Submitted by takepacific t3_y95qdd in EarthPorn
takepacific OP t1_it3nvee wrote
Tech: Nikon Z7 / Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 lens
Connect: If you’re interested in more landscape photography, check out my link tree.
Prints: To see this photo on a metal, canvas, or photo display, check out
Lady-Orpheus t1_it3oli1 wrote
It looks unreal. What a perfect time of the day to witness such a beauty of a scenery. Wonderful photo 🤯
Jerkface555 t1_it3p4fw wrote
Damn. Beautiful shot
stateescapes t1_it3rr81 wrote
Still so smokey though from the fires
2001vegeta t1_it3ucpf wrote
Amazing color
takepacific OP t1_it3vuco wrote
Yeah it was! At night more smoke rolled in, and it got so bad we couldn't see any surrounding peaks. Pretty crazy experience..
takepacific OP t1_it3vwh3 wrote
Thank you. It was outstanding throughout the whole hike, I really enjoyed it.
takepacific OP t1_it3vx9c wrote
Thank you so much!
takepacific OP t1_it3w06p wrote
Thank you! It was incredibly beautiful. It felt very rewarding after a long journey in..
Lady-Orpheus t1_it3ygxr wrote
No better reward than this view, that's for sure. Except maybe some whisky in a nicely lit cabin but what do I know ^^
takepacific OP t1_it3zybv wrote
haha yeah that sounds very cozy for sure
takepacific OP t1_it4002z wrote
snowy lakes
takepacific OP t1_it40b8k wrote
yes and there's some portals in the area as well
Missanonna t1_it45rcj wrote
My first thought was Snow Lakes trail, but that's about 70 south of where you were at.
Callisto7K t1_it4930k wrote
toastibot t1_it4dzv1 wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
draft_animal t1_it4hxnd wrote
I used to take photos at places like this but then I took an arrow to the knee.
takepacific OP t1_it4nny6 wrote
charleyfoxtrot t1_it4pimg wrote
Your wallpaper photo isn't from Washington, looks much more like Scotland to me
screwyluie t1_it4t7ob wrote
Looks a lot like Lake Ann
jazzofusion t1_it4tjks wrote
Absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing!
engineerRob t1_it4tw6j wrote
CeleryAvocadoLemon t1_it4ul93 wrote
Great shot! You’re just at the right place and time to have gotten all the layers showing the depth of the landscape, along with the shape of the clouds going towards the horizon. You captured the excitement of hiking in just one photo.
T1B2V3 t1_it4wljm wrote
there could also be a skeleton in a boat in that lake
takepacific OP t1_it4wp1y wrote
takepacific OP t1_it4wqhw wrote
Thank you, you’re welcome! 🤗
Fappy_as_a_Clam t1_it4y0oi wrote
I think that's where Iron Mike's camp is
[deleted] t1_it4y63y wrote
hippie_sabotaged t1_it4y9gb wrote
[deleted] t1_it4yv0m wrote
[deleted] t1_it4z2sz wrote
Nul9o9 t1_it50233 wrote
thatonefan444 t1_it50lg5 wrote
the reflection of the mountain tho
GurpsWibcheengs t1_it52tqp wrote
You can't fool me, I know the plains of Whiterun when I see them.
360Turn t1_it55mkd wrote
From Seattle, 250 aqi yesterday. Gotta love wildfire season
RecklessRelentless99 t1_it563o9 wrote
Our state is just packed with beautiful photobait landscapes. Thank you for sharing this one with us
alphawolf29 t1_it57d0m wrote
I live pretty close to here and it hasn't rained since june.
[deleted] t1_it59mwo wrote
Queenoftheelves101 t1_it5a1eg wrote
Queenoftheelves101 t1_it5a24y wrote
Queenoftheelves101 t1_it5a3pt wrote
LovedLotus t1_it5bqlo wrote
sarcasm_247 t1_it5cl0w wrote
Wow breathtaking
psunavy03 t1_it5cpw5 wrote
Member when we didn't freaking HAVE a "wildfire season?" I member.
dudeperson33 t1_it5dmpi wrote
My wife and I recently summited a peak as the sun was setting. The hike down in the dark was pretty frightening even though we had a strong flashlight. Were you OK in the dark?
aimless_ly t1_it5fyn4 wrote
I saw Diablo Lake at 888 aqi a couple days ago 🤮
ExpatJundi t1_it5goyb wrote
Yamahaboy200 t1_it5gyaw wrote
Is this Tomyhoi peak in the distance?
AbsAndAssAppreciator t1_it5h4pr wrote
Goddamn that's beautiful
360Turn t1_it5h8d7 wrote
Holy shit
360Turn t1_it5ha8j wrote
Better times 😞
FulbrightCooley t1_it5hj5s wrote
Incredible landscape and shot. Full of wonder, and so tranquil.
takepacific OP t1_it5ig1h wrote
Thank you 😁
4shotsofnespresso t1_it5irqp wrote
Kai_Ryssdals_Bitch t1_it5jz9y wrote
Is that Mount Pugh?
beatauburn7 t1_it5lvg6 wrote
Seattle was awful today. I'd bet that visibility in the city was less than 2 miles.
[deleted] t1_it5mmv1 wrote
eleanorstonkle t1_it5nucm wrote
Right? I've lived in Washington my whole life and this is so weird and no one where I live seems willing to acknowledge that this never used to happen and it blows my mind. 2020 was by far the worst where I am, but this week has also been really bad.
EarorForofor t1_it5ohby wrote
That's got to be a failed sensor
bootybootyrockin9 t1_it5ojbi wrote
Pepperidge farm rembembers
EarorForofor t1_it5opg6 wrote
That's Scotland or Norway. That's an ancient mountain. Washington mountains don't look like that
psunavy03 t1_it5pdd1 wrote
This whole year seems to have been bad. But yeah, I never saw this before 2017.
Edit: I first moved to Washington in 2006 and I’m being downvoted for describing my lived experience. Never change, Reddit.
GraniteMtn t1_it5povw wrote
Shhhh… tell people it’s Colorado or something.
aimless_ly t1_it5ql6f wrote
It is not. I misspoke though, it is on Ross Lake not Diablo Lake. The sensor is right across the lake from the Desolation wildfire and the topography on the north end of the lake traps the smoke something fierce.
PM_SHORT_STORY_IDEAS t1_it5s3g7 wrote
Where is this? I smell a road trip (and smoke)
takepacific OP t1_it5sbu3 wrote
that sounds like an adventure! Yeah we were fine, just camped in a tent in the moonlight, it was very peaceful
takepacific OP t1_it5skku wrote
thank you!
takepacific OP t1_it5so9u wrote
so much beauty to explore! you're very welcome!
takepacific OP t1_it5sqz9 wrote
Mt. Hardy :)
takepacific OP t1_it5st11 wrote
I'm glad you like it!
[deleted] t1_it5v7u4 wrote
Sad-Firefighter-5745 t1_it5weyc wrote
I was there last week and I couldn't see anything because of the smoke....I was so disappointed
Psychological-Chef29 t1_it5xtrp wrote
The Throat of the World looks epic!
mattenthehat t1_it5yzav wrote
You guys got it way worse than us (California) this year. Spooky stuff. I was kinda thinking about moving up there (sorry) to run from the fires, but maybe I should just keep on truckin all the way to Juneau or something...
NinjaBullets t1_it5z56r wrote
You cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby
takepacific OP t1_it5zjt7 wrote
takepacific OP t1_it63x8s wrote
Absolutely 😁
crappuccino t1_it64a70 wrote
Looks like upper Snowy Lakes – OP's last post/photo was from the lower of the two.
crappuccino t1_it64dwc wrote
I think it's Mt Hardy – Tower is behind/left of this POV.
17top t1_it64s35 wrote
Kim worried that from now on we will have two seasons: rain and smoke :(
draft_animal t1_it6bd9z wrote
I did not know that sub-Reddit exists! That's awesome.
pushdose t1_it6d5hk wrote
Boozeman? You there?
KlutzyAmount t1_it6o4t9 wrote
Looks like Valhalla
Canadian_leo23 t1_it6onyi wrote
This looks beautiful. Thank you for posting!
Dendroapsis t1_it6s2b7 wrote
That is absolutely stunning!
Haploid-life t1_it6t7e6 wrote
Look at those beautiful tamaracks.
james_henrick t1_it6vksl wrote
This is beautiful I’d love this as a wallpaper for my phone haha!
TossMy__Usename t1_it71tvs wrote
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Bob-the-knob t1_it770wu wrote
This looks so beautiful. Im sad summer hiking is wrapping up (here in Canada anyways). But this is the year I start snowshoeing and cross country skiing just so I can get in the mountains year round. Lovely photo thanks for sharing.
ForceBlade t1_it77njf wrote
Beautiful shot OP
GrizDrummer25 t1_it7dkdz wrote
Beautiful spot! I love the natural silhouette of the mountains.
GrizDrummer25 t1_it7dvfi wrote
I moved to Montana in 2008. Have a free upvote to combat the ignorant, my PNW neighbor :)
spcewarrior t1_it7jxdv wrote
Looks like Atlus Plateau
Callisto7K t1_it7ok3d wrote
I miss the PNW. Been too many years
Nokrons-Finest t1_it7q7v2 wrote
When fog is actually smoke :|
fireismyfriend90 t1_it7tzfo wrote
Pepperidge farm members..
brokedown_bust t1_it7w3zh wrote
Reminds me of the Neverending story!
goinupthegranby t1_it7zvwy wrote
I'm 37 and grew up and still live in interior BC, not far from Spokane. Wildfire season was always a thing but it was super rare for it to get really bad. Now it's really bad more years than it isn't. Its nothing like it used to be and I hate it when people bullshit like it's nothing new.
dustfirecentury t1_it842tv wrote
Beautiful shot! What gear did you use?
rmcuk1234 t1_it8gd3u wrote
SHACA_LACA t1_it8hi7i wrote
Kaer morhen
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