.


toastibot t1_jbmiwu1 wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


OptionalFTW t1_jbmqd2f wrote

A movie could film here as an alien planet landscape and I'd think those were props or cgi. Fucking Crazy lookin trees.


Mackheath1 t1_jbmvk4j wrote

One of my favorite places to visit (it's been a while, though - I hope the goats are under control by now)


zushaa t1_jbmvnv1 wrote

Wrong use of the word overcast. Cool Pic though.


Hetif t1_jbmzn6a wrote

Might fit r/liminalspaces


MacrowSoft t1_jbn1l3d wrote

Is that snowpiercer's utopia... well damn.


Asha108 t1_jbn2j9d wrote

that’s crazy! I’m assuming it was a species endemic to the african continent before these atlantic islands and the island of socotra moved away from the main landmass, but couldn’t survive on the mainland due to extinction by herbivores not present on the islands, so they ended up being preserved.


mctCat t1_jbn6t35 wrote

I got 4 of these dracos off etsy, they are only 12” tall now. grow really slowly. They won’t mature in my lifetime to look anything like this, but I hope one day they can be planted in a botanical garden somewhere after I die. Im in Socal, so they’ll do well in the desert area here.


KrylonsKid t1_jbn7izs wrote

Oh yeah, I remember drawing trees just like this in second grade.


Frenchleneuf t1_jbn97jk wrote

This is completely how I imagine the world 60,000 years ago


i-lurk-you-longtime t1_jbnbf4z wrote

I wonder how long Janice wrote to 15 Yemen Road, Yemen...

I watched that episode yesterday and looked up Yemen because I didn't know anything about it, and saw these magnificent trees for the first time ever! Kinda nuts I'm seeing them again within 24 hours.


LuneFox t1_jbnbgwu wrote

Oh wow, they turned Bart Simpson into a tree


sebikern_photography OP t1_jbndkl8 wrote

Basically all the plants look weird because they need to resist strong winds in the summer months. I am gonna post more of those, I've got a few pics left in the pipeline :) Animal live was pretty standard, I've seen many endemic lizards. But they looked like ordinary lizards to me.


pf30146788e t1_jbnhepk wrote

I always found it fascinating that different parts of the world have animals and plants that other parts of the world don’t have.

Idk why


dkpatkar t1_jbni44k wrote

You can post this photo somewhere else telling people it's a picture from an alien planet, and people will believe it .


Xenobsidian t1_jbnlbdk wrote

I have heard of a tree that holds the entire world but why have you shot it upside down?


greatertittedshark t1_jbnlsmi wrote

i was just thinking wow these trees look like they grow in areas of extremely localised rain. and i bet they are prettty annoying to climb and even more annoying if you fall off

so many frogs at their feet tho that can help you go fast!


ayrgylehauyr t1_jbnqgjh wrote

Soon to be extinct. Visit them while you can.


grafknives t1_jbnqgzh wrote

Awesome! Can I keep it at home?

Oh, wait, at home it will look just like any other Dracaena :( :(


neroselene t1_jbnqmvz wrote

It looks like the Morrowind graphical remake is coming along nicely!


SuperIntegration t1_jbnu7b4 wrote

I don't know why, but something about this makes my skin crawl... Like something internally is screaming


DownRangeDistillery t1_jbnup5d wrote

It's a life goal of mine to see that tree in person. This would mean many things would be right in the world.

An American tourist would be welcomed in Yemen.


pixie_led t1_jbnz5gf wrote

That’s some prehistoric looking sh!t


Antique-Presence-817 t1_jbo3feb wrote

wow i always wanted to go to socotra. how did you get over there right now when the country is being bombed by the saudis using banned american cluster munitions?

you could have just gone to the canary islands, they have these trees there too


sebikern_photography OP t1_jbocdrj wrote

Socotra is pretty far away from Yemen and it hasnt been attack in the recent years. I flew from Abu Dhabi, we made a big turn to avoid Yemen mainland. There are alot of tourists (~6000 every year, I know thats not alot but in the context of Socotra it is) I wasnt visitjng Socotra just for Dragonblood trees, the island has way more to offer :)


drunkanidaho t1_jboiz8s wrote

BOTW players are putting on their lighting resist gear


Talamakara t1_jbol3ko wrote

Tried to grow these from seeds. The seeds just ended up molding :(


Individual-Camera-72 t1_jbon08a wrote

Yeah, r/botw used to be best of the week or best of the worst, and Zelda fans invaded so much so it got repurposed. r/Breath_of_the_Wild was made to mitigate that, but it didn’t work.

r/TotK underwent a similar thing where TOTK was the acronym for a show or something that wasn’t very popular. The sun didn’t do much and the owner was happy to repurpose it

“If I had a nickel for every time Zelda fans took over a sub I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.”

EDIT: Here’s the post for proof for r/TotK


rashidl t1_jbp5hpj wrote

Why are these trees upside down


DarkGengar94 t1_jbpfbgp wrote

Imagine a pokemon professor named Dragonblood?

Hello I'm Prof. Dragonblood


In-AGadda-Da-Vida t1_jbpve2n wrote

oh man those are in breath of the wild and i wondered if they were real