Submitted by GaryCPhoto t3_11nrpv3 in EarthPorn
samicktorino t1_jboqohs wrote
Where in Utah is this? I’m from Utah and have no idea. Maybe somewhat near Bryce Canyon?
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jboryfk wrote
Closer to arches. Near a little town called Hanksville.
samicktorino t1_jbowxm9 wrote
peanutbutterjam t1_jbp5yeq wrote
I've driven adjacent to that. Looked awesome from the road and even better from up here. Utah is a wild wild place
crunchyshamster t1_jbp69al wrote
...but where are the faces of the presidents?
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbp75le wrote
Yeah I wanted to hike out but it was so windy and cold my lady wasn’t up to it. Wanted to shoot at night too. This isn’t the one you can see from the road though but I know the one you’re in about. This one is around the mountain adjacent to the one on the road.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbp7784 wrote
California? 😂
suburbanchiwriter t1_jbp8nq4 wrote
Looks like a landscape Hollywood would use for an alien planet.
JUST-A-FAN-1 t1_jbpb2mx wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbpbk7g wrote
And should 😀
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbpbldt wrote
Thank you 🙏
carmium t1_jbpdppo wrote
What do they call the spire? Hank?
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbpea3v wrote
Long Dong Silver
enigmasi t1_jbpj6pq wrote
toastibot t1_jbpnohi wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
40hzHERO t1_jbpsajm wrote
Oh Long Dongson!
didovic t1_jbpui5h wrote
That thing is all that’s left of the Barad-dur.
Historical_Boat_871 t1_jbpult6 wrote
Did you stop at the gas station inside a cave?
sweetdick t1_jbpwlcn wrote
Woahtha fuck?!?
thelocalmoco t1_jbpxu8i wrote
So surreal
Alaric_Darconville t1_jbpyvoa wrote
Awesome! Is this a drone shot?
garym04 t1_jbpzlrr wrote
Hanksville is right next to Capitol Reef National Park
Nice shot, OP
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbq0cfp wrote
Thank you 🙏
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbq0eyx wrote
Thank you, yes it is
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbq0hlx wrote
Wish I had hiked out to it.
bud_4z0 t1_jbq1nbt wrote
Thought it was a giant fossilized sea horse for a second there
mepardo t1_jbq3e9a wrote
Makes me think of Armistice from East of West.
spitel t1_jbq3k73 wrote
Utah is definitely the most Mars-like state in the Union.
danktastic_negro t1_jbq3q50 wrote
Reminds me of Myvatn in Iceland
WhatsTheMatterMcFly t1_jbq43n9 wrote
"Foul tarnished, in search of the Elden Ring. Emboldened by the flame of ambition. Someone must extinguish thy flame."
"Let it be Margit the Fell!"
plafman t1_jbq4ba6 wrote
Saran Wrap Valley
Archimedes05 t1_jbq4kdr wrote
I was going to guess Torrey. It’s so cool out that way, keep it a secret before all the influencers show up.
Brinner t1_jbq4s8o wrote
oh don piaaano
thelocalmoco t1_jbq4xy7 wrote
Do that next time
lurkiestaccount t1_jbq5dzz wrote
Where the hell is Hanksville???
(From a bumper sticker in Hanksville )
So much goodness around there, check out the 'Moqui Queen' pictograph about 30 min south of Hanksville! It's incredible.
Illustrious-Cookie73 t1_jbq5t9v wrote
Well, the Mars Desert Research Station isn’t too far away.
[deleted] t1_jbq69yo wrote
iupz0r t1_jbq6i7h wrote
ps5 or Xbox?
[deleted] t1_jbq7tkn wrote
suburbanchiwriter t1_jbq7wxx wrote
That's interesting!
DrKomeil t1_jbq84rz wrote
Has been, many times.
Papancasudani t1_jbq9bln wrote
What I need is a droid who understand the binary language of moisture vaporators.
HaveAMap t1_jbqazyx wrote
The other gas station across the street has the best milkshakes.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqbh3k wrote
Rockrowster t1_jbqbip8 wrote
Funny because exmormons refer to the idaho-utah-arizona corridor as Mormon Corridor or Mordor
suburbanchiwriter t1_jbqbkhf wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqbmn0 wrote
I wanted to explore so much more of Utah but time constraints prevented that.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqbnqu wrote
I will for sure.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqbqcj wrote
Oh they’ve been there already but it’s a bit far for some.
Alaric_Darconville t1_jbqc88x wrote
Well done!
schlagers t1_jbqcijv wrote
This was formed by wind and water erosion. I don’t know about spires like this, but impact craters can have a central peak or even an inner ring of peaks. My favorite part is they can fill with water and become an annular lake like The Eye of Quebec
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqf7n0 wrote
That’s what I said
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqf920 wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqfccp wrote
Could be
nhlgirl1969 t1_jbqgoyv wrote
That is the most beautiful picture I have seen in a very long time. Thank you so much for sharing.
dmann27 t1_jbqj0y5 wrote
You can't say that when it's much closer to capitol reef and canyonlands
jagulto t1_jbqj1bn wrote
Mancos shale... Quite possibly the scariest rock to climb on.
I aided this in 2009, it was like climbing a drippy sand castle.
The landscape out there is lunar! It's wild.
Thizzz_face t1_jbqjesm wrote
caseyfrazanimations t1_jbqjp9r wrote
I thought that was cat sh*t for a split second.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqjsru wrote
No animals or animal scat allowed in the sub
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqjvpk wrote
Wow! Yeah can’t imaging it’s good for climbing.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqjy9g wrote
True I’m my too savvy with the area. I’m from Ireland.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqjzyr wrote
Wow! Thank you so so much! Really appreciate it
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqk30g wrote
Thank you again. It was tough getting the drone out there as it was pretty windy 🌬️
queenofthepalmtrees t1_jbql0cp wrote
In a galaxy far, far, away.
Wookiefeet67 t1_jbql6ua wrote
Places like this in Utah are the inspiration for the Shattered Plains in the Stormlight Archive. If that ever gets a live action show they’d have to film there
Auk-Inula t1_jbql8gf wrote
I can see a dragon
randallwade t1_jbqliz3 wrote
this is actually true
jagulto t1_jbqls1j wrote
It's not bad. Worth the trip if you're in the area. Easy hike and takes micros, RPs, and ball nutz really well.
BentPin t1_jbqmek9 wrote
These spires will eventually turn everyone into alien zombies. Watch out
GreywackeOmarolluk t1_jbqnctm wrote
Capitol Reef is an amazing place, but much of the surrounding area is also amazing, too. Love that area. Far fewer crowds than around Moab.
nhlgirl1969 t1_jbqnfy3 wrote
You're welcome. Keep up the great photography😀
bishop14 t1_jbqo2z7 wrote
Not otherworldly to me.
Source: grew up in the area
bigmac22077 t1_jbqpdb8 wrote
That’s the best area in the state by far. Maybe dinosaur is close. Don’t have all the stupid jeep and rzr assholes around you.
SaltLakeCitySlicker t1_jbqpdty wrote
I feel like Utah is known for 4 things. Otherworld views, 127 hours, skiing, and the other one
Maybe add fly fishing if you know the place
[deleted] t1_jbqpmlg wrote
HaveAMap t1_jbqpr1i wrote
“Have you been to THE arch?”
But seriously, I loved living there and exploring the canyons (respectfully) for pictographs and learned about butch cassidy. It was fun.
-Mateo- t1_jbqq0qb wrote
Great photo! What date was this? Trying to gauge the snow there now.
SaltLakeCitySlicker t1_jbqr5q8 wrote
I went to yuba once to fish and camp. We stayed at painted rocks. It was like an hour before seeing the pictograph and being like "huh. I guess that's why it's painted rocks"
MarK003X t1_jbqsi0a wrote
You just spoiled NASA’s dragonfly mission to Titan
Pleasant-Cricket-129 t1_jbqssdm wrote
Utah should be renamed Moon.
[deleted] t1_jbqtdko wrote
Ih8Hondas t1_jbqtqdd wrote
And Swingarm City.
old_and_new t1_jbqtujq wrote
Anyone else seeing a reversed ghost dragon from heroes of might and magic 3 in the snow? Wings in the middle above it head, bellow it the feet and going out on the right the tail?
Ih8Hondas t1_jbqtxa1 wrote
That area has a lot of bentonite, which is actually the main ingredient in most cat litter.
northcoastroast t1_jbqugd1 wrote
Looks like you're in the middle of the San Rafael swell. Some of the most interesting and beautiful geography in the Western United States. Not to mention an interesting part of the world when it comes to archeology as over three Indian tribes shared the area. Goblin Valley State Park is near there as well as Horseshoe canyon. Some of the best hiking to be found as well as the most beautiful colors and rocks.
Asquared2010 t1_jbqv660 wrote
Is that six shooter and south six shooter?
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwcmh wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwfqi wrote
Ah the auld taken for granted due to familiarity 😀 I got that growing up in Ireland but now I miss it so much. Live in Toronto now.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwke7 wrote
Such a cool aww area.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwlqh wrote
Beginning of Marchand thank you 🙏
OO0OOO0OOOOO0OOOOOOO t1_jbqwmow wrote
Dragon on right
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwnnz wrote
They’ll be just fine.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwoco wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwsh7 wrote
Not too sure. I seen it being called Long Dong Silver
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwvhm wrote
So beautiful there and I just whizzed through the area. Needs more attention. Next time.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbqwys8 wrote
See it. Very cool.
Tesseract257 t1_jbqx7of wrote
Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came
AttacusShoots t1_jbr3m1i wrote
More like otherworldly photo editing
Horror_Ad_9422 t1_jbr3xfz wrote
Ahhh good old Mars
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbr448c wrote
Thank you 🙏
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbr45tr wrote
She be a good’n
ILikeMtnDew t1_jbr5amy wrote
I would add Mormons, as someone from the east coast who has never been there (yet) lol
[deleted] t1_jbr7cp4 wrote
moshe8910 t1_jbr7j4z wrote
Keep the west wild. This area unfortunately already gets more traffic than it can sustain.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbr7zh8 wrote
Yeah I agree but tbh I found it myself by searching online. It took me 5 mins of vague google search words.
QuickSpore t1_jbr80sl wrote
Just in case anyone thinks you’re kidding… the spire is actually called Long Dong Silver.
SimplyViolated t1_jbr9qg0 wrote
Utah is top notch
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbr9y4o wrote
Seriously need more time there but off the beaten path
Spongebobs_Quotes t1_jbraqtg wrote
Thought this was an aerial view of a wayyyy less orange “temple of the sun and moon” (from Capitol reef, utah).
Dynazty t1_jbrb3xv wrote
Isn’t this called like long dong silver or something? 😂
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbrcdbf wrote
CaribouHoe t1_jbrdud6 wrote
From this vantage it's hard not to see erosion from millenia of rivers
GhxstTurbo t1_jbre1d5 wrote
Is it just me or does that look like its covered in glad wrap???
yellcat t1_jbrh8gx wrote
This is so wicked
JustHarry49 t1_jbrhu4t wrote
Where the hell is hanksville?
JustHarry49 t1_jbri02c wrote
Saw that on a t-shirt in Moab once.
grumbledonaldduck t1_jbri71f wrote
Long Dong Sliver
ObjectiveFine4257 t1_jbrib1l wrote
Check out Valle de Luna in Chile!
Admirable-War-1021 t1_jbrk4vl wrote
I think I have done 4 very long road-trips around Utah. It is truly another planet. Beauty that matches nothing else. Cool shot.
Afraid-Ad8986 t1_jbrklwx wrote
One of my best friends is Mormon and when I lived in Utah I dated a super hot Mormon girl. Both awesome people but if you were not a Mormon Utah was a tougher place to live.
The state is super cool i snowboarded every day and my car blew up trying to get to park city one day. Don’t know why that is important but it is what I remember.
[deleted] t1_jbrkqs9 wrote
vomputer t1_jbrm8c7 wrote
Utah is the least earthlike of places.
[deleted] t1_jbrmveu wrote
swaziwarrior54 t1_jbropqq wrote
See Galaxy Quest and like a million other movies
2xBAKEDPOTOOOOOOOO t1_jbrpkdm wrote
Did you make it to Goblin Valley state park?
[deleted] t1_jbrqbsb wrote
vindico1 t1_jbrqlyy wrote
Southern Utah is hands down the most beautiful area in the United States. Literally feels like a different planet in multiple areas.
[deleted] t1_jbrr623 wrote
Hanksville is literally like a chunk of Mars fell to Earth and landed in UT. That whole area south of I 70 and east of I 15 is bonkers beautiful. And there are so many varieties to it as well.
Sameranth t1_jbrrb7z wrote
Bro misspelled the shattered plains
[deleted] t1_jbrrcp4 wrote
We've got a Molly's Nipple as well. Though as near as I can tell every state has one of those.
[deleted] t1_jbrrgso wrote
I need that shirt. No one knows where Hanksville is. It's on the furthest corner of a lonely road in the middle of freaking nowhere.
[deleted] t1_jbrrpm7 wrote
The number of films shot in UT would probably surprise most people. Everything from Dumb and Dumber right up to John Carter. Pirates of the Caribbean to Looking Glass.
Denmantheman t1_jbrrz3o wrote
Looks like long dong silver
[deleted] t1_jbrsbcu wrote
The extreme emptiness of the region and the raw barren landscape really makes you feel things deep down. I always get butterflies when I'm down there. It feels like a part of the planet left over from pre dinosaur times that just got forgotten by nature. Very difficult to do it justice with words trying to describe it to people who haven't experienced it. It's just southern UT.
noanje t1_jbru2m0 wrote
That little gas station saved my rear. Was driving across in January a year ago and my ol truck ran out of coolant over one of the high mountains, and managed to limp along to there.
leakyaquitard t1_jbrv28u wrote
*”…beautiful geology in the western US…”
-Most Cordially
A Geologist
Shoddy-Indication798 t1_jbrvauc wrote
Alluvial flood plains have always fascinated me
[deleted] t1_jbs5zbh wrote
hellodon t1_jbs6pzh wrote
Like movie style “blow up”? Or just broke and smoked?
dscarbon333 t1_jbs6si9 wrote
That is really something perhaps, nice photo :).
Historical_Boat_871 t1_jbs8kkj wrote
It was 12 years ago, I was totally clueless (I'm European, first time in the usa), driving by myself from fruli to moab. After I left that gas station I had no idea how deserted the road would be, I couldn't even find one radio signal. Was scary! Best month tho, driving randomly around Utah, Colorado, new Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California. Amazing places. Did a lot of hiking and mountain biking too
EricAntiHero1 t1_jbs8l0h wrote
Leyndel after burning down the Erdtree
hondaprobs t1_jbs991a wrote
Incredible picture - looks like another planet
New-account-01 t1_jbs99qq wrote
Looks like it's been mined
Afraid-Ad8986 t1_jbsar6l wrote
Head gasket
Educational-Formal21 t1_jbseck6 wrote
Looks like a dragon skeleton
Rivian_TrampM9 t1_jbsh3xf wrote
Truly a spectacular view!!!
BoredBorealis t1_jbskvdj wrote
This really puts into perspective what Randall was talking about
northcoastroast t1_jbsp3ga wrote
That's what I get for posting while high as a kite and using voice to text. Poor grammar and spelling mistakes aplenty.
bilowski t1_jbspv1m wrote
Amazing landscape and picture!
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsuwjx wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsuxog wrote
Thank you so much
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv2ez wrote
I was there but it was closed due to bad weather. I went there to witness the darkest skies in the world and it was cloudy for a month. Bolivian winter they called it.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv3nj wrote
Thank you! It’s amazing there.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv4ai wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv6je wrote
Drove past it. Didn’t go in.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv7sm wrote
So true. I want back there.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsv9kd wrote
Yeah wish the weather was better to explore more.
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsvajw wrote
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsvbg5 wrote
Thank you 🙏
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsvc6t wrote
Thank you so much
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbsve96 wrote
Thank you 🙏
Mr_Mons_of_Nibiru t1_jbsvhw2 wrote
Reminds me of weavers needle out here in the superstitions
link90 t1_jbsvm8y wrote
Let me guess, a Subaru?
Donequis t1_jbswjbb wrote
Thaat place sure is alien to a utahn such as meself; all I get is a half dried up brine lake and inversion. I can't go out to recess some days so I'm not coughing all week.
rosie4568 t1_jbswn22 wrote
It looks like it's covered in Saran wrap
Fidellio t1_jbt4xnk wrote
So quit telling everyone on reddit and making it easier to find bro damn
sawskooh t1_jbt6syg wrote
Woah, this looks like it might be the same formation that is currently the wallpaper on my phone, from a different angle. I'm from Utah (grew up camping at the Swell) and didn't know it was Utah. Should have guessed, though. Here's another stunning pic of this, I think.
bishop14 t1_jbt6yvu wrote
I'm sure I'll miss it at some point as well now that I've moved away. We'll see.
Beyond_bound t1_jbt760s wrote
This looks like the bottom of a sea bed. Which begs the question, "Where did the waters go"?
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbt79dq wrote
AgreeableInsurance85 t1_jbtvh2j wrote
Where is this place?
LoadALaMode t1_jbuviu5 wrote
Don't go to Utah. Stay away. They will fuck youe wife and make you drinks watered down beer.
SaltLakeCitySlicker t1_jbv1muu wrote
We don't have beer. The only sin tax item is that 10% one
BorschtVegetable t1_jbwvc18 wrote
I love how the snow on the crevices makes it look all slimy
GaryCPhoto OP t1_jbxkdr9 wrote
Such a surreal place
Afraid-Ad8986 t1_jbznqvj wrote
Lebaron Turbo.
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