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samicktorino t1_jboqohs wrote

Where in Utah is this? I’m from Utah and have no idea. Maybe somewhat near Bryce Canyon?


peanutbutterjam t1_jbp5yeq wrote

I've driven adjacent to that. Looked awesome from the road and even better from up here. Utah is a wild wild place


GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbp75le wrote

Yeah I wanted to hike out but it was so windy and cold my lady wasn’t up to it. Wanted to shoot at night too. This isn’t the one you can see from the road though but I know the one you’re in about. This one is around the mountain adjacent to the one on the road.


toastibot t1_jbpnohi wrote

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bud_4z0 t1_jbq1nbt wrote

Thought it was a giant fossilized sea horse for a second there


mepardo t1_jbq3e9a wrote

Makes me think of Armistice from East of West.


spitel t1_jbq3k73 wrote

Utah is definitely the most Mars-like state in the Union.


WhatsTheMatterMcFly t1_jbq43n9 wrote

"Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame."

"Let it be Margit the Fell!"


lurkiestaccount t1_jbq5dzz wrote

Where the hell is Hanksville???

(From a bumper sticker in Hanksville )

So much goodness around there, check out the 'Moqui Queen' pictograph about 30 min south of Hanksville! It's incredible.


Papancasudani t1_jbq9bln wrote

What I need is a droid who understand the binary language of moisture vaporators.


nhlgirl1969 t1_jbqgoyv wrote

That is the most beautiful picture I have seen in a very long time. Thank you so much for sharing.


jagulto t1_jbqj1bn wrote

Mancos shale... Quite possibly the scariest rock to climb on.

I aided this in 2009, it was like climbing a drippy sand castle.

The landscape out there is lunar! It's wild.


bishop14 t1_jbqo2z7 wrote

Not otherworldly to me.

Source: grew up in the area


bigmac22077 t1_jbqpdb8 wrote

That’s the best area in the state by far. Maybe dinosaur is close. Don’t have all the stupid jeep and rzr assholes around you.


MarK003X t1_jbqsi0a wrote

You just spoiled NASA’s dragonfly mission to Titan


northcoastroast t1_jbqugd1 wrote

Looks like you're in the middle of the San Rafael swell. Some of the most interesting and beautiful geography in the Western United States. Not to mention an interesting part of the world when it comes to archeology as over three Indian tribes shared the area. Goblin Valley State Park is near there as well as Horseshoe canyon. Some of the best hiking to be found as well as the most beautiful colors and rocks.


Spongebobs_Quotes t1_jbraqtg wrote

Thought this was an aerial view of a wayyyy less orange “temple of the sun and moon” (from Capitol reef, utah).


Dynazty t1_jbrb3xv wrote

Isn’t this called like long dong silver or something? 😂


CaribouHoe t1_jbrdud6 wrote

From this vantage it's hard not to see erosion from millenia of rivers


GhxstTurbo t1_jbre1d5 wrote

Is it just me or does that look like its covered in glad wrap???


Admirable-War-1021 t1_jbrk4vl wrote

I think I have done 4 very long road-trips around Utah. It is truly another planet. Beauty that matches nothing else. Cool shot.


Afraid-Ad8986 t1_jbrklwx wrote

One of my best friends is Mormon and when I lived in Utah I dated a super hot Mormon girl. Both awesome people but if you were not a Mormon Utah was a tougher place to live.

The state is super cool i snowboarded every day and my car blew up trying to get to park city one day. Don’t know why that is important but it is what I remember.


vomputer t1_jbrm8c7 wrote

Utah is the least earthlike of places.


vindico1 t1_jbrqlyy wrote

Southern Utah is hands down the most beautiful area in the United States. Literally feels like a different planet in multiple areas.


[deleted] t1_jbrr623 wrote

Hanksville is literally like a chunk of Mars fell to Earth and landed in UT. That whole area south of I 70 and east of I 15 is bonkers beautiful. And there are so many varieties to it as well.


Sameranth t1_jbrrb7z wrote

Bro misspelled the shattered plains


[deleted] t1_jbrsbcu wrote

The extreme emptiness of the region and the raw barren landscape really makes you feel things deep down. I always get butterflies when I'm down there. It feels like a part of the planet left over from pre dinosaur times that just got forgotten by nature. Very difficult to do it justice with words trying to describe it to people who haven't experienced it. It's just southern UT.


dscarbon333 t1_jbs6si9 wrote

That is really something perhaps, nice photo :).


Historical_Boat_871 t1_jbs8kkj wrote

It was 12 years ago, I was totally clueless (I'm European, first time in the usa), driving by myself from fruli to moab. After I left that gas station I had no idea how deserted the road would be, I couldn't even find one radio signal. Was scary! Best month tho, driving randomly around Utah, Colorado, new Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California. Amazing places. Did a lot of hiking and mountain biking too


hondaprobs t1_jbs991a wrote

Incredible picture - looks like another planet


BoredBorealis t1_jbskvdj wrote

This really puts into perspective what Randall was talking about


bilowski t1_jbspv1m wrote

Amazing landscape and picture!


Donequis t1_jbswjbb wrote

Thaat place sure is alien to a utahn such as meself; all I get is a half dried up brine lake and inversion. I can't go out to recess some days so I'm not coughing all week.


rosie4568 t1_jbswn22 wrote

It looks like it's covered in Saran wrap


sawskooh t1_jbt6syg wrote

Woah, this looks like it might be the same formation that is currently the wallpaper on my phone, from a different angle. I'm from Utah (grew up camping at the Swell) and didn't know it was Utah. Should have guessed, though. Here's another stunning pic of this, I think.


Beyond_bound t1_jbt760s wrote

This looks like the bottom of a sea bed. Which begs the question, "Where did the waters go"?