Submitted by landscapeluke t3_113j84h in EarthPorn
landscapeluke OP t1_j8qj4nh wrote
Context: There was SO MUCH traffic when we entered the park, so I had very high expectations of how the rainforest was going to look. In the past, I never felt like I was good at compositions in the forest and I was rather nervous. When we arrived inside the park, there were a lot more evergreens than I anticipated. I thought the entire forest was going to look like a bog since that’s what I saw on social media. Overall, I wish I could have spent more time to find more compositions. I feel like editing a photo containing tall trees while on ground level is incredibly difficult. The extraneous leaves and branches always make the picture look messy and it is hard to frame. I usually like to have a clear subject in my photos, but with a lot going on, it's difficult to differentiate what the actual subject is. I tried to lead the viewer's eye into the frame using the bark since there is a lot going on with the leaves and branches.
I’m starting to post again! If you like my work, please consider following me on IG!
Settings: Canon EOS R, 15mm, 1/60 sec, ISO 400, handheld.
artwarrior t1_j8rdqn5 wrote
Watch the Pedro Pascal movie Prospect. It uses this area as an alien world. Some great scenery chewing moments. Beautiful !
[deleted] t1_j8ren9j wrote
Foreign-Influence223 t1_j8rijzx wrote
Misleading name it didn't rain once when I was their either
Spanky_McJiggles t1_j8rny4k wrote
Thanks for letting us know
toastibot t1_j8rsoa5 wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
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Maplelongjohn t1_j8rv5yt wrote
Nice shot.
It is so difficult to convey the beauty of the Hoh in a pic...
As for over use, I grew up on the OP back in the 90s and visited often... I was out there In 5/'18 and back 5/20 it seemed like a herd of elephants had moved in between those visits....
Like grossly trampled off trail evidence everywhere, litter up a thousand percent....
CHANROBI t1_j8ry15r wrote
All fun and games till you live there and dont see the sun for 90 days straight
[deleted] t1_j8ryo0u wrote
musicbro t1_j8rzj1p wrote
Looks like a magic the gathering card. Nice shot!
[deleted] t1_j8s03ma wrote
AarynJayde t1_j8s0zko wrote
SOS, bring vitamin d and maybe some Hot Hands
philipito t1_j8s3ket wrote
Personally I love it. You just save up all of your indoor projects for Winter. During summertime, we have super long sunny days. So that's the trade off.
philipito t1_j8s3pyi wrote
We have two seasons: wet and dry. Looks like you came during the dry season.
philipito t1_j8s3zdk wrote
The Quinault Rainforest is less traveled, and I personally think it's more beautiful than the Hoh.
HarryHacker42 t1_j8s6ufc wrote
Looks like Spokane WA.
[deleted] t1_j8s72l7 wrote
Aert_is_Life t1_j8s7icz wrote
Yep. I gave up the beauty for sunshine, Phoenix is great this time of year.
alltheketoladies t1_j8s7wue wrote
I totally agree! The size of the trees is breathtaking too.
philipito t1_j8s835t wrote
Those sitkas are girthy AF.
pineappledumdum t1_j8s88lq wrote
This looks hours away west of Spokane. Spokane is MUCH drier than this.
hamper10 t1_j8s8nm6 wrote
rain forests vs jungle. you're looking for jungle. Puerto Rico has the only tropical rain forest within the US. It also meets the criteria for being called a jungle
Breadzoner t1_j8s9ovv wrote
Tropical vs. Temperate. The Hoh is a Temparate rainforest.
hamper10 t1_j8scw1t wrote
no idea there were different rain forests dope.
nonsensestuff t1_j8sdiwr wrote
It's Hoh Rainforest near Forks, WA.
HarryHacker42 t1_j8sflhe wrote
>Forks Yeah!
anotherguiltymom t1_j8sgap9 wrote
Oh my backyard
[deleted] t1_j8si6nf wrote
I love planet earth
Subject_Damage_3627 t1_j8sirgj wrote
I remember being there, felt like I was walking through endor from starwars
cuppuhdirt t1_j8siv14 wrote
My brother in christ Spokane is a desert
JohnDeere t1_j8sknxs wrote
Phoenix is also a literal hell for half the year, ill take the grey.
Aert_is_Life t1_j8slk6k wrote
I can't do the grey, depression was winning
Aert_is_Life t1_j8sluee wrote
Just like you learn to live inside during the winter up there we live inside during the summer down here. The rest of the time just being in shade with a fan is pretty comfortable
JohnDeere t1_j8snav8 wrote
I lived in Phoenix for years, its not just summer. Half the year is above 90 most years and the water is running out. I can put on a raincoat and go about my day in the north, I cant do that in 115. I applaud anyone who can still handle it but the the idea its really nice in Phoenix 3/4 of the year and only bad in summer has not been true for a loooong time.
Aert_is_Life t1_j8sorl0 wrote
We each have our own needs. The grey and cold was slowly killing me. No matter what I did or how many layers I put on I was cold and my body hurt. I will take the heat thank you
Ollemeister_ t1_j8ss1jp wrote
I suppose that's because of clouds?
FloridaMortyC137 t1_j8ssd68 wrote
My favorite (so far)! ❤️ 😍
deserthominid t1_j8swv0o wrote
Just did a Quinault hammock camp with my buddy last week. It was chilly and drizzly but beautiful as always.
CHANROBI t1_j8tado7 wrote
Nope not doing shit indoors in the winter, that makes it worse. I actually try harder to be outdoors during those times
ussdefiantguy t1_j8tch0o wrote
Bigfoot country.
philipito t1_j8tcqvi wrote
To each their own. Not everyone can handle the winters here, and that's fine.
Rectal_Custard t1_j8td52d wrote
I never knew there were rainforest in the USA
Dalton387 t1_j8tn5ob wrote
That looks like somewhere that you’d have to worry about compys.
AtmosphereBlue t1_j8tndfb wrote
I just got back from the forests of the Tillamook after dropping off the kid at school. I was the only one up there and got stuck around 3 miles in a several times. Got home for a nap before noon. It's not that hard nor does it take much time to do and I never was ant type of outdoors man. Pics from this morning. I'm the only one in that part of the Tillamook, I very rarely see anyone else. That before you know it I'm back at work in the fab. Crazy going from an artificial tech environment of the a fab to the natural forest in just 25 minutes.
[deleted] t1_j8u3a4s wrote
Hrnyta t1_j8u839s wrote
Good lord I'd love to stand beneath these trees and breathe in that fresh air.
tuskvarner t1_j8u9zf3 wrote
The water is running out but they’re building that microchip plant up near 17 & the 101 loop that is supposed to use something like 1 million gallons per day.
Foreign-Influence223 t1_j8v27rz wrote
It was a joke phil
Foreign-Influence223 t1_j8v2mr0 wrote
landscapeluke OP t1_j8viaz1 wrote
Thank you. I agree, it's pretty sad to see that not everyone respects the national parks.
landscapeluke OP t1_j8vidbx wrote
The Quinault Rainforest was also amazing! Did you manage to visit the waterfalls there?
landscapeluke OP t1_j8vij5c wrote
Thank you!
philipito t1_j8vixdv wrote
Which ones? There are waterfalls all throughout the trail. There are some tall waterfalls in Enchanted Valley that are quite a sight.
landscapeluke OP t1_j8vjs7p wrote
The most memorable was called Cascade Falls. I think there's another waterfall with the same name so I got confused when I was looking for it haha. I also visited Merriman Falls and a few others... I need to go through my photos once more
why_is_it_blue t1_j8wahim wrote
The Amazon of the US
redstrawberrypie t1_j8xq7wt wrote
Super awesome shot of a gorgeous rainforest
landscapeluke OP t1_j8y4o3m wrote
Thank you!
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