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Chipotle42 t1_izcfued wrote

Beautiful photo!

Looks like a bad place to trip or slip - close to the edge of a pretty big drop (?)


stone-head OP t1_izcvwn4 wrote

This shot was handheld over the edge of a wall. There would have been room to go over the wall and shoot from below, which I might try next time. I don't think it's quite as dangerous as it looks.

Edit: I don't condone passing boundaries. As hankismoody pointed out, those are there for a reason.


HankIsMoody t1_izd3cmj wrote

Please do not step over walls or boundaries. I live near here. I have friends who do search and rescue. Do not make people risk their lives to save yours because you think "it's not as dangerous as it looks" many more experienced people have been hurt doing something safer.


stone-head OP t1_izdalmq wrote

You have a valid point. Sometimes my young and dumb brain allows intrusive thoughts like this to come out.


KillerFrenchFries t1_izeghen wrote

I can second the other guy. Also live near these parts. The cliffs are all made of clay and sandstone and can break away unexpectedly.


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