Submitted by DAVID00077 t3_yalnox in EarthPorn
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akusokuZAN t1_itc18v7 wrote
Is this recent? Very nice colors.
The last few days here in the south have had some nuclear sunrises.
One had the sun with a fully round yellow glow, but for the sea remained blue to the point of it looking fake. Unfortunately I just had my phone with me :(
[deleted] t1_itc299p wrote
toastibot t1_itcaoe0 wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
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NFresh6 t1_itcarp7 wrote
We went to Croatia for our honeymoon this year and the most beautiful sunset we saw was at the musical stairs by the water in Zadar! We started in Zagreb and made our way down the coast going to Zadar, Krka National Park, Sibenik, Split, Hvar and ending in Dubrovnik! Such a wonderful country!
StGoran t1_itcdfaw wrote
schoener-doener t1_itcesk2 wrote
I might know that beach
JamesWjRose t1_itcg3lt wrote
Beautiful shot. Yay for you for this experience
Also post this to r/Skyporn
[deleted] t1_itciplg wrote
[deleted] t1_itcjh00 wrote
Actual_Candidate5456 t1_itcjmux wrote
…you never seen a sunset before?
actually looks like a mid sunset
[deleted] t1_itckkjs wrote
[deleted] t1_itckq53 wrote
Grr_in_girl t1_itcmtsb wrote
I think it was Alfred Hitchcock who said that Zadar, Croatia had the world's most beautiful sunsets.
[deleted] t1_itcns46 wrote
deetzz91 t1_itcojy1 wrote
I see better ones on Lake Erie but still nice
Farsmatn t1_itcq34n wrote
Wtfffff bother
stoprockandrollkids t1_itcq9ns wrote
As someone who just visited Zadar for the first time, I concur
Reedsandrights t1_itcqa5p wrote
A Bosnian guy I worked with for 10 years never missed a chance to remind me to visit Croatia someday. This sub has really cemented that idea.
pittsburgh-lesbian t1_itcu2h6 wrote
Kroacijo, ka mater te volin 😍
JusAnotherCreator t1_itcukwj wrote
Dude go to the island of Hvar if you've got the chance. Definitely top 10 most beautiful places I've visited
finger_milk t1_itcuw22 wrote
Balaeric/Mediterranean sunsets are some of the best you'll ever see.
RecognitionNotNeeded t1_itcxgup wrote
Just lovely
ATalkingCat t1_itcxz41 wrote
absolutely gorgeous! hello new phone wallpaper :)
GarbageGobble t1_itcz015 wrote
Such a beautiful country!
Benny-B-Fresh t1_itd8afx wrote
Croatia and Greece have the best sunsets
Benny-B-Fresh t1_itd8dgg wrote
Would’ve been a great opportunity to link to a Rick Roll 😆
LaserAficionado t1_itd8wno wrote
I went to Croatia in 2019, and YES! The sunset in Zadar is absolutely stunning. Loved watching it set by the musical stairs as well. Very beautiful country, I'd love to go back one day.
DAVID00077 OP t1_itd8xet wrote
You should watch the video!🔥
cablanedo t1_itd99e5 wrote
Just checked it out and I’m jellly
StGoran t1_itd9f3k wrote
Ha ha. Didn't even cross my mind
HighBanksDrifter t1_itd9inj wrote
Is that a shark in the water?
DAVID00077 OP t1_itd9zyz wrote
No. It is a Buoy🤣🤣
twentysomethinger t1_itdayka wrote
It's amazing to me after visiting Split last summer how little known Croatia is for those of us in the West, especially in the US... what an amazing country.
BigBangsaAlabang t1_itdcbap wrote
Hi OP! Can I save this? For pc wallpaper please🥲
WholesomeLove280 t1_itdchtq wrote
Hands down, this is one of the prettiest sea sunsets I’ve ever seen!!
drbobintexas t1_itdek5p wrote
Stunning! Looks like Southern California most every day of the year.
CaesarsInferno t1_itdfmg0 wrote
Had the exact same experience in Zadar (sunset by the stairs). Was great.
nomnoms0610 t1_itdg4z6 wrote
DAVID00077 OP t1_itdga4v wrote
Yes you can👍
DAVID00077 OP t1_itdgnm1 wrote
It is a small buoy 🤣🤣
EuropeanSuperLegolas t1_itdhpe3 wrote
Adriatic water just hits different. Looks like unobtanium in the sunset
AffectionateArm8350 t1_itdm0he wrote
Thats amazing, Ive never seen that before
Just_a_dude92 t1_itdp3ah wrote
Croatia is the most beautiful county I've ever been to
DAVID00077 OP t1_itds18w wrote
Steel_Shield t1_itds6e7 wrote
Same here!
thunderandlightning0 t1_itdurna wrote
When did you take this picture?
mikurumode t1_itdw0rf wrote
i love photos that have the clouds at sunset, always so pretty :0
shoowack t1_itdy0bt wrote
Beautiful, checkout what I captured 3 years ago
dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_itdy0ws wrote
I’ve seen more beautiful
EnterPlayerTwo t1_itdyf2x wrote
That's a good'n!
[deleted] t1_itdzgf0 wrote
fazelanvari t1_ite1qmc wrote
My sunrise this morning. Florida.
drifters74 t1_ite2v66 wrote
Oh it's beautiful
unhurrieduntroubled t1_ite3651 wrote
jamjarandrews t1_ite89e0 wrote
I totally agree although I found Zadar a bit lacking other than that!
powprodukt t1_ite9nnf wrote
Clouds make sunsets
Sh_okre996 t1_iteb1aa wrote
Zadar has the most beautiful sunset in the world, more beautiful than the one in Key West, in Florida, applauded at every evening. Alfred Hitchcock
Rich-Ad8515 t1_iteb4lq wrote
hotterthanahandjob t1_itecwui wrote
Most beautiful place I've ever been. Start in Split, charter a boat, and spend a week island hopping. Best vacation you'll ever have in your life.
covchildbasil t1_iteee08 wrote
Zadar is great! I've passed through twice now and always have a blast. Pag island is nearby and also amazing
Actual-Option3344 t1_itefvxe wrote
This looks like Oklahoma on lake Hefner on a Tuesday. Not that it's not stunning.
TheBoogeyman1010 t1_itel9ee wrote
Wow looks amazing
IamArrogant t1_itelpcs wrote
Wow !! Would you look at that!
Adm_Mitthrawnuruodo t1_itelumm wrote
Stranger on the Shore begins to softly play
roberttheboi t1_itemmub wrote
Was there recently. Incredibly beautiful country. Was actually brought to tears looking over Dubrovnik.
VeeAgo_agogo t1_iteqr5x wrote
Croatia is stupidly beautiful
pale_blue_dots t1_itev7pp wrote
Yeah, wow. :) Hard to put into words.
Ilikegooddeals t1_itex0v4 wrote
TheForsakenGuardian t1_itezzz1 wrote
It’s really heavy geoengineering that’s sad
MicahTheGreat21 t1_itf2sy4 wrote
Damn I thought 20 stories up on Mertyl Beach was good. Wow
Cody86772601 t1_itf781z wrote
Capital_Grape_7148 t1_itfc2ez wrote
So pretty!!
[deleted] t1_itftuz6 wrote
bmorehalfazn t1_ithpo48 wrote
CapeTownSunnies t1_itl7sj0 wrote
fattyblindside t1_itlu5p5 wrote
I doubt that. Given the sheer amount of complaining and negativity in your comment history, I'd say that every sunset you've ever seen has been terrible.
What a depressing person.
Ok_Function6921 t1_itnh7ef wrote
I feel a call
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