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azuriasia t1_je6437x wrote

Governments' jobs are to serve the citizenry, not just the top 1%. This "improvement" will claim millions of careers while allowing the super rich to oppress the lower classes in a wah never before seen. If you're not already a multi millionaire, you're not in their club.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_je64hfr wrote

You drank way much kool aid, kid. You should take a break from social media.


azuriasia t1_je65llo wrote

You have your head buried in the sand. The economy needs a chance to brace for millions unemployed.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_je6648p wrote

Its your first time, innit? Ive heard that every decade since the 70s. A productive society is a society that can afford a lot of goods and services and thus improvements in productivity leads to higher employment, not less.


azuriasia t1_je66kf1 wrote

There has never been anything close to AI.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_je67b7b wrote

There had never been anything like the tractor, the computer, the internet...


azuriasia t1_je67mhy wrote

And none of them had the immediate job displacing potential that ai does.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_je688hj wrote

The fact that you dont still work 120 hours a week in a field says otherwise.


azuriasia t1_je68rcg wrote

People work more hours now than medieval peasants. Your analogy is laughably achronistic