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lissybeau t1_j8v7ozb wrote

Kapalua? I miss living there 🏝


crankyape1534 OP t1_j8votgr wrote

Yeah me too. This is kapalua area. I just moved from Maui 5 months ago.


MisterBinks t1_j8wfajn wrote

I’m sorry for your loss.


enjoytheshow t1_j8x84a7 wrote

Seriously that’s one of the most depressing sentences I have ever read.

I know it’s expensive and unsustainable to live there for a lot of people but goddamn that just makes me sad


crankyape1534 OP t1_j8xcktb wrote

It is sad. After Covid it was too hard for me and my little family so we had to leave. Broke my heart.


poopapat320 t1_j8wv6rp wrote

I lived south side for a few years, but the west side always had the best sunsets.

Magical place, Maui is