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imnotsoho t1_j5w2c75 wrote

Absolutely not true. Lots of little critters. Larger ones who come through looking for a meal. I went to Lower Antelope in the early 90s, went up the side canyon and surprised a Great Horned Owl at the end of the slot. Got within 20 feet of him sitting on shelf.


Iagospeare t1_j5wkf7f wrote

Flying animals will hang out there from time to time, but having been to dozens of slots I believe it's fair to say they don't "live there." I've seen tadpoles in a flooded one, a bat in a dry one, and birds in a few, but most of the time I just see a handful of the bugs that I see everywhere in Utah/Arizona.


imnotsoho t1_j5wv4ko wrote

Bugs are still animals, even ones that are only visible when you are right up to them.