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Umbra427 t1_jebmvg6 wrote

Sedona is straight-up magical. I really don’t know how else to describe it


that_guy_you_kno t1_jecf62o wrote

And here I was about to cut it out of my trip next month in favor of Monument. Anywhere specific you think I should check out?


Chawwwch t1_jee0g62 wrote

Just got back from my trip to Arizona & I drove 2 hours to & from my hotel to see Sedona. I would do it again, a different kind of land out there dude. If you are any what of a hiker especially. Route 66, some of the best parts still available is up that way too about another hour north of Sedona.

Even just driving through the main road through is just crazy man, especially with all rain they’ve had this winter there is a lot of vegetation & a lot of color in the desert.


Umbra427 t1_jectufi wrote

There’s a resort called “Enchantment.” I stayed there and it’s right in the middle of beautiful scenery and the resort itself really capitalizes on the “vibe” of that whole environment. If you can swing it; I’d HIGHLY recommend it.