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t1_jahtwhp wrote

The west does not care about those things either. Just look at oil extraction in the US or open-pit coal mines in Germany as examples.


t1_jahu1gq wrote

Evidently they do given that they are centralised in China


t1_jajcsn0 wrote

So your point is that Germany is fine destroying the environment on a large scale for almost worthless low-grade coal but does not want to do so for high-value rare earth.

If there were any known sources that are economical to exploit in Germany it would be done. Especially if that would reduce dependency on China. Similar story for the US.


t1_jajlexk wrote

You're comparing an apple to a car, one is the process of obtaining a resource whereas the other is a refining process, additionally one was essential at one point in history, has an industry backing it, and has the skills and base already to procure and complete all steps needed. You're comparing that to one which is centralised outside already which functions fully and due to the massive impact results in no reason (As we very clearly see) to move it away from said centralised location.

Can Europe and the US refine rare earth? yes, to imagine they couldn't would be rather idiotic. The main reason why this isn't done is due to ecological impactful reasons and thus remains the status quo.


t1_jaif3b1 wrote

Convinient cherry picking to say they don't care because of extracting vital materials, it similar faulty logic to blaming all emissions on Asia by pointing at China or India.

Look at the adoption rate for renewables in the rest of the western world, and current usage. France for example is ~70% nuclear, here in the UK we use a shit ton of wind power and some solar power.

That trend follows for pretty much all of Northern/Western Europe in their own unique ways, much like they have their own unique problems as well.


t1_jalac2z wrote

Too many people don't take nuanced approaches. It's not perfect but it is indeed improving


t1_jalz0hq wrote

Yes, generally these kind of excuses being used as propaganda.

But it is a dirty tactic. Using a good/naive aspect as a curtain to pragmatic goals.