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vortical42 OP t1_iw5pk7e wrote

A beautiful late October Day in New York. I actually have a lot more of these, but trying to find any without people is tricky.


irkthejerk t1_iw7h86e wrote

Def climb down on the rocks to get the best views /s. Watkins Glenn is Def gorgeous, one of my favorite places in NY.


WeBeShoopin t1_iw7k510 wrote

You're not supposed to! Stay on the trail!


irkthejerk t1_iw7k7w7 wrote

Clearly marked with /s


WeBeShoopin t1_iw7kny8 wrote

Oh my bad yeah. The way the text was broken up made me miss it. Mobile user. Last time we went there was a bunch of kids doing just that so cue my old man yelling at clouds comment.


irkthejerk t1_iw7ku1w wrote

No worries, it would be a death sentence to leave a lot of the trails in that park. You Def can also get gorgeous pictures from the trails which is awesome. Glad you got to see it


vortical42 OP t1_iw82r99 wrote

Heck, even on the trail the gorge is dangerous. Someone got clocked by a falling rock while I was there. Nothing life threatening, but enough to ruin your day.