Submitted by VLWphotography t3_11e568r in EarthPorn
AnaArg86 t1_jacifue wrote
That's absolutely gorgeous. Bucket list it is.
GorditaPollo t1_jacmx36 wrote
Thatโs definitely the only good view in the Armadale/Helena valley area. Except bungedore maybe
[deleted] t1_jactcyh wrote
ArtDSellers t1_jacwnz3 wrote
This is a wonderful shot.
TheRealOsciban t1_jad36hq wrote
Any tips if I ever visit?
maya_dimasi t1_jad66qp wrote
Wow!! What time did you get there to catch a glimpse of this gorgeousness?
mtntrail t1_jad6x2i wrote
[deleted] t1_jad9fmz wrote
GallantGentleman t1_jad9rpf wrote
Aurora Australis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country, located in Perth, Australia? Stunningly beautiful.
alexfenlon2002 t1_jadawh0 wrote
SteamVR anyone?
toastibot t1_jadbr5q wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
Snarktoberfest t1_jadbwkk wrote
Everything is out to kill you.
[deleted] t1_jaddoaw wrote
Roland1232 t1_jade62w wrote
Come prepared for knifey-spoony contests.
Awesam t1_jadeamz wrote
[deleted] t1_jadebk5 wrote
YanaFrolova5vz1 t1_jadekx8 wrote
Beautiful shot!!
TheRealOsciban t1_jadepd5 wrote
Have you visited Western Australia?
[deleted] t1_jadh7of wrote
Vegetable-Praline-57 t1_jadhc0b wrote
At this time of year? In this part of Australia? Localized entirely south of Perth!?
Gabmiral t1_jadk7bb wrote
May I see it ?
otterglass t1_jadm1u6 wrote
Wow what a beautiful picture! Nicely done
Quetzalbroatlus t1_jadm73z wrote
brownhedgehog t1_jadmfet wrote
Apparently it could be seen in Dubbo, NSW last night. Crazy.
NorthboundLynx t1_jado2ts wrote
Haha indeed
Throwaway021614 t1_jadpxkm wrote
Thatโs what the Slytherine kids call Dumbledore behind his back
overtoke t1_jadqw2l wrote
add your photo the the gallery!
Hamsternoir t1_jadtq58 wrote
Yes it's in the photo op kindly took for us
juliazzz t1_jadtusy wrote
I'd love to see a real aurora one day.
[deleted] t1_jaduymb wrote
TerrorAlpaca t1_jaduzg1 wrote
Looks more like Steve.
[deleted] t1_jadv007 wrote
redredme t1_jadvdo4 wrote
Borealis as far south as NL in Europe at the moment. The sun let out a big fart ;)
fh3131 t1_jadx2cp wrote
So many questions, so few answers
CazRaX t1_jadx7it wrote
Huh, I thought the Ancestral Plane was in Africa?
y0m0tha t1_jadx7y7 wrote
See a footy match
IB4ULight t1_jadxc4n wrote
This is amazing!
[deleted] t1_jae0x3e wrote
Nomicakes t1_jae2pe3 wrote
Be nice to the people you meet. If someone's having a friendly chat with you, and suddenly they say something to you that feels like a minor insult, we guarantee it's not intended as such. We just like to take the piss out of each other.
AlwaysTravel t1_jae33tf wrote
That's amazing, That's the equivalent of seeing the Northern lights in Egypt
Phiandros t1_jae3fkg wrote
Is the Aurora Australis usually this pink? As opposed to more green. We had aurora borealis in south of sweden the past two nights. Primarily green with some pink at times.
ST3AM3D_HAMS t1_jae3sj2 wrote
Quetzal! The house is on fire!
Quetzalbroatlus t1_jae40ce wrote
No mother, it's just the southern lights
Appropriate_War5219 t1_jae551b wrote
Curious how that's possible. At ~32ยฐS, that's closer to the equator than Dallas.
[deleted] t1_jae603j wrote
thefaradayyy t1_jae674s wrote
Thanks for perfect wallpaper
FantasticGarlic t1_jae85pp wrote
Saw a lot of posts about how this happenedโthere was a solar storm several days ago that caused increased auroras being visible!
Source: Not an astronomer, just regurgitating information from some smart people
tablepennywad t1_jaebc2k wrote
It wont be that bright or colorful to the naked eye.
imprenatrablegas t1_jaedg4o wrote
Noache_pleasethnx t1_jaef7gm wrote
You're an odd fellow, but you steam a good ham.
GirlBrunette22 t1_jaeg3ax wrote
I wonder what percentage of people have seen the northern lights in real life
EarphoneTangler t1_jaei0qp wrote
Was this visible with the naked eye or just with camera?
WorfSucks t1_jaeifm3 wrote
Skinner! The house is on fire!
kaylawilly232 t1_jaeiigu wrote
Don do the same
[deleted] t1_jaej41s wrote
VLWphotography OP t1_jaejnbh wrote
Well it was at night, but yes, it was even seen to the north of Perth!!!
VLWphotography OP t1_jaejqrt wrote
It was seen north of Perth as well!!
VLWphotography OP t1_jaek03x wrote
We are primarily pink with green being the secondary colour!
VLWphotography OP t1_jaek3uo wrote
We saw beams and a slight pink hue with the naked eye ๐๐ฝ
kris533d t1_jaek6dk wrote
Make sure you do it in the right spot. Maybe you can see the colors in the right place, maybe not. I am not even sure. Yesterdayy I saw it here in Denmark. Looked like some grey clouds near the horizon. Only by making a 30 second exposure was I able to see any color and determine that it was in fact Aurora Borealis. 1/10
Charlatangle t1_jaekc63 wrote
Why are you talking about the Northern Lights? Are people in the Northern Hemisphere just pathologically incapable of thinking about the other half of the Earth.
kris533d t1_jaelgqu wrote
Not many, but I bet many have seen it and not know what it was. Most of the time, the northern lights aren't as colorful as this. Seen it in Denmark a couple of times and it honestly looked like a mix between the Milky Way (as seen from earth in an area with very little light pollution) and clouds. No color. Only by using my phone was I able to know that it was the real deal.
GirlBrunette22 t1_jaelm1l wrote
I am talking about this for the reason that this phenomenon seems magical to many people .. and sometimes I canโt even believe that such things exist on the planet earth .. I donโt speak for people who live in the northern hemisphere .. I speak in general .. for all people
Felwinter12 t1_jaemean wrote
I saw the Aurora borealis when I was five. I was on a road trip from Portland, my family lives nearby, to Alaska, where I lived at the time. I had just lived in Missouri, and there was a tornado while I was there, which made me paranoid about the sky turning green. We got to a hotel, and all of the adults just brushed it off when I said the sky was green, so I was the only one to see it, and I don't even remember.
[deleted] t1_jaenbov wrote
steelbeamsdankmemes t1_jaenijo wrote
Snow Leopard
[deleted] t1_jaeon7j wrote
loosebolts t1_jaepbbt wrote
You saw the Aurora Borealis rather than the Aurora Australis, but same phenomenon.
ColoradoCummins t1_jaeprl9 wrote
Not in this economy!
mdonaberger t1_jaepu65 wrote
Well VLWphotography, you're a strange fellow, but you take a good photo.
Aurora_Borealiz t1_jaeqkou wrote
HellBlazer_NQ t1_jaeqq8n wrote
I haven't updated my desktop background since 2019, so thank you!
Timmy12er t1_jaer2ft wrote
I'm currently visiting Queenstown, NZ and wasn't able to see it last night. It was cloudy, but maybe there was some other reason we couldn't see it (astronomy isn't my strong suit). Definitely disappointed.
CoronaMcFarm t1_jaerehi wrote
Must have been quite strong solar activity, also the Borealis was seen far south yesterday. The australis much be much rarer to get a glimpse of as the optimal area is probably at 70ยฐ south.
CouldDoWithaCoffee t1_jaerftx wrote
There's a Denmark in southern Western Australia. Beautiful part of the world.
iamamiwhoamiblue t1_jaerh30 wrote
Absolute impeccable beauty!
brownhedgehog t1_jaern9y wrote
Apparently it was. I know the Victorians were in fits because inland NSW could see it and they had nothing but clouds.
kris533d t1_jaers94 wrote
I already said that last bit of my comment... Anyway, never understood the need to differentiate between the two. They are both Aurora Polaris and look the same.
Edit: here is a picture someone in DK took yesterday. This is how it normally looks in Denmark. Not only the green color you typically see when you are directly underneath it.
Duff5OOO t1_jaes7pp wrote
They were referencing a Simpsons quote.
Duff5OOO t1_jaesfm4 wrote
Pretty common across the southern side of Australia.
We get darker skies which helps.
Duff5OOO t1_jaet58w wrote
Not that I care but go with aurora and you have both covered
Duff5OOO t1_jaetbcn wrote
Almost all the pics you see are nothing like what you can see with the naked eye. Need a long exposure to bring out any colour at all most of the time.
Duff5OOO t1_jaethqo wrote
Jump on Facebook and look for a NZ aurora group. You will find alerts and tips on seeing it.
luke1lea t1_jaeui2k wrote
The pink means that the sun tried to kill you extra hard, but good ole earth saved you again!
808morgan t1_jaeup0x wrote
New desktop, nice
Vegetable-Praline-57 t1_jaev2bl wrote
Itโs quite gorgeous, you are very talented!
light5speed t1_jaeva3p wrote
Wow. Speechless!
ThePeriodicPooper t1_jaevut1 wrote
soooo should we be worried?
GirlBrunette22 t1_jaevvu5 wrote
CoffeeBlakk91 t1_jaewcnp wrote
Bro, this is Wakanda.
bradloehr t1_jaex6bo wrote
Crazy geomagnetic storm in northern Canada right now too
gyarnar t1_jaexjw0 wrote
Spread a good vegemite?
trowzerss t1_jaexndo wrote
I thought that the aurora australis was different colours though, with a lot more pinks and purples like this shot, where the borealis is most often green?
BoredNLost t1_jaez96v wrote
If you mean Perth specifically, go to Rottnest Island and take a selfie with a Quokka. They're adorable little marsupials who have no natural predators so have no sense of fear.
mountains_or_hills t1_jaezo2d wrote
We came from Australia /r/outofaustralia
im_a_dr_not_ t1_jaf12c5 wrote
How long of an exposure was this?
el_DOOM t1_jaf35hk wrote
Ah yes I came here to say this. Look at the Steve in all of it's glory!
Greenedeyedgem17 t1_jaf44y9 wrote
Charlatangle t1_jaf46e9 wrote
Okay but this is a picture of the Southern lights. Southern.
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