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TheLesserWeeviI t1_j689hus wrote

As an Aussie, who the fuck downvoted this?


dragontattman t1_j6alzz5 wrote

Fellow Australian here, to try and shed some light on your query: I believe reddit has many users that we Aussies would refer to as "fucktards".

These people get offended when they see evidence that goes against something that they already had a preconceived idea about.

These people don't want to learn anything. They just want to be content that they are very clever, and can not be proven wrong on anything.

When a fucktard reddit user who believes that all of Australia is a desert with a rock in the middle, and a town with a bridge on the right , sees a comment that proves this is not the case, .....that really stings. Because for a split second before they downvote the comment, they allow the feeling of doubt to slip in. They are forced to ask themselves the question: " if I've been wrong about this, is there a chance that there are other things I could be wrong about?"

But then they downvote the comment, and feel better about themselves.

Just my opinion, and I could be wrong.