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thoreau_away_acct t1_j7lupqq wrote

You can hike to Ann Lake which is beautiful and has a magnificent view of the lower Curtis glacier. But beyond that it starts to get more technical, and not just hiking.


dirice87 t1_j7ock71 wrote

Would you rope in or bring trad gear? Or more of a scramble?


thoreau_away_acct t1_j7of0ae wrote

For Fisher Chimneys? Glacier travel (rope, harness, extraction gear) and to that end, prep for a few rappels on the way down. But the route can be climbed in trail runners/boots. Not sure any gear needs to be placed. We certainly haven't when climbing.


dirice87 t1_j7ofoja wrote

Dope! Lighter is best, we did Olympic but hauled so much gear we never used. Would like to do a car to car.


thoreau_away_acct t1_j7okutm wrote

Fast on Shuksan you can. Sulphide Glacier is much more direct. But Fisher Chimneys is aesthetically amazing and offers a dabble of everything PNW. Old growth and a glacier valley, an alpine lake, route finding and scrambling, then short but really impressive glacier and snow travel, before the summit block.

Both times we have bivied at the base of the Upper Curtis glacier. But the second time, it was like 3pm and we got there and were planning to camp and do the alpine start thing. But asked ourselves if we'd be better served just going for it?

We made it back to our bivy spot right as it really got dark (one party member (3 of us) just really went slow on the glacier, they were pretty beat).

But it was the most amazing way to do it. Nothing like an incredible high camp with the summit in the bag. And I'd carried a few beers up too so that was nice too..

Slept great that night even as crazy jabroni parties came next to and over our bivy at various points. So glad we weren't in that shit show. Had the summit to ourselves like 1.5hr before sundown. Was great