Submitted by VLWphotography t3_yztmxl in EarthPorn
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2av8f wrote
Those electrical scars are horrifying. I can't even imagine how powerful they truly must've been.
imustbethedevil t1_ix2l1sk wrote
Australia is scary
misschzburger t1_ix2mh3d wrote
This is a beautiful image. Thank you for sharing this unique view of the earth.
Noman9410 t1_ix2migd wrote
jam-and-marscapone t1_ix2mqne wrote
No. It is natural.
HoboAJ t1_ix2mzhg wrote
That's water, and the plants sprouting up in it's wake.
Unless I'm missing something?
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2n2jy wrote
About 20,000 years ago, sun was discharging across the solar system. There are scars like that all over earth and various other places throughout our system. If you look at a surface that's been blasted by high velocity plasma, you'll see that the scarring is identical. There's is a river though, that looks like it was created through water erosion.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2ndbf wrote
Beautiful if not a bit morbid.
jonnygreen22 t1_ix2rg6b wrote
Oh cool man yeah, did you remember to take your medication?
Totally on board with your electricity dumbass idea but just wanna make sure, you know?
DexJones t1_ix2rz8o wrote
Nope, natural and runs through some truly wild country.
Plz_make_me_good t1_ix2ujyg wrote
as cool as it would be, there's no plasma scarring in this picture. Only dried up riverbed
Bionic_Ferir t1_ix2ve82 wrote
Fun fact mt Augusta is the largest sandstone monolith in the world. It's twice as large as Uluru and you can climbed it with out an issue
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2viz9 wrote
Its not cool. It sent the previous civilization back into the stone age. And no, they're electrical scars that were filled in with water later. You'll notice how the river doesn't look the same. That's because it's in a river bed. The surrounding area doesn't look the same.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2whag wrote
If that blast had been more powerful it could've even left mountains. Pulverizing the ground and pulling it into the current pretty much instantaneously, causing mass to build into a peak. We used to worship the sun. Saturn and Jupiter before that. When they were close enough to be visible by eye. Hence why Gods have a thing lightning. When our son was all that was left in the sky, humanity proclaimed it the one true God. This where the worship of the old gods ended. You all can look at the research that's been done and then do your own from there if you like. YouTube The Thunderbolts Project.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix2wkfb wrote
Your ignorance is your own problem douche.
Bretty_boy t1_ix2z7fk wrote
Well why don’t you share it with the rest of us then
SauronsinofPride t1_ix301ba wrote
This just shows how much of a wasteland australia is
paper_daisey025 t1_ix30xfe wrote
Western Australia is stunning. It's hard to explain to people who haven't visited how vast it is and how remote most of it is. The landscape is just stunning. Hoping to go back for a visit one day.
Waste-Bag-5566 t1_ix32rpq wrote
It is amazing wouldn’t mind getting lost out that way
tiredwiredandfired t1_ix3422w wrote
The time-lapse of this would be really cool.
Rogue_Vaper t1_ix34zwf wrote
Just remember there is a gang of Saltwater crocodiles in that pic.
toastibot t1_ix35dsb wrote
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xSantenoturtlex t1_ix3cj73 wrote
Marmoset_Ghosts t1_ix3d3r5 wrote
Some top notch proto-oxbow lake action going on here
KingTut747 t1_ix3etm1 wrote
That might not be the best idea!
p_diablo t1_ix3f2nb wrote
almuqabala t1_ix3fi50 wrote
Good old fractals...
mowbuss t1_ix3fnmp wrote
I was way off, its just up above lake argyle.
its somewhere in this area.,122.4878377,7984m/data=!3m1!1e3
Sweaty-Brilliant-577 t1_ix3ft62 wrote
Why does the vegetation grow in this pattern? Is the river depositing something in its previous basins and streams that give plants their N, P & K in the otherwise hostile soil? Thank you.
taleofbenji t1_ix3huxt wrote
What I find nuts is that it is not totally uninhabited. You can see lots of little settlements on Google maps. Like where do they shop for Hot Pockets?
pielz t1_ix3ihsy wrote
Apparently theres some conspiracy theory that the earth was destroyed by electricity in the ancient past because of these electrical looking fractal patterns lol.
I've seen a few YouTube videos about it. People are bonkers
BlamDandy t1_ix3im69 wrote
It is one of the harshest, most unforgiving environments on earth. You would very much mind getting lost out that way
Nomicakes t1_ix3io9n wrote
I very much doubt there's salties that far inland.
Waste-Bag-5566 t1_ix3j3xf wrote
I have no idea what climate is like out that way. I’m green as grass when it comes to Australia
MRflibbertygibbets t1_ix3jj89 wrote
G’day mate, d’ya mean the little snacks inside a kangaroo’s pouch? They’re bloody fantastic, but a bit small, oi prefer a Vegemite sandwich
BlamDandy t1_ix3k5u2 wrote
It's beautiful but is basically a desert with flash flooding, makes for some gorgeous gorges out at karijini national park though!
Waste-Bag-5566 t1_ix3kokw wrote
I Need to rotate over there. One day
[deleted] t1_ix3lp5l wrote
miniZuben t1_ix3lvqs wrote
If there were previous advanced civilizations on earth, there would be traces of them. They would have left behind archeological artifacts and remnants of mining for heavy metals. Their tools and creations and structures would be easy to find, as ours will still be many millennia after we are gone.
There are no such traces because there were no such advanced civilizations. Away with ye, conspiracy nut.
hyperfoxeye t1_ix3md2n wrote
They also got the salt water crocodiles, the biggest and most aggressive of the gators and crocs. You swim in cool rivers like that and end up as croc food
Waste-Bag-5566 t1_ix3msnj wrote
Thanks for the knowledge brother I’ll look into the “Karijini national park” and further educate myself on the region
lapants t1_ix3mwx0 wrote
One showed up further down in this thread
MangoCats t1_ix3p72z wrote
When you cut up mt Augusta into 8 billion souvenir rocks, it will no longer be larger than Uluru...
MangoCats t1_ix3pbuz wrote
Amazon delivers...
LimpBizkitSkankBoy t1_ix3pc2y wrote
Wow that guy is batshit
getcrazykid t1_ix3pglc wrote
What a read down there..
chacotoday t1_ix3phvq wrote
these fractal patterns are everywhere. the same pattern can be seen from aerial views of snow, on leaves, snowflakes and crystals, rivers, etc. they're almost universal a characteristic of nature. of course the conspiracy theory minded latch onto anything, even common natural phenomena, to push their insane narratives
pielz t1_ix3ptvs wrote
Jesus dude. These people amaze me. Like obviously actual knowledge and understanding is beyond their grasp so they feel special and smart by parroting these weird conspiracies that every now and then will make some other stupid person go "woah holy shit you're right" and they get that dopamine hit and feel like they mean something. It's sad.
If only they could see how much it reveals about how little they actually understand haha
TheDominantBullfrog t1_ix3r9xs wrote
So I'm not a plasma scarring.. guy or whatever that fella is, but there's absolutely megalithic structures remaining all over the world with zero explanation as to how they got there with varieties of dating methods putting a lot of doubt into how stone age peoples would have made them edit: anyone want to actually tell me why I'm wrong
ROX_Genghis t1_ix3s07e wrote
I'm seeing the vegetation growing in the drainage channels and only the drainage channels. Even dry channels capture some water during a rain and retain some moisture afterwards. So it's simply water that the plants crave (not Gatorade). I don't think N,P, or K play any significant role in vegetation distribution here.
ultralightdude t1_ix3s5bz wrote
I can hear Sir David Attenbourough in my head saying something along the lines of... "across the desolate region, there are veins of life that sprout up almost automatically.... because where there is water, there is life." (Cue inspirational music)
greennick t1_ix3sfv2 wrote
Where is the evidence there was some previous civilisation wiped out by electrical blasts from the sun?
Kim_Josh_Un t1_ix3t7o7 wrote
Can someone explain this? I’d have thought the other way around, as in the river bank wall opened and little bits of water kept flowing down paths of least resistance, creating the fractal pattern. But you’re saying that it’s the opposite? It starts at the branches (where are those sources of water?) and they join up into bigger and bigger highways before leading to the main river?
pielz t1_ix3tlgm wrote
And there's the melted structures conspiracy as well. Have you seen that? Lol!
FungChoyChicken t1_ix3u8gt wrote
Rainbow serpent.
DrSword t1_ix3vq4b wrote
thats exactly what happens and its all just following the terrain to the lowest elevation (the sea)
Minerva_Moon t1_ix3wxy6 wrote
Please stop watching Ancient Alien. The History Channel really fucked up an entire generation.
TheDominantBullfrog t1_ix3xdzg wrote
That's seems like an extremely reductive response to what I said. Is there a current explanation for the ability of stone age peoples to move megalithic stones in such precise manner? Literally my only claim is that the lack of explanation for this indicates that there are aspects of our history that is either misunderstood, misrepresented, or not understood at all.
Yes, I know, rolling logs, walking the heads, there's theoretical or more solid explanations for much of it! But to act like I'm some brain dead pop culture idiot for wondering how people who supposedly barely had use of tools lifted stones weighing many many tons into precise shapes seems weird to me.
bantha-food t1_ix3xjke wrote
The source of water is rain
Agent_023 t1_ix410ly wrote
Ok I'm feeling like rabbit hole diving, go on please..
[deleted] t1_ix44eu6 wrote
[deleted] t1_ix44xk6 wrote
Quetzalbroatlus t1_ix45hn9 wrote
You know other religions are still polytheistic, right? And even in Europe polytheism prominently continued until less than 2 thousand years ago. Why don't astronomers from the Roman Empire mention Saturn and Jupiter hanging out in our atmosphere?
Quetzalbroatlus t1_ix45qop wrote
It looks like the water is flowing out of the river. How is this possible?
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix46uca wrote
Their ruins still dot the earth. And especially in Egypt, there's granite and diorite with electrical scarring where the crystal matrix melted.
zoinked23 t1_ix47czq wrote
dude just post one link/source if you want to be taken seriously
SleepyBeast89 t1_ix48os5 wrote
I love that patterns we see in the universe and on the earth are found in our bodies
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix490ol wrote
They look the same because they are the same result of math/physics. Both plasma and electricity follow physics and the path of least resistance. That’s why neurons in the brain and galaxy clusters in space look identical, it’s the same reason why the spiral of a sunflower and the spiral of a galaxy are the same. Physics.
similar, if galaxies in space look like neuron clusters, what if all the galaxies in space ARE neurons, but for a giant brain the size of the universe? What if the universe IS a brain, and galaxy clusters are neurons?
If something like consciousness can be produced/received by the immense complexity of cells in the brain, what type of consciousness could be produced by a MORE complex system, as complex as the ENTIRE UNIVERSE? an infinitely intelligent/complex consciousness created by the interaction of all Matter in the universe. Essentially god
it’s all physics, water fractals look the same as energy fractals because everything is energy
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix498x4 wrote
it’s literally just physics and math. Everything interacts based on math/physics. it makes sense that the fractals of water look similar to fractals of electricity, given both are energy (all matter is energy)
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix49ahe wrote
rabbit holes! r/escapingprisonplanet
JayFork t1_ix4a0l0 wrote
Lotta slaves
YesNo_Maybe_ t1_ix4ayk9 wrote
It’s like the opposite of Dutch country
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4btpx wrote
That change occured during our Arcane Era. When the their region's more megalithic structures were originally built. It happened so long ago, the science telephoned into stories. The Clash of the Titans. All of the ancient religions tell these stories. Dragons, demons. These were how they described the patterns of the discharge. The Sumerians said Earth was actually half of a bigger planet. One of Jupiter's moons was pulled from orbit and slammed into Bahamut, Gaia. The lower half that survived became Earth. The Firmament. The Great Foundation. The other half settled between Mars amd Jupiter. They called it, The Hammered Bracelet and said the asteroids were full of gold. The other half eventually rounded back out, and now our planet is 79% water, with all of it's continents on one side. Falling off the edge of the world. The Egyptians tall of comit the believed was a servant of Ra. The book of the dead tells the story of how they watched a massive comit slam into the Earth. If you look at the area around Indonesia, you'll see that it's crater, and it even curves accounting Earth's rotation. There is a point on the other side planet, with it's trajectory lining up with an exit point. When the sun was discharging it was so bright you go blind if you looked at it. The story of Paul looking at God. From the head of Zeus, Jupiter Athena, Venus was born. Saturn and Jupiter were proto stars, but didnt ignite. One of them ejected mass. A planets sized comit of hydrogen. It passed close enough to our high oxygen rich atmosphere that it ignited. Earth flooded and Venus got a high pressure acid atmosphere. If you didn't know, Venus still has a faint comit tail. Mount Olympus: when Mars, Ares was blasted half the planets surface was either sent into space, some of which hit us, or was deposited on the other half of the planet. It's surface is covered in the same electrical scars. If you actually compare the images of riverbeds and high velocity electrical scars on a surface, you'll see the difference. Its been tested in a lab and is some to see. I could go on. There's sooo many stories about The Great Catastrophe, The Creation noted at the start of Genesis.
Agent_023 t1_ix4bwbk wrote
woah woah woah... so like some kind of modern day catharism?
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4c0q9 wrote
Plasma only takes on the physics of a liquid in a vacuum. Earth is obviously not a vacuum.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4c6yh wrote
If it looked the same that main river, wouldn't look different.
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4chn5 wrote
Everything you just said is factually incorrect. More than that, it's crazy.
ThizzKing t1_ix4d0ng wrote
Holy shit, thank you for this craziness
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4dhwj wrote
Factually there's evidence to back this up. Ive talked to engineers and plasma physicists about this, and they agree. There's a community of scientists that have spent decades researching this, to reshape and grow our understanding of how the universe works as an Electric Universe vs gravitational one. The Thunderbolts Project and Hidden Inca Tours will show you everything for you to see from scientists and historians.
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4eaql wrote
It's nonsense. It's based on nothing. Thornhill is a liar and a fraud. You've been duped. Go learn some basic physics.
Gwynnbleid3000 t1_ix4efz7 wrote
And massive whips. Massive. Whips.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4ek1t wrote
Sure and JFK was hit by a magic bullet.
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4eqms wrote
I posted you a link to a video earlier. Go watch that. You're embarrassing yourself.
MarkMoneyj27 t1_ix4f6r6 wrote
You know, you could just read how things work instead of believing in conspiracy. Science is about questioning everything, first, question if this could have been formed by drainage and go read about it.
MarkMoneyj27 t1_ix4fegr wrote
There are literally youtube videos where a single dude moves MASSIVE boulders with engineering(Math). Most people have an Ah hah moment where they double down or research, I hope you choose the latter.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4ghzc wrote
mbracing your own ignorance is scary. It's full of uncertainty. I don't blame you for not wanting to accept a new paradigm.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4glrr wrote
Embracing your own ignorance is scary. It's full of uncertainty. I don't blame you for not wanting to accept a new paradigm.
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4hhvb wrote
How scared of your own ignorance are you that you will ignore easily verifiable facts about physics in favour of an unprovable theory? You imagine massive lightning bolts from the sun, despite there being no evidence of them, not any sign of them since. You listen to a guy who doesn't understand how gravity works tell you that gravity isn't real.
Go look up some flat earth videos. That's you. That's what you sound like. New paradigm, what a joke. You don't even understand 'the old one'.
TuetchenR t1_ix4i5zk wrote
holy heck, that was a wild ride from the comments alone.
might even check out the youtub video this person says has the answers for a laugh
daikarasu t1_ix4iaa2 wrote
So that guy is definitely in a new age cult, no doubt about that.
daikarasu t1_ix4ijn5 wrote
> unless I'm missing something
No no, you're right, that guys just chugging the kool-aid. Don't let wild conspiracies make you doubt yourself
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4jfpd wrote
Everything comes down to relative charge. That's why electricity is more powerful than gravity. Gravity doesn't move at the speed of light either. It's not instantaneous. Yet, if the sun's orbit shifted, the affects would be immediate. You cant make a logical argument for gravity, because it's based entirely on hypothetical theory. You cant identify the matter of gravity. It's there, but you can't see it. Just believe. That sounds like a religion, not science. We can measure the electricity that's all around us. Everything has a charge and we exist in an electromagnetic field. The exists in one, that's the Heliosphere. And so on an so forth. That's a fractal. The same from the smallest to the largest, changing only in scale. Which we can predict and measure that electricity is in fact scalable. And that we can prove with anything that produces electricity.
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4kg2n wrote
Yes, I know the stupid bullshit Thornhill spreads. None of what you have just said is based in reality. It's factually incorrect.
You could only believe this if you were completely ignorant of basic high school science. So when you say stupid shit like 'scared of new paradigms' it's very embarrassing for you. Because there are 12-yr-olds who understand this. But you don't.
KingXiphos2947 t1_ix4l7cf wrote
Im making a logical argument you can't factually refute, so you're resorting to insults. I recognize when I've won a debate. I hope you have a wonderful day 😘
DomesticApe23 t1_ix4mkxh wrote
Mate your first two sentences = Electricity is more powerful than gravity because everything comes down to relative charge. That's what you said. That is not logic. It is straight up nonsense. "That's a fractal." No, it isn't. You don't know what a fractal is.
You're just saying nonsense. You don't even understand what you're saying. You may as well tell me the sun is stealing your thoughts.
UnAccomplished_Fox97 t1_ix4nedz wrote
> You all can look at the research that’s been done and then do your own from there if you like. YouTube The Thunderbolts Project.
YouTube is by no means a credible source. Unless you provide an actual article that has some semblance of coherence and credibility no one is going to take your claims seriously. Until then you’re either a crazy conspiracy theorist, a troll, or both.
ColdPorridge t1_ix4pqun wrote
The funny thing is that the fundamental observation that these are similar makes sense. Both currents follow the easiest paths to lower potential energy states. It turns out that looks pretty similar whether it’s electricity or water. I’m not sure how you take it to “rivers must have been formed by electricity” though.
Powder-Talis-1836 t1_ix4w9cd wrote
Burringurrah is actually a monocline, not a monolith.
Source: quick google searches including the differences between the two terms
HoboAJ t1_ix4wk13 wrote
There's a conspiracy behind this thinking??
HirvienderLopez t1_ix4wlp9 wrote
Alia-of-the-Badlands t1_ix4y4d3 wrote
It looks so similar to the human nervous system!! Nature is so freaking cool.
I guess the "path of least resistance" applies to everything. Electricity, water, biological processes, etc. Very intriguing!
Alia-of-the-Badlands t1_ix4yaxg wrote
LOL!! Definitely
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix4zkk9 wrote
no, go look at the rivers in northern Russia, there are vast networks of wavy fractals that look like the river. This pic doesn’t show it well
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix4zosi wrote
You’re completely missing my point. it’s physics either way
TheRealTP2016 t1_ix4zzzb wrote
r/glitch_in_the_matrix r/quantumimmortality r/thetruthishere r/pastlives r/reincarnation
noremac2414 t1_ix51m0t wrote
Fractals baby
SunMoonTruth t1_ix51rpn wrote
Sounds like you have an issue with the “issue”.
daikarasu t1_ix51trw wrote
> About 20,000 years ago, sun was discharging across the solar system. There are scars like that all over earth and various other places throughout our system. If you look at a surface that's been blasted by high velocity plasma, you'll see that the scarring is identical.
From one of their other comments. It's in that category of "ancient aliens" new age cult revisionist history. The rest of their statements fit that same view, including belief in ancient spacefuturistic human society.
It's all unsubstantiated fiction that plays off uncertainties within history and anthropology.
DrSmirnoffe t1_ix52b2l wrote
I wonder how long it'll take for the river to wear through that little strip. Whenever I see that kind of bend in the river, I can't help but think of oxbow lakes.
shifterphights t1_ix53j95 wrote
It’s so crazy to me that if we just stopped fucking it up this planet would grow like this and give us everything we need.
Alia-of-the-Badlands t1_ix598r8 wrote
sigh why are people like this? YouTube is not a quality source, people. Smh
Alia-of-the-Badlands t1_ix59cgi wrote
Haha! Perfect
Equivalent-Media2566 t1_ix5m1hm wrote
This is so strangely beautiful
Minerva_Moon t1_ix5pk2w wrote
And water! They added water to the sand to make it stones slide significantly easier.
octodrew t1_ix5qn7y wrote
Anomaly1134 t1_ix5u1s3 wrote
I think I found it on Google Earth Pro
King River
-15.562560° 128.111855°
FlounderOdd7234 t1_ix5ye8s wrote
Love the “ Long & Winding Roads( Beatles) seriously, like the bifurcated lines. Now direct or indirect approach?✨💯
FlounderOdd7234 t1_ix5ykb7 wrote
Love the beauty of the bifurcations, beautiful photo ✨
GeospatialJoe t1_ix60cnd wrote
Sexy Riparian
BaconFlavoredToast t1_ix60o4g wrote
Things need water to live
3rrr6 t1_ix63mgi wrote
How come you won't accept that it probably WASN'T electricity? Couldn't there be another possibility? Why do you care so much about these formations anyway? Could you not accept just remaining in the dark? Why didn't you Google it when you wondered about the answer? Did someone you trusted tell you about the electricity and you just blindly believed everything they said? Is this person in a field that studies geologic formations? Are the credited or published? Assuming that you are correct, what can someone do to study this electrical phenomenon? Seeing is believing right?
TheDominantBullfrog t1_ix64ej7 wrote
I'd love a link, I don't think I've made that choice you present in any way
Realistic-Being-1642 t1_ix66vfa wrote
As from above, so below.
will49 t1_ix6ekbc wrote
That's it! Dude, you rock.
Anomaly1134 t1_ix6mbto wrote
Speaking of rocks, my wife is a geologist and noticed the whiter colored soil, so we looked at a much larger range trying to find whiter colored areas. We found it almost instantly after honing in on that.
budweener t1_ix6zu79 wrote
Rivers are probably observed before electricity by mostly anyone. If anything, electricity would be formed by rivers. Which, I guess?
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kbp9 wrote
Absolutely 💯 so much to explore!
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kcye wrote
Haha that was the voice while photographing this!
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kdjn wrote
You’re welcome!
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7khh7 wrote
Up near Wyndham (-15.2337550, 128.2638539)
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kilv wrote
Incorrect Up near Wyndham (-15.2337550, 128.2638539)
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kk8n wrote
Thanks heaps!
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7klo7 wrote
Much further up mate Up near Wyndham (-15.2337550, 128.2638539)
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kntn wrote
Look up Kununurra and Wyndham.
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7kq8m wrote
The oceans tide. Up near Wyndham (-15.2337550, 128.2638539)
VLWphotography OP t1_ix7ks6o wrote
Is that near Wyndham? (-15.2337550, 128.2638539)
mowbuss t1_ix7uqwi wrote
Ah, I didnt realise the Kimberley was the whole northern area. I just thought it was the "kimberley national park" if thats even a thing haha. Pretty damn amazing country up there, not that ive been. My mum did some tour up there recently, with a helicopter taking them to a bunch of spots for picnics etc, and the tour operaters explaining all the indigenous land marks and cave paintings etc.
VLWphotography OP t1_ix82nhk wrote
This is on the coast
VLWphotography OP t1_ix82viw wrote
This is a tiny area called the East Kimberley! Wow your mum is lucky. I did this spot in the helicopter and also the Bungle Bungle Range which was mind blowing!
Nomicakes t1_ix85amz wrote
"East Kimberley" is on the coast? I'm Australian, so I know where Kimberley is. Close to which town?
mowbuss t1_ix9nq9e wrote
Its funny because i wasnt even looking there as i thought incorrectly that it would be named in relation to lake argyle. After a wikipedia to refresh my limited knowledge on lake argyle, its called Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley. Ive only been up to Uluru and Alice Springs as a kid with the family, but I do have fond memories. Think ill be planning a trip west with the wife and kid in the next few years.
mowbuss t1_ix9p559 wrote
Whilst looking wildly for the spot, i noticed the prince regent river, which runs abnormally straight along a fault line.
VLWphotography OP t1_ixlpsqg wrote
East Kimberley region is the very top right of Western Australia, Kununurrq, Kalumburu and Wyndham are there.
Nomicakes t1_ixlpwwk wrote
Ah, I see now. Thanks! I forgot the top of WA is a bit rounded and comes back south briefly.
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