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outofTPagain t1_j2pyb6e wrote

Do you know the name of that purple flower? I feel like I recognize it from seeing it in the high sierras/California before but unsure if it's the same flower or what it's called.


travelling_tinker OP t1_j2pzz5k wrote

I might be completely off on this, but I believe it’s fireweed flowers. Someone will hopefully know for certain though..


Fezzin t1_j2q76bt wrote

Looks like fireweed. Usually the first thing to come back after a forest fire in these parts


Powerkey t1_j2qff33 wrote

Plant lookup says Dame's Rocket (Hesperis matronalis).


Freshiiiiii t1_j2tgsux wrote

Fireweed, which is actually more of a magenta-pink, but looks purple due to the shadows in this photo!