Submitted by OkLandscape4167 t3_102u3hg in EarthPorn
Rhudran t1_j2vbqdf wrote
"U wanna go, bro?"
sheisthebeesknees t1_j2vc0n4 wrote
That buttplug looks painful
meJohnnyD t1_j2vco4k wrote
Ah yes, one of the local dualing cacti
KamikazeBrand t1_j2vcwkj wrote
ckirby7 t1_j2veacf wrote
Fight me, tree!
Moojuice4 t1_j2vhce9 wrote
HamOwl t1_j2vjj59 wrote
Makin movies, makin songs and foitin round duh werld!
might-be-your-daddy t1_j2vjrth wrote
We'll be there this weekend! Look for the Lime Rush 4Runner TRD Pro.
rinseanddelete t1_j2vjzo2 wrote
Weird flex but okay
Tight_Stranger_5676 t1_j2vkogf wrote
That’s a Pokémon fr
AReallyAsianName t1_j2vldnq wrote
Wow, Pokemon Gen 10 leaks already?
Pirate_Green_Beard t1_j2vvxjt wrote
Looks more like a Digimon.
stecas t1_j2vw0te wrote
daniel_ionescu t1_j2vzd4s wrote
Is interesting
AstralLiving t1_j2vziay wrote
It looks like it just wants a hug
Deathcat101 t1_j2w1zqe wrote
I don't know much about body language... But I think this guy wants to throw hands.
lalalostlaur t1_j2w2cwp wrote
If I was a cactus, I think I’d want a hug too
durgadas t1_j2w3bkf wrote
Ah yes, The Schwarzenegger Saguaro
crankiestpancreas t1_j2w4c3r wrote
This cactus looks like the kind of enemy I’d sneak around in an open world rpg
Tjomek t1_j2w9ouv wrote
Anything can be a dildo if you are brave enough
Yel_Low_Red t1_j2wb6mx wrote
Really ugly. 😟
MewsTrainer t1_j2wev0i wrote
Damn that things probably 150 years old
Ayece_ t1_j2wewt6 wrote
This cactus eats children
MewsTrainer t1_j2wf0j1 wrote
I say this because saguaros don’t start growing arms until they’re 60-70 years old, with how long these arms are and how many it has it has to be incredibly old even for its species
[deleted] t1_j2wfzax wrote
Cacturne -> Cacthulu
DripTrip747 t1_j2wifc9 wrote
Man.... I miss Arizona.
Slurm818 t1_j2wm83x wrote
Come at me bro!
…as a cactus
coyote-1 t1_j2wpacw wrote
Someone showed that cactus a video of TAFKAP playing his ‘symbol’ guitar, and the cactus was inspired
Waughoo81 t1_j2wrvzc wrote
Beat me to it
odaeyss t1_j2wstmt wrote
Life is rough when you're always surrounded by pricks
Perpetually_isolated t1_j2wu69a wrote
I'm seeing a lot of joke posts, but on a serious note, how old is this cactus?
I heard they won't get the stereotypical 2 arms look until they are around 200 years old so this thing has to be ancient, right?
Alone-Flatworm1976 t1_j2wumu3 wrote
Anybody else seeing the tusks of an elephant?
adande67 t1_j2wxoa9 wrote
Oh ,look everyone . It's a tough guy .
kepleronlyknows t1_j2wxurd wrote
Branches start earlier than that, at 50 to 70 years. And max age seems to be around 200 years before they die.
RedPillNavigator t1_j2wzzcn wrote
Raid Boss of a Cactus!
jspr1000 t1_j2x0mpl wrote
The Whomping Saguaro!
creamieboi t1_j2x1ox9 wrote
Katat0n1c t1_j2x219c wrote
Finna square up
[deleted] t1_j2x2w5w wrote
toastibot t1_j2x4uo0 wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
Lentra888 t1_j2x6ai8 wrote
I thought it was a really angry Cactuar.
ArrowDel t1_j2x8i7e wrote
Looks like he's saying "come at me bro"
dr-sparkle t1_j2xa0f1 wrote
Mr Cactus is ready to throw down
greentr33s t1_j2xaqg6 wrote
Isn't it like a hundred years per arm or am I thinking of a different species?
MrImBoredAgain t1_j2xbgui wrote
This could also be r/mildlypenis
Mikey_Mike_1991 t1_j2xc8ei wrote
Come at me bro!
Christeenabean t1_j2xcah1 wrote
"Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough"
Gordon_Explosion t1_j2xdms2 wrote
Let's see if anyone gets this one:
mageta621 t1_j2xejpz wrote
You should see it when it starts getting turned on
demidaydream t1_j2xge6g wrote
There’s a saguaro called “The Michelin Man Cactus” in Cave Creek Regional Park near Phoenix. It looks even cooler than this one. Nature is awesome.
soapboxduo t1_j2xhejt wrote
gsknightrider t1_j2xjt3p wrote
Bruh look like he boutta throw hands
[deleted] t1_j2xkgz7 wrote
419-68-haha t1_j2xnq2d wrote
He didn’t have to flex this hard on us
PitifulOcean t1_j2xo13f wrote
You fool - no man can kill me!
annoianoid t1_j2xr34k wrote
Is the word 'ornery'?
novamber t1_j2xw4hh wrote
The cactus equivalent of that jacked up kangaroo in Aus
turdballer69 t1_j2xw9a0 wrote
I think people generally say it’s takes them 100 years to grow an arm, not per arm. But I do think it takes more like 60-70 years like mentioned above
patio_puss t1_j2xxo5v wrote
He looks angry! 😅
SlapDatRPG t1_j2y1h2o wrote
"come at me bro"
AerialSnack t1_j2y2aj5 wrote
Glad I wasn't the only one that saw it
Rand0mW33b_ t1_j2y2bm2 wrote
I’m not gonna lie, but that cactus is tellin’ you to square up OP.
Suprachiasmatic_Adam t1_j2y2sdc wrote
Buff boy
[deleted] t1_j2y36ui wrote
OkGreen3017 t1_j2y7602 wrote
Bro is trying to post up💀
anguswalsh t1_j2y9r97 wrote
Dude doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.
amoral_ponder t1_j2ycfhn wrote
That's a nice cocktus
bluestar-1 t1_j2ye6xg wrote
It looks like its flexing
Challenging_Entropy t1_j2ye99z wrote
Boss fight
Perfect_Laugh_7792 t1_j2yef3l wrote
Ok you strong bro chill you gonna pop a thorn
BobaFettLived t1_j2yexx2 wrote
i’ll take “things i’d rather not stumble upon while tripping balls in the desert” for $800, alec
joviayi t1_j2ygnha wrote
arms until they’re 60-70 years old
TrusM3Dady t1_j2yhqat wrote
Pittedstee t1_j2yk1c1 wrote
Drunk pugilist cactus.
Dustinmuffs t1_j2ym40u wrote
Anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough!
TheFurryPetRock t1_j2ym9yp wrote
All it needs is a mustache and a little top hat!
Ambitious_Speech5336 t1_j2ympno wrote
HownottodoAnal t1_j2ynd8h wrote
Anything can be a dildo if ur brave enough
ExpressionAlarmed675 t1_j2yocww wrote
Hang on big guy rain is on the way, maybe too much?
Alarming-Cicada-6931 t1_j2yt017 wrote
would this cactus be a blood or a crip? because its clearly representing, perhaps a blood because it could make you bleed, perhaps a crip because it could cripple you... nature is confusing
Zomgirlxoxo t1_j2yzgeq wrote
Same. So underrated.
Zomgirlxoxo t1_j2yzh4y wrote
He just wants a hug.
RiverofWerds t1_j2z920r wrote
I feel like it wants to give me a hug...
[deleted] t1_j2ze6nv wrote
lonesurvivor112 t1_j2ze9pn wrote
Quite the cactus!
jhaxvile t1_j2zef49 wrote
Come ate me Bro!!
_wannabewolverine t1_j2zhht8 wrote
“This park isn’t big enough for the two of us partner”
kenzaidaa t1_j2zhqhb wrote
that’s doug dimmadome owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome
Tinamacht t1_j2zj90n wrote
Very interesting growth … normally upright. The park is a magical place. Thanks for sharing!
JamieMcFrick t1_j2zrog5 wrote
Thatd be sick pokemon. Like a cactus mammoth
Rocket-J-Squirrel t1_j2zrori wrote
Wooly Mammoth Unicorn. You see then in the desert. Usually after finding those weird little ground-level cacti.
Don3647 t1_j2zxf7l wrote
Looks Gnarly
DaddyCatALSO t1_j305k57 wrote
The tree of the cactus family
ThisIsMockingjay2020 t1_j30672d wrote
Same. It's been 32 years, but I miss its beauty and the feeling I got in the desert.
flickerflash t1_j306jit wrote
That suggestive shape of the cactus makes this almost literal Earthporn
Zomgirlxoxo t1_j309jhy wrote
Desert bloom is gorgeous. The desert when it snows? Even more beautiful.
PalpitationGeneral56 t1_j30c5zu wrote
Kinda looks like a Pokémon, not gunna lie.
gigaswardblade t1_j30dm4r wrote
Cactaur prime
[deleted] t1_j30gklz wrote
rustedsanity t1_j30ipcn wrote
Looks like a lot of us would go home if we could.
ThisIsMockingjay2020 t1_j30jlkw wrote
I did get to see it with a tiny amount of snow, but it melted quickly.
Zomgirlxoxo t1_j30q8hn wrote
It’s very random in Tucson. Won’t happen for years then one random day it will dump snow.
DripTrip747 t1_j312y9f wrote
Unfortunately I am home... And I hate it. Originally from NY. Spent 2 years in Arizona and 6-7 years in Florida and somehow ended up back where I started.
DripTrip747 t1_j3136oa wrote
That's where I was. Somehow ended up in the middle of 3 points out in the desert then ended up in the city. Spent 2 years out there and ended up back home... I swear it was a magical place. First time waking up and seeing my house surrounded by all types of animals I never knew existed was definitely a magical experience.
LetoIIGodEmperor t1_j31qf1n wrote
I wonder how much water is sequestered in this cactus
Zomgirlxoxo t1_j388jh1 wrote
Glad you loved it!
Material-Sky-8025 t1_j5sxpaa wrote
I’m down
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