Skittles_the_Unicorn t1_j9raqv4 wrote
Easy for you to say.
SouthofAkron t1_j9rdnzh wrote
Great pic - but save some letters for the other islands!
HairyWeisenheimmer t1_j9rhr89 wrote
Aerekasaurus t1_j9s5xlm wrote
Beautiful but seems like a pain to Google. How do dyslexic people get by in Scandinavian countries?
mikeesfp OP t1_j9tyrxg wrote
Icelandic location names are like a verbal obstacle course - if you can pronounce Eyjafjallajökull, you can pretty much say anything
mikeesfp OP t1_j9tz0ci wrote
>How do dyslexic people get by in Scandinavian countries?
With names like Kirkjubæjarklaustur, Höfn í Hornafirði, and Hafnarfjörður, even a non-dyslexic person might feel like they're reading a different language.
AutoModerator t1_j9r9gm2 wrote
Hi mikeesfp! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
some visible land, that is not silhouetted
no human-made objects (roads, boats, buildings) visible
no obvious people or animals visible
include location in post title
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