jamesftw OP t1_j9p2c8i wrote
Went out for what was predicted to be an amazing sunrise, only to find the clouds had moved in and completely covered the mountains. Stuck it out anyway and got a surprising pop of color just behind the infamous lone tree.
For more of my work check out my website or Instagram. I also just started a YouTube channel!
[deleted] t1_j9p3o6j wrote
Icy_Passenger2028 t1_j9p77dj wrote
artofarock t1_j9pmxdv wrote
I like it. Good thing you stayed
jamesftw OP t1_j9pv8xw wrote
Its dead unfortunately, or else I absolutely would
jamesftw OP t1_j9pv9pw wrote
Thank you!
isleyreust t1_j9q4l7k wrote
Love the mood in this image
[deleted] t1_j9qbhy6 wrote
toastibot t1_j9qn1ns wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
smithcolin t1_j9qp60f wrote
[deleted] t1_j9qrrzh wrote
Beautiful_Hotel6367 t1_j9qswuc wrote
What a great shot! Beautiful.
aBeaSTWiTHiNMe t1_j9r2pxp wrote
Hmmmm looks like a good place for a pipeline.
stikky t1_j9r4xwq wrote
The mountains where they meet Alberta in the Lower Mainland would just be my dream place to live (so long as I had good internet). I'm always in awe of the mountains and I'm fine with 0 to -20 temps so long as I have functioning central heating to retreat to.
BrewCrewKevin t1_j9r76la wrote
The thumbnail hit me with some confusing perspective, I thought it was a giant tree across the lake, the bottom being a reflection.
Something about the way the horizon splits the entire picture, and the tree is the only thing bridging it.
Nice shot!
llathrop01 t1_j9r7t5i wrote
Yes. How beautiful.
imaweebitweird t1_j9r9h7o wrote
Ah the mighty larch!
Got2Go t1_j9ra52o wrote
Used to be a set of twin trees until some kid in a life vest crashed a delorean into the other one back in the 50's
hersheymn t1_j9rbbs9 wrote
I absolutely love this. Great picture!
fknSamsquamptch t1_j9rgvuj wrote
For the record, Alberta has more than one tree. I can see at least... three in this photo, alone!
thisismydayjob_ t1_j9rgxle wrote
Heard there's an Advantage to being in Rural Alberta.
calilac t1_j9rj4cf wrote
imaweebitweird t1_j9rjh5g wrote
Thanks to that film i know how to Recognize different types of trees from quite a long way away
HIGHestKARATE t1_j9rlhj4 wrote
Ah, yes. We call it the Rural Alberta Advantage.
Pickerington t1_j9rlobp wrote
OkLeading1827 t1_j9rrxk3 wrote
This is surreal. Where are the other trees? One last tree standing.
free_airfreshener t1_j9ruqoi wrote
That's where you can find dark link
Cant_See_Me_00 t1_j9ryp34 wrote
mountaingrrl_8 t1_j9s11sq wrote
I'm so curious where this location is as the Rockies are a ways away from the Lower Mainland - one would say different sides of the province even. (Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are part of the Coastal Mountain Range, arguable one of the most beautiful places around).
thisismydayjob_ t1_j9s6f9j wrote
Brilliant! Seriously though, love them.
Son_of_Sardu t1_j9sbs7l wrote
Missed one
CharlotteLucasOP t1_j9sc4mb wrote
I’d be more impressed if it was a photo of a lone rat in Alberta, tbh.
stikky t1_j9scr71 wrote
oh I guess I should have said the area along the Trans-Canada. Not sure where this particular place is, could be much farther north too for all I know but there are many vistas along the road through Rogers Pass into Golden and around the Banff Area.
83franks t1_j9sebq2 wrote
Never gonna happen!
THIS_MSG_IS_A_LIE t1_j9smons wrote
don’t mind if I do
AutoModerator t1_j9p2301 wrote
Hi jamesftw! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
some visible land, that is not silhouetted
no human-made objects (roads, boats, buildings) visible
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