Thneed1 OP t1_j6kss5m wrote
Tough travelling up here at this time of year.
High of about -35C today. Sun is up for about 4.5 hours now. 69 degrees north latitude.
But MANY areas of Canada are absolutely beautiful, and very reachable at any time.
Captain_Naps t1_j6mar3e wrote
A fond memory of the early 80s was my sister's University of Tuktoyaktuk pullover.
Tuk U!
AutoModerator t1_j6kqlwc wrote
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Giggingurl t1_j6ldtnl wrote
What's a Pingo?
Thneed1 OP t1_j6le99a wrote
Giggingurl t1_j6ler2k wrote
Thank you!
pathofthebean t1_j6m3tm9 wrote
Penguin-flamingos, you don't see them?
SofiaLynn95 t1_j6ksjy8 wrote
That is a really nice picture. I should totally travel to Canada someday