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autoposting_system t1_j0d33o4 wrote

You know what's fun is the "Garden of the Gods". There's a Garden of the Gods in Colorado, and a different one in I think Kansas or someplace, and there's probably several others.

The one in Colorado is unbelievably amazing and fantastic


kellysmistake t1_j0e9sxo wrote

Garden of the Gods is in Southern IL. It is a state supervised part of the Shawnee National Forest. Both places, CO and IL are really cool mountains and canyon areas but very different.


autoposting_system t1_j0eamlo wrote

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the one I'm thinking of. I kind of passed through that area of the country and went to one there, and then shortly thereafter I went to the one in Colorado.

Very, very different places. That one was nice too though