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AutoModerator t1_j8a0w4u wrote

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Mysterious-Turnip997 t1_j8a44wr wrote

Like a magical painting. Wish that spring will arrive in the north soon too


struggleingwithnames t1_j8aq57q wrote

Love this photo but beginning of Februar is usually still in the midst of winter. Global warming and warmer weather obviously has an impact on that but I think you could have loads of snow within 2 weeks.


toastibot t1_j8b2cih wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.

> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.


Dhajj t1_j8bbolj wrote

Like a forest from a fantasy movie


JJMcA t1_j8bjv06 wrote


I mean, wo?


JackSpyder t1_j8bkqbh wrote

This makes me excited! Still a while to go but the lighter days, clocks forward soon, green on the horizon!


Fuchsei t1_j8bkz0o wrote

Bro, wir leben nicht im selben Deutschland.


codece t1_j8boxdc wrote

Beware, this path leads to a house made of cake and gingerbread


Vultoure t1_j8bpqxy wrote

Winter for Poland and France?


roy20050 t1_j8bqlqj wrote

Looks like little red riding hood could pop out at any moment. Beautiful.


Rook22Ti t1_j8br119 wrote

It probably shouldn't be since it's February.


eharper9 t1_j8byjfb wrote

Looks like a new real tree camo design


Omega59er t1_j8bz0z9 wrote

Gothic forest dreams like this are always welcome in my head rent free.


CapitanChicken t1_j8c04qc wrote

They said, it's in Germany

Edit: I figured this joke would flop, it was rather far fetched for anyone who doesn't know German. 'Wo' in German means where. So when they said "Wo?" I was... Being a smart-ass. I suppose I earned my down votes.


[deleted] t1_j8c3er7 wrote

god, I love Germany so much. breathtaking 🥹


Buck_Thorn t1_j8c3qgf wrote

Some will probably comment in appreciation that "it looks almost like a photograph!". Others, "it looks almost like a painting!".

Of course, they would both be right. Gorgeous any way you look at it!


nosoupforyou89 t1_j8c5t6a wrote

This is so beautiful 😍 I want to walk through this forest for a whole day ♥️♥️♥️


biergarten t1_j8c88a9 wrote

No, no, no! I rode IN a bike once, and I'll never go back!


Fhood797 t1_j8cd2dn wrote

this is stunning! which forest is it?


Dazzelator t1_j8cdj1y wrote

It still is Winter here in SW Germany. It's cold enough to have people scratch the ice of their cars in the morning. We've had some sun and clear skies over the last week, but temps are definitely wintery


mastdarmpirat t1_j8cfwna wrote

To all the people complaining about how early it is for spring, yes it would be very early, but this is just a glance of sun and a bit of warmth (5-8°C) which is quite common in February. Real spring in Germany generally starts in March


UsualMix9062 t1_j8cgsd1 wrote

I legit stopped scrolling and just stared at this for a few minutes. Its entrancing and beautiful.


malevolentheadturn t1_j8cj3qn wrote

According to meteorologists, March is going to give us one last kick in the balls. Another beast from the east is on the cards form north west Europe.


JonesTheBond t1_j8cn78c wrote

Thought this was /r/paths. Beautiful photo.


mayhemtime t1_j8cqxs8 wrote

Isn't this a Japanese cherry blossom though? They can flower all the way through the winter, I've seen some in Warsaw a while back too. Climate change is scary obviously and it was unsettling to see temperatures over 15 degrees in January but this particular thing might not be as concerning as you think.


flawlessqwe t1_j8cr84n wrote

DAMN bro tell us what camera did you use to capture this fairytale like image, because DAAAMN


WhuddaWhat t1_j8cubu2 wrote

Mind crating some up, sending it my way? I'll pay the transport and a little extra something for you.


CausedBrick4492 t1_j8cxbkk wrote

Is that a creature staring at you from behind the tree?


Nagsar_Inaste t1_j8cy4nz wrote

Wer glaubt, dass das zeigt, dass der Frühling jetzt anfängt, hat wohl noch nie einen immergrünen Baum gesehen. Das ist ne schöne Stelle im Wald, aber wenn kein Schnee liegt, sieht es da wahrscheinlich das ganze Jahr so aus.


Nagsar_Inaste t1_j8cyb6p wrote

Hast du in deinem Leben noch keinen Nadelbaum gesehen? Wenn du das Bild richtig anguckst, siehst du, dass da auch nur Nadelbäume grün sind. Die Laubbäume die man sieht, haben noch nicht Mal Knospen.


YourJr t1_j8d4fmh wrote

Ich bin super verwirrt von deinem comment. Ja, ich habe Nadelbäume gesehen. Mit trees meinte ich obviously die Laubbäume, weil Nadelbäume eh grün sind. Von daher widersprichst du mir nicht, sondern stimmst mir zu.


ungracefulmf t1_j8d4fsb wrote

Maybe they meant that this picture was taken at a time when spring was making its way into S Germany.


ShitJustGotRealAgain t1_j8d55js wrote

Ich hab mal den Gedanken gelesen, dass wenn man im Ruhrgebiet wohnt, das Ästhetische Empfinden das Stockholm Syndrom bekommt. Man merkt gar nicht mehr wie hässlich es dort I ist. Man merkt das erst wieder wenn man mal eine richtig schöne Landschaft sieht und wieder nach Hause kommt. Oder überhaupt irgendeine Landschaft gesehen hat.

Das fand ich sehr treffend und ich fühlte mich ertappt. Das sage ich als jemand der mal im bzw am Rand des Ruhrgebiets gelebt hat.


mashuto t1_j8d5dcd wrote

Why? It doesn't look like there are any actual signs of spring in the photo. All the green looks like it's coming from moss or pine trees (which keep their needles through winter). The rest of the trees either only have dead brown leaves on them or none at all. The rest of the effect is just from warm light and/or processing.

I'm not saying global warming is fake and not to be worried or sad about it. But this photo and title seem misleading.


DaFugYouSay t1_j8d5rnk wrote

I will eat my hat if that is a current picture of Germany. They're even further north than we are here in Michigan or at least large parts of them are, and there is no spring here in Michigan because it's February.


msixtwofive t1_j8d7ske wrote

Such a great edit. Really captures the feeling of being in the woods at this time of day.


Caver95 t1_j8d8hdu wrote

That’s amazing and looks like a painting


SuperDamian t1_j8db800 wrote

Hey, where exactly is this, so I can wvisit exactly this place on my next camping vacation? I am regularly in the south of Germany


travel_ali t1_j8dcsrw wrote

It could well be. All that it shows is that the leaves are dead on a few trees. It could be taken any time from October to April.

Also latitude isn't always the best comparison. You can be further north and have milder conditions thanks to things like the gulf stream.


Obliver27 t1_j8dcvko wrote

Bro half the photos in this sub are unreal in how good they are. I keep changing my phone’s wallpaper every 5 days cos THEY ARE SO GOOD


oohorusoo t1_j8dtejn wrote

i discovered the first spring crocuses today showing some purple at lake constance


Oden_son t1_j8dwh7o wrote

I guess I'm dumb but I had no idea parts of Germany would be green in February


bannersmom t1_j8dxput wrote

Lizard brain says this too pretty for photo; must be painting


ShitJustGotRealAgain t1_j8dyhm5 wrote

I used to shoot only analog for the last couple of years and (re-) started shooting digital. The whole concept of editing photos feels like cheating to me. The most I ever edited my scans was cropping them at best.

Toying around in lightroom makes me feel like Dr Evil.


Moftem t1_j8eajvm wrote

I you squint, you can almost see Varus' lost legions.


C-haoticN-eutral t1_j8grvwi wrote

Careful mate, I’ve heard nothing but horror fairytale stories from German forests