SoloExperiencer t1_j9xula2 wrote
Stars look very fake, but it's a very beautiful shot nonetheless, especially considering how tricky it is to pull off a wide shot with a bright moon in it. Great work!
wetforhouseplants t1_j9ybkjw wrote
😍 this is gorgeous
Individual-School418 t1_j9yli9k wrote
Wow, what a majestic place to observe the landscape.
cerreur t1_j9ymy7a wrote
Is OP the same person as this one?
holy-shot OP t1_j9ymzs2 wrote
cerreur t1_j9yn6p2 wrote
I saw your other posts indeed. I hate plagiarism, so had to ask.
holy-shot OP t1_j9ynca1 wrote
Thanks 👍
Opposite_Syrup_1987 t1_j9z2qcm wrote
Larry once found out what happens if you find a stranger there.
almarcTheSun t1_j9z3dd0 wrote
I'd love to add this place to my "Visit" list. Could you share where this is?
Amazing picture. Just.. fake stars.
sloan2001 t1_j9z50g3 wrote
toastibot t1_j9z7z1u wrote
Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.
> Hate Speech, Abusive remarks, homophobia, and the like have no place on this subreddit, and will be removed on sight.
> Please contribute to the discussion positively; constructive criticism is fine, but if you don't like a picture and you wish to voice your opinion please refrain from abusing the photographer/submitter.
Fiyanggu t1_j9z94t5 wrote
That’s where Hidden Valley Ranch is located.
BBQ_HaX0r t1_j9z9ll5 wrote
Whenever I see a pass like this I think of the Romans trying to prevent the barbarians from hording down from the mtns.
PapiSurane t1_j9zazsu wrote
To enter the forbidden pool bears the penalty of death.
WildlifePhysics t1_j9zchqi wrote
What time of year was this picture taken?
Very, very cool capture
CensoredUser t1_j9zh5fc wrote
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps, Larry
holy-shot OP t1_j9zo5h9 wrote
Thanks! Late summer, mid August.
itsmekirby t1_j9ztpp4 wrote
I think the star issue is due to using too much noise reduction which deletes the dim stars. They're clearly not fake since they have realistic long exposure trails.
SoloExperiencer t1_j9zu83b wrote
They don't have long exposure trails, because a) they don't, and b) the exposure is clearly not long enough for stars to have them. Also, I'm sure the OP could have defended that point themselves if they felt it was unfair. But that's the only gripe I have with this photograph, which is otherwise fantastic.
imGnarly t1_j9zvuq8 wrote
“Why do they call it moonlight valley?”
This pic:
itsmekirby t1_j9zwji7 wrote
Zoom in, they're there. I do night photography so I know what to look for. I'd guess 2-5 second exposure.
holy-shot OP t1_j9zwu0y wrote
Exposure time is 30 secs. At about 45mm focal length there are definitely trails. The stars are in the raw file, I just made each of them brighter with a brush.
Edit: no noise reduction applied
SeaOfDeadFaces t1_j9zzbgl wrote
I’d find a stranger in those Alps any day.
SoloExperiencer t1_ja015p7 wrote
Interesting, thanks for the explanation. Probably the brush was a bit of an overkill, because I said that they look fake, not that they are fake. And again, I love the photo otherwise.
EverybodyMeats t1_ja046jm wrote
This guy knows a thing or two about photo editing!
SoloExperiencer t1_ja054o1 wrote
I know a thing or two about photo editing myself. The most important thing being that it's highly subjective, and the lines between "right" and "wrong" are very often very blurred.
AdvancedFeeling t1_ja0627j wrote
This is like a real life version of some art that was posted to r/woahdude the other day.
donbozo t1_ja07xev wrote
How is the moon that bright?
Mac-Monkey t1_ja0960g wrote
Just mesmerisingly amazing.
romi742428 t1_ja09994 wrote
Cirque du fer à cheval in haute-savoie
VoloxReddit t1_ja0alsb wrote
Long exposure time. The camera was probably sitting there for a good while (edit: 30 secs according to OP) on a tripod or something.
AlllPerspectives t1_ja0geh5 wrote
No one in instagram will think they look bad is the truth.
yuyuch t1_ja0h1ae wrote
What's the name of this valley ?
[deleted] t1_ja0h90j wrote
obi21 t1_ja0jiut wrote
Did you warm up your white balance? That moonlight seems awfully warm, I thought it was a sunset at first.
Edit: I'll be damned, this led me to a little bit of research and it turns out it's just our monkey brains that make us see the moonlight as cool, in reality it's around 4000k (
Brownboysea t1_ja0lsxk wrote
KittensMeow666 t1_ja0tqe7 wrote
As Markapilere says; Oh thats so pretty, that's so cool.
ch-12 t1_ja13j7e wrote
Hah, I had the exact same first thought. Great shot and great art.
magi_rita t1_ja14y3j wrote
Wow 😍
HellenicViking t1_ja17lrn wrote
Do you have a higher quality version, like PNG or better?
thesaberlady t1_ja1aw4c wrote
Just absolutely perfect 🤩
NickNoraCharles t1_ja1c6dx wrote
Haunting. 💌
Iridalken65 t1_ja1cr4a wrote
BuyETHorDAI t1_ja1h1qk wrote
Or Carthage
AlmostButNotQuit t1_ja1k4dl wrote
Thanks for the edit! TIL, and that was really interesting
Astrosherpa t1_ja1ked4 wrote
Would love to see a version without the stars composited or added in there.
Astrosherpa t1_ja1lf6z wrote
Do you? I do as well. Stars are not uniform in brightness like this. Also, considering the field of view there should be significantly more and also significantly much more gradual falloff near the moon itself.
Astrosherpa t1_ja1lp0v wrote
Apologies for jumping on the calling you out bandwagon, but you definitely edited the stars to an unnatural star or straight up added them. I love the composition and landscape though. Would love to see a version without whatever is going on with the stars though.
Astrosherpa t1_ja1mfvt wrote
Definitely fake stars or hyper edited. Example of what real stars look like in a wide view of the sky over a valley.
Still like the shot, but would love to see the original or at least a version without uniform star brightness happening.
Sprinkle_Puff t1_ja1z3cf wrote
This is delightfully otherworldly
itsmekirby t1_ja24cst wrote
That's why I said noise reduction. Blow out the bright stars to uniformity and squash the dim stars out of existence. Just heavy handed post processing is all, not fakery. Nobody would fake slightly trailed stars 😂 this sub sometimes
Svenskensmat t1_ja2ordx wrote
The Alps are so friggin beautiful.
I recommend everyone to hike Tour du Mont Blanc, especially Europeans that can easily and cheaply fly to Geneva with a bus ride to Chamonix. It’s a very easy hike for big parts of the trail with some tougher sections, mostly due to longer distances between the refugees, but those aren’t very troublesome considering you don’t have to carry almost any kilos on your back. A camel back, some rain gear and a camp stove for lunch when needed (or you can just eat at the refugees) and you’re set
You sleep in refugees and get served dinner and breakfast (and sometimes you even get a lunch pack) and you pay on average 50€ a night for this. The whole route takes about 10 - 14 days depending on your tempo and it’s worth every single minute (and you can easily do sections of it if you want too, like Chamonix to Val Veni where you can take a bus back to Chamonix).
Everyone you meet will likely by super friendly and the people running the refugees are lovely.
Absolutely mesmerising views everywhere you look.
type7wings4-2 t1_ja32382 wrote
My brain said “Wowsa! Now that’s a valley!”
Cynical_Cinephile t1_ja3fasb wrote
Thanks for introducing me to this place. Now I have a new destination I have to visit this summer.
Beautiful photograph.
RougailSociss t1_ja3xntp wrote
Hey OP. Is that Sixt Fer a Cheval from le Bout du Monde or am I mistaking ? Great shot !
Astrosherpa t1_ja43rn7 wrote
The aspect ratio isn’t correct either. Simple copy paste from a previous creation. 🤦♂️ this sub indeed.
AutoModerator t1_j9xtyh8 wrote
Hi holy-shot! Dont worry, this message does not mean that your post is removed. This is a reminder to quickly check your post to make sure it doesnt break any of our rules. Human moderators check the following --
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