Submitted by dasarpan007 t3_10hskmi in EarthPorn
introverted365 t1_j5a4s84 wrote
Very serene. What are those blue flowers?
HunAttila37 t1_j5a58xz wrote
Wow.I have looked at your profile. Your photos are awesome.
ahmadove t1_j5a8dqq wrote
/r/switzerlandisfake would absolutely love this
nightcrawleress t1_j5ajh06 wrote
The ones at the front? There's a lightning effect, they're actually white and, if my quick research are correct, are Renoncule à feuilles d'aconite (idk in english)
introverted365 t1_j5ak00j wrote
Oh I see! Thank you! :)
nightcrawleress t1_j5alb95 wrote
You're welcome!
MontagoDK t1_j5am5yr wrote
So i guess Moria is close by ?
HeadScrewedOnWrong t1_j5aq6z9 wrote
This is great
HeadScrewedOnWrong t1_j5aqa2u wrote
No. Mordor is back door
HeadScrewedOnWrong t1_j5aqclx wrote
MrARCO t1_j5arkzt wrote
Absolutely stunning
sarcasm_247 t1_j5as415 wrote
The yellow flowers 💛💛
SnowChickenFlake t1_j5atzbw wrote
Looks like a land that is unreal... like from a mythology
luugburz t1_j5av4vb wrote
literally looks like a setting for a high fantasy jrpg
Saugeen-Uwo t1_j5aw4o0 wrote
Xenoblade 4
[deleted] t1_j5aw6c7 wrote
jericho t1_j5awzdc wrote
Please leave your geek badge at the door and just get out.
(It’s a lord of the rings reference)
Quetzalbroatlus t1_j5b0xz3 wrote
They look similar and I'm sure the family is correct but the petal count is completely different
bozeke t1_j5b137f wrote
The fuck?
toastibot t1_j5b26jv wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
onemanmelee t1_j5b3f6s wrote
Damn. Looks straight out of a fantasy film. Great shot.
nightcrawleress t1_j5b3kuu wrote
Oh you're right! I thought about color and leaves shape and blindsided myself lol
[deleted] t1_j5b42h3 wrote
Oddly_Random5520 t1_j5b5cc3 wrote
Beautiful! This gave me goosebumps!
theShip_ t1_j5b5ifh wrote
Beautiful! That mountain looks like a giant tree stump!
[deleted] t1_j5b5nc4 wrote
presentmomentliving t1_j5b71q8 wrote
pend-bungley t1_j5b74bi wrote
What is the name of this specific area of the alps?
[deleted] t1_j5b763i wrote
Wuss999 t1_j5b882m wrote
WiseTree710 t1_j5b8tfy wrote
Oh ya that's hot
Midwestern_Childhood t1_j5ba2t4 wrote
Looks like Gondor before they built Minas Tirith.
jayjonas1996 t1_j5bb3j1 wrote
I just discovered this and I have questions They’re joking right?
Midwestern_Childhood t1_j5bbjtt wrote
This is a beautiful shot: the way it captures both the foreground and background is stunning. May I ask where in Switzerland this place is?
Marutar t1_j5bbssh wrote
Looks kind of like a gigantic tree stump.
Petrified remains of the World Tree?
Eaterofpies t1_j5bduys wrote
Does the alps look like this at this time or year?!?
RocMerc t1_j5bgflh wrote
Your profile is just incredible photos. You definitely have the eye for a gorgeous shot
braxy29 t1_j5bii3k wrote
absolutely not!
rehabonthego t1_j5bj3qt wrote
These things always start out as a joke. Then after a while people take it serious. Like the flat earth society and in some ways /r/birdsarentreal
-edit Forgot to include QAnon.
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5bj80n wrote
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5bj9qg wrote
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5bjbj8 wrote
No it is white now
ozgurktekin t1_j5bk957 wrote
[deleted] t1_j5bl21v wrote
reeker t1_j5bm3tb wrote
Why the fuck did people live anywhere else
YayGilly t1_j5bnnkb wrote
This is probably the prettiest pic I have seen in, well, ever. I LOVE this photo..
AntimatterPvP t1_j5bnwif wrote
As a kid this is where i thought mountain dew came from. This picture right here is what i imagined
[deleted] t1_j5bo63d wrote
pend-bungley t1_j5boynm wrote
CallingDoctorBear t1_j5bp4ej wrote
I also thought they might be alpine anemones/Pulsatille des alpes (Pulsatilla alpina). Do they generally have lower number of petals, or lose them together? I ask because there are many photos of them seemingly with similar and varying numbers of petals
ahmadove t1_j5bp7ln wrote
Lol yes it's satire
ahmadove t1_j5bpdb8 wrote
Don't know about flat earth, but I browse /r/birdsarentreal every now and then, they take the joke very very far sometimes, but I sincerely doubt anyone there doesn't know it's satire.
Quetzalbroatlus t1_j5bpwoq wrote
Those look incredibly close. I'd be willing to bet it's that species, or maybe one very closely related.
Mamaramaaa t1_j5bq9l5 wrote
Breathtaking, literally looks unreal
yrjooe t1_j5br95u wrote
thethunder92 t1_j5bs746 wrote
PeriwinkleBlueoh t1_j5bsow7 wrote
rehabonthego t1_j5bu36c wrote
Give it a few more years ;)
Im_A_Model t1_j5buijf wrote
That cliff has to have a name?
Slim97Shady t1_j5bv8tr wrote
indeed. the best I've seen on Reddit
Nigeltown55 t1_j5bxwcf wrote
Damn! Beautiful shot.
perf_test t1_j5c01e4 wrote
Silent princess
lifeofmikey1 t1_j5c0gqi wrote
so nice! such a majestic photo
oxfordcommaordeath t1_j5c0iae wrote
My literal first thought seeing this pic was 'that's real life??!'
oxfordcommaordeath t1_j5c0lne wrote
WholesomeLove280 t1_j5c0wts wrote
This is just O.M.G!!!!
VibraniumRhino t1_j5c2qqo wrote
GiveToOedipus t1_j5c3auu wrote
Looks like something straight out of middle-earth.
Jojo_Epic_YT t1_j5c470h wrote
For some reason I hear ^Ricolaaaaaa
RedditNibba22 t1_j5c4btp wrote
Reminds me of the Halo ring
Midwestern_Childhood t1_j5c4k2x wrote
Thank you! It's simply beautiful.
Nox_Dei t1_j5c5ha5 wrote
The birds work for the bourgeoisie.
kilroywashere- t1_j5c5oa7 wrote
Koda_20 t1_j5c6rhy wrote
Holy shit this guy's profile.. just wow. Incredible pics every time
ahmadove t1_j5c8d57 wrote
I study in switzerland, and believe me, I had that thought many times even though it's in front of my eyes.
acoretard t1_j5caaae wrote
I like it! Gotta ask tho, is this a stack of two different focus or stack of two different images (different locations)?
pharaohmaones t1_j5capo5 wrote
Be cool if someone carved a city into it.
Mister_Justin1 t1_j5cc1gv wrote
I lived in St. Gallen last semester... I got to hike this pass 3 times, once in the fall, once in the winter without snow, and once with snow. Each time stunning.
BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_j5cceqh wrote
Lord of rings was inspired by Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland.
Bitter-Twist-6013 t1_j5ccs1c wrote
Skeeboe t1_j5ce78q wrote
Holy shit, earth is beautiful.
oxfordcommaordeath t1_j5cekbt wrote
What does it smell like??
Lordborgman t1_j5cfjsa wrote
There is a reason I hate satire. The Colbert Report had a ton of people that lived near me that thought that was a very serious show.
I honestly feel satire causes more harm than good.
just_me_Moe t1_j5cfqi5 wrote
It's the saxer lücke, right? :)
HumanOrAlien t1_j5cg98o wrote
This pic reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle.
Ocelogical t1_j5chnst wrote
I feel like a very large and tall gothic-style castle belongs on the top.
almopo t1_j5cjwda wrote
Stunning! You mentioned this was around Alpenzell. Which hike in particular?
Uniqueusername5209 t1_j5clhw9 wrote
So… are they saying that Switzerland is so beautiful and surreal it seems fake? Like, how can something so otherworldly exist? The sidebar doesn’t clear anything up and I’m so confused!!
Due_Nobody_4836 t1_j5cn2y6 wrote
Wow this is gorgeous
Chr15py0696 t1_j5cnnj9 wrote
Something evil definitely lives in the top of that spire
boldgoer t1_j5co05a wrote
I always took it exactly as that, but people in on the joke don't like it spoiled the few times I've explained it in the group to people who didn't get it (including some Swiss).
Lol_Wut-3071 t1_j5coq1w wrote
That's a big tree
[deleted] t1_j5cpi24 wrote
sim1_1 t1_j5cplcu wrote
CalebImSoMetal t1_j5cpm0v wrote
Is there an uncanny valley for minecraft world or basebuilding posts? Like i look at this image and i’m like, “that’s amazing” but then i squint and im like “wait, is this a real picture or a zoomed out minecraft build?”.
[deleted] t1_j5cprm0 wrote
CagedRageOnThisPage t1_j5csi4n wrote
The composition of this shot is literal perfection
grumpycat92 t1_j5ctcpg wrote
I feel like I could find the purpose of life here
Parralyzed t1_j5cvd51 wrote
>There's a lightning effect, they're actually white
Oh no not this again
magnetic-butts t1_j5czdhx wrote
.... so beautiful.... thanks for sharing this!
ozzy_og_kush t1_j5d081l wrote
which Divine Tower is that? Doesn't look like Liurnia to me.
Quenllian t1_j5d2j17 wrote
"I saw Substance D growing. I saw death rising from the earth, from the ground itself, in one blue field, in stubbled color." - For some reason the first thing that came to mind, from A Scanner Darkly *sighs*
MontagoDK t1_j5d4spb wrote
Jesus.. he deleted his profile over this 😅
Do_You_Even_Repost t1_j5d69cy wrote
a photo only reddit would love
nightcrawleress t1_j5d77ga wrote
Nobody expects color theory!
gaga_gt t1_j5d78bf wrote
This is refreshing and breathtaking amazing pic
KickBassColonyDrop t1_j5d8cw9 wrote
Nice demon lord castle bro
whiskeypatt t1_j5d8xzg wrote
Lord of the rings land?
Razorfiend t1_j5d9rob wrote
I was about to say, those are clearly white, and then I remembered the dress.
Saracartwheels123 t1_j5da3py wrote
Super well balanced photos. You must love hiking a lot!
[deleted] t1_j5da8w2 wrote
swentso t1_j5dafut wrote
Feels so cold.
[deleted] t1_j5dagi4 wrote
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j5daic5 wrote
Photoshop is a helluva drug.
[deleted] t1_j5dapdn wrote
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j5darme wrote
Photoshop, amigo. It makes shit look good.
ShexyBaish6351 t1_j5datm5 wrote
That’s what Photoshop does. Makes shit look good.
[deleted] t1_j5daxtv wrote
[deleted] t1_j5db4sw wrote
CasaMofo t1_j5db8ct wrote
All birds aren't real? No, not a chance. Some birds aren't real? Absolutely possible/ probable. The tech exists now. Why not?
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5dp1pj wrote
Yes it is focus stacked for the flowers, same location but I failed a bit because it was so windy it was impossible to stack them
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5dp7tw wrote
u/ShexyBaish6351 if you don't know things stop talking nonesense please...If you can't see shadow and guess where the light is coming from time to delete your reddit account and go outdoors. Here is one of the raw files from that morning, now don't make another fool of yourself saying raw file can be manipulated
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5dpk7p wrote
Nothing is composite. The stupidity of some people is beyond amazing. You are taking your time to reply to every comment, 'the flower is from some other place, Light is coming from this flower is that blah blah..' yet you don't have the time to simply ask. Here is one of the raw files from that location.
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5dpqnj wrote
It was summer not that cold but windy like hell
[deleted] t1_j5ds2hh wrote
hotdogfever t1_j5dtgqi wrote
That raw photo is great, by the way. I didn’t doubt you personally, but I really like seeing the raw photo nonetheless. Makes it a lot more impressive for me.
ReasonablyBadass t1_j5dudbh wrote
How has no one turned that outcropping into a kickass castle yet?
themilkywayfarer t1_j5dufih wrote
Ya tryna say birds are real or sumthin bud?
ManWhoIsSus t1_j5dugnf wrote
Add r/Jharkhanddeniors
Suspicious-Factor466 t1_j5dwhmu wrote
Nah none of those satir shows had net negative effects. Fox on the other had, they suck.
Phadryn t1_j5dxtvi wrote
The rock spire is really cool... but be honest, you really just wanted an excuse to smell the wildflowers didn't you lol
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5e08qm wrote
That is totally fine. If people nicely ask that is totally fine but then there are these smarty pants replying every comments that I photoshopped the flowers from somewhere else.
dasarpan007 OP t1_j5e3omb wrote
Haha you caught me red handed
acoretard t1_j5ec3fa wrote
Thanks for the reply! It just looks so surreal and now I appreciate more your shot hahah. Also nice to see the raw too ngl. There's so many composition photos that are "fake" (and which is fine) so people might doubt.
[deleted] t1_j5edgh9 wrote
Nok-y t1_j5egtis wrote
Love it love it love it love it
Nok-y t1_j5egwe4 wrote
I think a lot of people in the sub are swiss
fibojoly t1_j5eko1c wrote
Delicious cheese too! :D
ThreeCheeseTeo t1_j5em0wc wrote
Yeah I'm tired of this flowers in the foreground, scenic mountainous background - style pictures. Whats your photo about? Where am I looking? The flowers are not that interesting to be the focal point (if so, frame them differently).
Imo go our there and do landscape photography, not this half assed shit. But we see nothing else here in the sub
ath007 t1_j5emkup wrote
This absolutely looks like a screenshot from r/horizon Zero dawn. Beautiful!
Aspen_Sage4 t1_j5eoyz6 wrote
Amazing contrast, beautiful wildflowers 😍
jericho t1_j5fhxvu wrote
Now I feel bad…. lol.
RemarkableNeck1313 t1_j5g26cc wrote
Ong that's the most beautiful thing I've seen yet today 😍 thanks for sharing!
Mountain_Jello7747 t1_j5gr1yb wrote
Unreal beauty
l\Looks amazing
[deleted] t1_j5hho50 wrote
Huntersmith_nef t1_j5jz3qf wrote
Lovely rock
AutoModerator t1_j5a4npj wrote
Hi dasarpan007! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
some visible land, that is not silhouetted
no human-made objects (roads, boats, buildings) visible
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