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Br81 OP t1_j6d9oap wrote

"Mountain Majesty"

The majestic Canadian Rockies.

Gear: Nikon D850, Nikkor 14-24mm

Editing: Pano stitched together from about 12 shots, dodge/burn,

Exif: FG: 1/6 sec, ISO:100, F18

Sky: 1/200, ISO:100, F13




Khan_prod t1_j6e5g4o wrote

Wow this is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. One question on your settings here, why did you decide to shoot at F18 and F13? My assumption was that after a specific aperture (like around F8) you start losing sharpness but is that not the case or do I need to do some more research? Just curious if you have any insight


Br81 OP t1_j6eh13n wrote

Yah typically a lens’ sharpest focal point will be in the mid range. Lens’ generally loose sharpness if you open up the aperture to its max as well eg: F/2.8 is not as sharp as F/8. Every lens is a bit different though. The nikkor 14-24 lens I used here is pretty damn sharp from F/5 to F/18. I shot the foreground at F/18 bc I wanted to make sure everything was in focus. I was closer to the foreground than it appears bc it’s a large pano. I could have stopped down a bit more for the sky but the difference between F/8 and F/13 is negligible and I’m not worried about sharpness in the sky. I could also possibly use the sky for parts of the foreground if I get some movement due to wind.


oMalakai t1_j6egvex wrote

Beautiful shot. I would only recommend toning down the sharpening because it looks very grainy/odd in some places tho.


Br81 OP t1_j6ejkep wrote

Yah Reddit isn’t the best for viewing photos


redspidr t1_j6gln2b wrote

Excellent. Thanks for details on the shot. Got a follow from me.


Br81 OP t1_j6gp4vj wrote

Thank you 😊🙏🍻


blackberrycat t1_j6icz0d wrote

OP where exactly did you take this? Like, where would I go to visit this view? Thanks


GetRektJelly t1_j6gnth2 wrote

What do you mean by “Sky: 1/200, ISO:100, F13”? Did you shoot the sky on its own and combined it with the overall image?


Br81 OP t1_j6gq249 wrote

Yah, it’s about a 2x5 pano. 2 shots high, 5 wide for a total of 10 shots


GetRektJelly t1_j6h7c4p wrote

Woah that’s so cool. I’m still new to photography and this is fascinating stuff! I have to try this some day.