Submitted by 77Sage77 t3_11etc7c in Futurology
Submitted by 77Sage77 t3_11etc7c in Futurology
True AI, probably not. At first, our bodies and processors (brains) will be far more energy efficient. However, who knows where technology will go on that front.
I'm not remotely convinced that AI will surpass humans in any of those areas in the first place
AI will beat humans at anything that can be done virtually where there is sufficient training data or sensory feedback. Designing complex systems, programming software, predicting weather, and medical diagnostics. It will be some time before AI can complete with humans in the physical world. That requires advanced AI plus very advanced robotics. In the short term those tasks will have humans supported by AI. Example: AI may be able to support a surgeon using a robot to preform surgical procedures with greater accuracy.
Probably. Just like any system there are limits imposed on it by the nature of what it is. Some kinds of thinking might be better on silicon than on meat. Some kinds of thinking might only be possible on silicon. The reverse might also be true.
We won't know for sure until it's here.
I think we’ll probably always be better at finding things amusing, even if we’re not better at finding amusing things. They’ll know when a joke is amusing to humans, but I think what makes a joke is the movement from “not getting it or thinking it’s going one way” to suddenly, after the punch line, “getting it” and laughing. I get the feeling that AI will always either predict the punchline or not get the joke at all.
Atlas can do a backflip, I can't do a backflip
Being human, making mistakes, having feelings, caring, fighting, jealousy, and all the shit that makes us human.
Mechanically a backflip isn't a complicated compared to many other activities humans do. Repairing an engine, or installing electrical systems, painting and oil painting, playing the violin. When we have an AI controlled robot that can do all those things it will be safe to say AI has won. I'm not saying it isn't possible. It will just take time.
Humanity , kindness , empathy , clumsiness , bad luck , good luck ,
Lol are you 12?
That's interesting, why you think that way?
Robots can already play instruments, robots already build circuit boards, robots can already paint pictures.
Admittedly they need pre-programming, but general purpose AI is the solution to that problem, and we're very close
Edit. lol why downvote ?
robot building complex circuit boards (admittedly this is different to installing electronics in someones home, but on paper it's actually more complicated)
Art. Always. AI just feeds off ideas. Originality comes from the greatness of man.
Robots created and programmed to do a single task can do a basic version of these things. General intelligence and general capability is super hard. Even creating AI thank can do a specific task like drive a car in traffic has proven extremely difficult considering it is a fairly mundane task for a human.
The reason why I made this post was for an in general question. But also I’ve been heavily interested if there is ANYTHING at all humans are superior in
Imagination, Creativity, Comedy, Emotions and Experience. Personally I’m trying to become a comic artist and tell stories. I feel as if AI cannot tell a comprehensive story even in the future with proper philosophy, meaning, psychological, suspense, thrill, characterizations, foreshadowing. AI will no doubt beat humans in time, creating stories and art in seconds, grammar and wording a bonus too. However I believe even if it took a human much longer that their creation would have more impact
this is just one example of what I think humans will be superior in. I’m just confused on the topic in general. There must be more so we can have a place in the world. thanks friend
I agree. especially as a comic artist I aspire to be. AI of the future cannot replicate the depth we put in.
Ya I agree, but general purpose AI will allow them to compete with us, and holy shit we're closer than I thought we'd be in my lifetime
The real breakthrough is once AI can train new AI, then the growth is exponential and it's game over
A lot...maybe all art is influenced by other artists or ideas.
It is shocking the progress that has been made in just a few years. We are definitely about to enter a new technological age.
Ai will never surpass humans in finding dumb ways to die.
Sheer volume of intellectual work.
It takes tens of thousands of high-end compute-intensive servers to match the state change rate of an adult human brain.
If that's proportional to capacity for intellectual work, it would take low hundreds of trillions of servers to match the work capacity of the human race.
There aren't trillions of servers. There aren't even billions.
This is like people looking at the Wright Brothers and saying we'll never get to the moon. Less than eighty years later..
Of course AI will exceed every human capability. How can it not?
You will always be able to tell the difference between a human and an AI android because the human will be capable of acting irrationally.
Yeah, the energy efficiency one is very true for now. Our bodies are awful in many ways, but the brain runs on about 12 watts, which is incredible given the computations it performs.
Makin sweet sweet love. Not just bumping uglies but love man (at least for a while, eventually they will probably learn)
[deleted] t1_jafzfja wrote